We are a level 6 clan, we have had 100 members for several weeks but have recently decided to remove 20 inactive members and are looking for new players to join.
Our clan is open to all active players right now, so if you’re interested in joining, just do a search of our clan name. You can also message me personally if you’d like!
My PSN is AK-47shabazz
UPDATE: unfortunately we have filled our roster. There was such a demand, that we made even more openings and even filled those as well. I will post another thread when more room is needed.
Thank you to all new members!
Edited by AK47shabazz: 10/24/2017 8:57:37 PM10/24/17
I would like to join. 300+ warlock/hunter/titan Psn: Ruthless_turn
Hey there, 300+ titan/hunter/Warlock whose finished the raid and has +ve crucible KD. Looking for a clan to have some fun with, do some Trials and run some raids. 36 yo, wife & job, looking for like minded people. If that fits the bill for your clan, add me on PSN - I'm xx_craven_cbk_xx on there.
Edited by Sorganeil: 10/24/2017 7:44:59 PMIm 15 years old with 305 titan and 304 warlock. Im always active on weekends and mostly on weekdays because of high school but i never be inactive for a whole mouth. also a chill dude and like to have fun!
Am I able to join I've done raid, gone flawless and 305
Invite 3 305 chars :)
if you don't want to ride on someone elses succes, join us at Elitists of Destiny (EOD). We are open membership right now and will close once 80 members are reached.
Can I join pls
Can I join
Edited by Bebenutzz: 10/24/2017 6:23:33 PM
can I join?
Can I join?