Don't blame Nolan North, though. I've seen his spectrum of voice acting, and he can cover a lot of territory. He could have very easily given us any number of Ghost personas, including a fair imitation of Dinklage's nicely nuanced work. The problem was the folks who accused Dinklage of "phoning it in". Bungie figured people wanted a Ghost who was more emotional, and so that's what North delivered. It didn't help that by the time Nolandroid debuted, our Guardians had fallen silent. Since we were silent and emotionless lumps, Bungie may have figured it would work to have Ghost emote for us, just as he speaks for us. Your opinion may differ, but I feel that it just makes our Guardian seem less human by comparison. Especially with good and meaningful story finally coming to Destiny, it's jarring to see the story's protagonist reduced to a silent observer.
I agree. There is a lot they could have done to justify a silent protagonist via original concepts of Destiny but its just plain boring at this stage. Like when your guardian tries to speak but north interrupts, like wtf? And at the beginning where the guardian reaches out for his ghost after we lose our light. No sound at all, which in my opinion kinda ruined the moment. I like the idea of failsafe mostly because of her double personality. I dont like how north has to narrate every little thing for us and his banter with others can be a little cringy. With failsafe I got this feeling that I wasn't just a puppet for nolanbot but part of a larger group that made being a silent protagonist a little better to cope with. And I loved the addition of the snarky comments from Failsafes second personality. From the company that developed one of the greatest quiet protagonist to ever exists I thought they'd do a much better job.
I never minded being "silent" in my 2000 or so hours in Fallout and Skyrim, because I was able to choose my dialogue if not hear it. That worked. This... doesn't. It's been an issue since "Rise of Iron", and in D2's more fleshed out story, it's worse. Most of D2's PvE experience is excellent. This includes most of the cutscenes. But the ones featuring our Guardian are just awkward.