So recently i have been having the worst luck in destiny 2 i have had around 7 exotic engrams since i started playing and in about 4 of them i have had tue exact same helmet skull of dire ahamkara. And now i cant even get legendary engrams at all. I get the same weapons from all the vendors amd they are 10 times worse than what i already have and no matter how well or bad i do in crucible i only get rares even if i'm lucky. I use the fireteam medalions with my friends but even when i do a heroic public event i only get tokens. I dont know what to do ive tried probably everything is there anything i can do you get better luck or at least raise my drop rate
Edited by Glaive Wielding Lunatic :3: 10/30/2017 7:08:58 PMBad luck XDDDDD I'm a first hand witness of your bad luck feels bad