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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/24/2017 1:05:39 AM
[b]Trial By Combat[/b] [b]Irina, Dojo Arena[/b] [b]11:30 AM[/b] [spoiler]For Mortar or Fell.[/spoiler] ---------------------------------- "[b]Vileblood! Vileblood! Vileblood![/b] [b]VILEBLOOD![/b]" [i]The thick mass of a crowd cheered as Irina sent a thick, bloodstained greatsword through her animalistic opponent, the furry gurgling blood through her clamped teeth as the weapon's blade tore through her chest, tearing through her backbone immediately. Irina would roar with a bloodthirsty yell of satisfaction, vaulting the blade upwards and splitting the furry's upper half into two - a vertical line cleaved through the previously living opponent's chest and head, blood, vitals, and brain matter leaking out before the furry fell to the dusty arena flooring.[/i] "I was told that I would have a proper challenger!" [i]Irina raised the tainted sword upwards, the sword that had once belonged to Leyla's family, at least her mother's side. The crowd would roar alongside her, their yells ringing across the city of Dojoville as Irina raised her bloodied arms for all to see.[/i] "[i]I'm. Still. Waiting![/i] But there is one that will give us all a good show.. Mortar." [i]Across the boards, Mortar's face flashed, jeers and insults escaping the crowd as Irina aimed the gory sword at her rival's youthful face, the tainted weapon's blade dripping blood and pieces of vital parts flailing off of the gory edge. It was obvious what this was.[/i] [i]A trial by combat. If Mortar didn't arrive.. well, he'd be more tainted than before.[/i]

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  • [spoiler]Since it's a sword fight... I'm using a newer character.[/spoiler] The man who appeared was not, however, Mortar. It appeared she had a new challenger. A man dressed in what appeared to be a suite of chainmail with a medieval great helm, shield, and sword appeared, a red cross marking his surecoat.

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  • "A crusader.." [i]Well, Christians honestly pissеd Irina off, a little. Because if she heard "IN THE NAME OF GOD" one more time, she'd probably begin a crusade of her own. Though the chainmail.. she had a strategy.[/i] [i]Irina would keep the greatsword dug into the ground, drawing her scabbard and dagger combo - her Rakuyo, as she approached the knight.[/i]

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  • A scabbard is a sheath She just drew a dagger and a sheath :thonk:

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  • He kept hs shield between himself and her, silently awaiting her to make the first move.

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  • [i]Irina would initiate the first move, rearing the knife back, as she prodded with her sword's pointed end into the crusader's chest. With the position of the shield, the crusader could only push the blade aside, not block it entirely.[/i]

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  • He stepped back, batting the blade away with his shield and thrusting with his arming sword at her face. His sword was longer than her dagger, and gave suppior reach.

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  • [i]Immediately, Irina would like the sudden thrust towards her skull. It gave her more room to move around.. as she suddenly shifted her frame, the blade of the sword sliding past Irina's cheek.[/i] [i]Irina would then duck underneath the crusader's arm, before driving her dagger into the crusader's exposed armpit. She wouldn't let him bash away at her, even slice, immediately ripping the dagger out as she strafed away. A counter move.[/i]

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  • Unfortunately for her, movie cliches aren't real and thrusts aren't a magical auto pass against chainmail. The blow barely pierced, and hit what felt like a thick padded cloth underneath the armor. The knight jerked back and swung a well aimed slice at her midsection, to high to jump over and to low to duck beneath.

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  • [i]Well, thanks to the stiletto-like blade.. boop.[/i] [i]Irina would fall back now, having to back off for a few seconds. She twirled the now bloodied blade in her off hand, keeping her sword raised as something of a light guard.[/i]

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  • The crusader, stepped back and seemed more cautious now, keeping his sheild up and ready. Oddly, it wasn't blood that coated her blade, but a silvery liquid.

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  • [i]It seemed as if the crusader's opponent was now initiating her own defensive game, as she allowed him to come forth. A waiting game.[/i]

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  • He stepped forward and thrust his sword at her aroubd the shield, keeping himself guarded with it.

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    Bramd - old

    Well, I dunno if I can speak for him right now... *The crowd parts to reveal a shadowy figure with the complexion, height, and frame of Mortar, only engulfed in a shaowy mist* ...But I hope you're aware that he isn't here, for the record.

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  • "And if he doesn't come, then the work shall continue." [i]Irina would say in response ti the shadow, before slamming the bloodied sword into the ground, her grip upon the weapon tightened as she kept the weapon in her hands, her posture standing upright and still as if she was a noble knight of old. A noble knight with a dedication to annihilating her foes, anyway.[/i] "I do hope that you understand. You've yet to answer the trial by combat, in any affair."

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    Bramd - old

    I do understand, however I would like to make you most aware... By "Here" I mean gone, missing, left, completly off of Tatakai, nowhere to be found. Not. Here. And there's a very good chance that he doesn't even know what you're doing. *The shadow stands firm*

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  • "I guess Leyla's family is promptly fuсked, then." [i]Irina would chuckle a little, as the crowd descended into silence.[/i] "Now, why don't you run back and tell "him" that whenever he does come back, he'll see some pretty spikes over the Dojo's walls. And on each of those spikes.. I'll save the surprise, though I hope you've caught on."

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    Bramd - old

    Well, you know, I can call him now if you want. Probably won't be as satisfying as seeing him face to face, but I figured he'd LOVE to hear the sound of your sweet, merciful voice *It's clear that the shadow is being extremely sarcastic when he says this, but he actually CAN contact Mortar...*

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  • "Go on, then." [i]Irina waved for the shadowy figurine to summon his master. There was a certain flare in her eyes, as if she had actually wanted the audience with the man, the murderer of Lothran. Though there was one emotion that primarily took over the woman's expressions:[/i] [i]Vengeance.[/i]

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    Bramd - old

    Whatever you say, oh grand mistress. *The shadow sighs, taking out a strange black device. Multiple hexagonal screens around it converge together to form a large screen, and after a moment, a connection goes through. After a second, Mortar's face shows on the screen* Hey, Mortar. I've got someone here who wants to talk to you, I'm sure you'll LOVE to see her again. *Before Mortar can say anything the shadow hands Irina the device* Mortar: Oh, it's you... Should have guessed that much.

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  • "Hi, Morty." [i]A resounding wave of jeers, insults, vulgarities, and worse would sound, once Mortar's face was finally revealed to the crowd of the arena. Irina had still leaned upon her newest sword, the blade stuck into the depths of the arena's dusty earth still.[/i] "You don't happen to be too busy, do you? Good. I believe the time's about ripe.. for a trial by combat. To the death. You win, and I don't tear apart the dragon family.. because I'm dead. If I win.. I teat apart the dragon family because you're dead. ...decisions."

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    Bramd - old

    *Mortar seems almost impervious to the jeers, and a smile almost forms on his face, almost taunting Irina with it* Oh, so you DID want to rip them apart? Sorry, no can do, they've already been relocated, just in case. Don't worry, I'm sure there are plenty of things at the Dojo that you can rip apart instead: Animals, plants, those tough bagels in the center of town, you name it. *This time a smile DOES form on his face, however fleeting, as he quickly wipes it away* Also, judging by my scouts, you've been murdering people with no fault to you, which is no Bueno if you ask me, just to get me here? All that trouble for me, huh? Seems like either you have a crush on me, which is highly unlikely, or, in the depths of that warped, twisted, sick mind of yours, you've developed a little bit, just the teensiest bit of fear of me. I can see why: Ex God, Lord of Cinder, Thief of Souls, and Giver AND Taker of life. Anyone can kill someone, but it's hard to bring someone back.

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  • Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 10/31/2017 12:49:55 AM
    "That's why there are still dragons and Hayes here, right. Don't lie to me, your fibs won't get you too far in this game." [i]Irina merely studied that smile, her icy blue glare unmoving and as cold as the deepest caverns of the Ko-Rudo mountains. It was truly emotionless, without a merciful thought nor feeling. Just a cold, pale statue that could speak, threaten, and kill.[/i] "Name me a few recent kills that didn't add together. Go." [i]At that, Irina would simply wait. Lola and this new dragon woman.. Lola, she rammed the family greatsword into. The new one, she had cleaved her head off entirely. Good times.[/i]

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    Bramd - old

    A few of mine or a few of yours, because, if I am speaking from all honesty, all I can really confirm for you is that mutilated furry. And you don't believe me when I say they aren't there? Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but the lot of them: Serenity, Leyla, and their kids, are all with me, so... *He smiles once again. Not only has he hidden them, they are in a place which no one but he and those he permits can go. A completely different dimension, of small size, of course. A pocket dimension, rapidly growing into a self-supporting town. His pride, and his most secret project. He looks Irina dead in the eye when he speaks again* You know, I always thought that, even in the back of my mind, that you COULD have changed, and NOT have to become what you are now. Your ideas scare me, that part was obvious, however beneath the blood and scarred flesh you're still human, and in the end, depending which path you go down, that will be your triumph or your death.

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  • [i]The comment about "being human" would strike a little deeper than Irina would intend for it to get, though that emotionless, icy complex would simply be all that remained on the Vileblood's face. If the Hayes were truly gone from this world.. good, the Vileblood would inquire. She had quite the reasoning of why she wanted the rival family gone..[/i] "And what about the rest of them, then? Sketch? Quincy? Even better.. no, I'll keep that surprise for later on. No matter. I don't fear you for what you are. Nor do I love you for it, either. Though.. obsession would be more accurate. I understand that one day, someone's going to end this life of mine. But by then, I'll get everything important to me.. finished."

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  • Are they dead, boss? Lemme kill em, boss.

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