originally posted in:The New Dojo
[b]"So not only are you being hunted, but you have no idea who's hunting you, how they might go about trying to kill you, all that shit. That sounds fuсKing wonderful."[/b]
"I'll second that."
[i]"Yeah, now mind your -blam!-in' business, will you? Thanks, princess." [/i]
"Princess?" [b]"Well, he's not wrong, Lycoris."[/b]
[i]"Really are royalty, huh? -blam!-in' purple bloods..." [/i]
[b]"She's not exactly royalty, but if you consider Aria the Queen of Omega, 'Princess' is perfectly fitting."[/b]
[i]"The -blam!- is Omega?" [/i]
[b]"Lawless criminal haven. Anarchists' paradise carved out of an asteroid.[/b] "Headquarters of the largest criminal empire in the Milky Way."
[i]"Kid are you -blam!-ing impaired? You just told that to a guy who's alias it literally Marshal." [/i]
"Dos it look like I care? There's a reason The Council and their ungodly-sized military leave it alone."
[i]"Do I look sane enough t'give a shit about what the Council leaves alone?" [/i]
"You make any attempt on her life and a couple million angry mercs'll be knocking on your doorstep. [i]And[/i] you'll be inciting galactic war. Her followers will assume you're either an agent of the Council or an agent of one of the major merc factions. All-out war would be inevitable."
[i]"And you think I'm sane enough to give a shit about any of that? I'm in good terms with 4 galactic armies, a PMC, and that Shadow Broker blue chick. Try me." [/i]
"Knowing Liara, she'll back up Aria over those dimwits on the Citadel. After that shit with Saren, then Shepard coming back and them telling the Galaxy's savior to fuсk off... They're not exactly on good terms."
[i]"Then -blam!- it, I still have several armies to get lost in." [/i]
"So does Aria. And I'm pretty sure she's banging Tevos, so that would create even more problems. Also... You have a few armies. She has two thirds of the Galaxy."
[i]"And I don't even need this galaxy, not body, nor the bullshit you're tryin' to send my way." [/i]
"I'm just telling you the possibilities. You do you, but don't be surprised if your head ends up on a pike. I'm not tryna start shit here. 4v2 is never good, especially when she doesn't even have all her gear. Just be warned... Aria is a powerful ally and a terrible enemy."
[i]"Right. Now y'all done interferin' with our shit?" [/i]