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9/11/2017 5:51:00 PM
Don't blame Nolan North, though. I've seen his spectrum of voice acting, and he can cover a lot of territory. He could have very easily given us any number of Ghost personas, including a fair imitation of Dinklage's nicely nuanced work. The problem was the folks who accused Dinklage of "phoning it in". Bungie figured people wanted a Ghost who was more emotional, and so that's what North delivered. It didn't help that by the time Nolandroid debuted, our Guardians had fallen silent. Since we were silent and emotionless lumps, Bungie may have figured it would work to have Ghost emote for us, just as he speaks for us. Your opinion may differ, but I feel that it just makes our Guardian seem less human by comparison. Especially with good and meaningful story finally coming to Destiny, it's jarring to see the story's protagonist reduced to a silent observer.

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