originally posted in:The New Dojo
"And this is why I say always keep at least one charm on you." [b][i]He says, shaking his head a bit as he stood[/i][/b]
"Ay. Always knew it'd come in handy." Gabe laughed, limping towards the dancers.
[b][i]He laughed a bit, sitting back a bit, eager to watch his friends attempt[/i][/b]
Gabe started talking to one of the girls that were dancing, showing off his Twisted ankle as it it were a trophy. She visibly gasped, placing her hand on his shoulder. They moved towards the bar.. And she got him a drink.
[b][i]Angelo debated about going over and ruining his fun, though he decided against it for now [/i][/b]
[spoiler]So.. End?[/spoiler]