In the Clan system, We have 4 titles available Beginner, Member, Admin, Founder.
Founder and Admin are fine and correctly in Place.
My issue is with Beginner and Member. Wouldn't a Beginner player still be a member? They are in my book. Beginner makes those members seem like second-class members.
Furthermore getting a "promotion" to Member gives Guided Games ability. That is the only real change. Not all members should have this ability and some may not even want it?
I am proposing we change:
Beginner to Member
Member to Guides
So we would have Founder, Admins, Guides, and Members
This makes more sense since all people in a clan are a member of said Clan. Within that Clan, you have people who want to or are qualified to do Guided Games. Then you have those who can also do admin work than the person who created the clan. These are better titles that correctly explain who players are within the clan without also alienating someone to the title Beginner.
If the beginner is needed then change that to New Member to signify a New Member to the team if that's needed. I only see beginner being suitable in a situation where a member is not level 20 yet and hasn't received their clan banner. But that would be it.
So actually This would probably be perfect.
Founder = Person who created Clan, Has all Rights
Admin = More rights are given from founder + Lead Guided Games
Guides = Members trusted with Being Guides in Guided Games
Member = A member of the Clan and reached level 20 with clan banners in hand
New member = A member of the clan for 1 week or less and has clan banner.
Beginner = In the clan roster but has not reached level 20 with at least one character and does not have clan banners.
There we go, flushed a few more out while thinking and typing. That would cover it I would think. Anyone have input, what about at a minimum of switching the beginner to member and member to guide part. I want to emphasize that being my main argument here.
I think the should just get rid of "beginner" entirely. Our clan is invite-only and has a vetting process. Once soneone is invited and goes successfully through the vetting process, they become a member and that's that.
I'll Show You Ruin - old
Why do you need all this imaginary hierarchy? It's a game. Establishing a "class" system where others can feel superior creates a really shitty, elitist atmosphere. I have 97 ppl in my clan and 2800+ in my group and nobody is above anybody and it's worked nicely for almost two years. All this ranking nonsense is the opposite of community and is how you now have clan members attacking one another over whose being a leech etc. It's extremely subjective, this notion of who's qualified to guide and who isn't. Everybody thinks they have the skills but they never stop to ask themselves the hard questions like "do I actually have the people skills and patience?" and find out after they've alienated a bunch of people by raging through a nightfall. -
Love this idea.
Edited by Bueller: 9/20/2017 1:09:39 PMI feel I should also clarify the automatic changes performed on the website. If the last fully flushed out system was to be used then the beginner and new member would be an automated setup. you join the clan and are level 20. Once you grab your banner from Hathorne you go from beginner to for the first-week new member. Then automatically get promoted to a member if you stuck around for that period. same with beginner, once you hit 20 and grab your banner with your first character you jump to a member or new member if you have been on the team for less than a week from the time of joining. These lower level tasks should be automated. The clan would just need to manage who is a guide and who is an admin. new member after all just lets you know there are new people to meet and play with. Beginner lets you know who on the team needs help catching up. once they are not new or caught up, those members should not have to wait to be called a member and it shouldn't take a person manually changing those things. Clan management would be a nightmare for really large groups, especially if the roster is ever changing.