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Edited by Zelrons: 9/28/2017 10:58:33 PM

The problem with the "big reveal" at the end of the Taken strike

At the end of the Taken strike in the EDZ there's some supposedly "big reveal" that the boss is Red Legion. Leading to this conversation like, "Oh, how'd he get Taken if Oryx is dead? It must have been one of Oryx's sisters that's started getting all Took-y." Oryx had been Taking civilizations for thousands of years before his defeat. Maybe millions. I forget. Is it somehow inconceivable that in all that time Oryx never ran into the Red Legion, a military force with a supposedly galactic presence? Makes more sense to me than one of Oryx's sisters Taking cabal in our solar system from whatever far off dimension they occupy.

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  • Edited by ManBlaster: 9/29/2017 2:06:41 PM
    I still stick to my (spinfoil?)Theory that the current Taken Lord is The Vex Hydra Mind [i] [b]Quria, Blade Transformed [/b][/i]. The Questline for the Man-o-war linear fusion on Io is the biggest source of evidence I can point to for this theory. That although Savathun has forces in our system and she will be arriving soon, It is the Taken, but still partially free-willed, Vex Mind that Oryx 'gifted' to Savathun that has been recruiting and building its own forces on Io. Titan storyline hints that Savathun's forces are attempting to summon her directly to Titan through ritual magic. Quria, Blade Transformed was created for the direct purpose of finding and establishing a path to Vex survival by way of the Hive/Worm discovery of Oryx's Throne Realm and the Sword Logic. In the Books of Sorrow Oryx returns to find Crota had unleashed the Vex into his throne world. Oryx then repels the vex and toss's Crota into the Vex dimension and seals it behind him and then -Takes- Quria as his Taken Thrall. Oryx I believe Knows that Savathun was the one that tricked Crota into opening the dimension wound and decides to allow the Vex Quria some of its own will power and 'Gifts' it to Savathun for her cunning and even worns her that it has some of its will power and if it does Kill her that its because she's weak and deserves to die. I believe Quria has grown strong enought to reach out and procure its own Taken forces. I also have a mildly absurd theory that Savathun the trickster CREATED the Vex and intentionally tricked Crota into unleashing the vex inside of Oryx's Throne World. Savathun KNEW the worms would kill them eventually and they could not survive the worms deception. She Knew that we would kill Oryx, thereby feeding her worm through trickery. She created the vex to find an escape from the worms bargain and the ability to change the hives past by way of time-travel and by tricking Crota she sought to obtain the power Oryx had taken from Akka. Savathun having access to the vex time travel foresaw Oryx's gifting her with her own taken forces... which either is going to backfire on her or she has masterfully constructed these events and she has some seriously horrifying power at her disposal... HIVE, TAKEN, and the access to the VEX. Doubtful, I am aware, but still an open possibility at this time.

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