The raid starts in the Dark Forest. Perhaps Ghaul is still alive there. But enhanced by light.
[quote]The raid starts in the Dark Forest. Perhaps Ghaul is still alive there. But enhanced by light.[/quote] Ghaul has a weapon that can "blow up a star and it is aimed at our sun" my best guess I that Leviathan is that same weapon, it's our job to destroy said weapon.
[quote][quote]The raid starts in the Dark Forest. Perhaps Ghaul is still alive there. But enhanced by light.[/quote] Ghaul has a weapon that can "blow up a star and it is aimed at our sun" my best guess I that Leviathan is that same weapon, it's our job to destroy said weapon.[/quote] [spoiler]That was [b]The Almighty[/b], we already destroyed that[/spoiler]
[quote][quote][quote]The raid starts in the Dark Forest. Perhaps Ghaul is still alive there. But enhanced by light.[/quote] Ghaul has a weapon that can "blow up a star and it is aimed at our sun" my best guess I that Leviathan is that same weapon, it's our job to destroy said weapon.[/quote] [spoiler]That was [b]The Almighty[/b], we already destroyed that[/spoiler][/quote] Well that ruined that theory then.... lol
The leviathan looks like a catfish
The Leviathan and The Almighty are two totally different things
Still lazy, he should have never been the campaign boss, Bungie refuses to think outside the box.
Why not we are now going to attack what looks like a main cabal fleet
Not everyone plays the raids. Why build up a character just to have him killed "off screen"? Killing him concluded that story arc.
Guided games, no excuses anymore. Why buy a game if you're not gonna play out the story?
The raid isn't park of the story.
So what is it? Mario Kart?
It's own stand alone activity. Just like every other raid.
It's stand alone. So kings fall was stand alone? Oryx wasn't part of the story?
Oryx was killed in the "Regicide" campaign mission. Concluding that arc. I didn't have to play the raid to know I killed him. But let's say we didn't kill Ghaul in the story, then the next DLC comes out & I didn't play the raid to kill him, but he's not a threat anymore, no one seems to care about him even though he destroyed our city. Where did he go? Oh! He was killed in the raid I didn't do? Well, I'm glad I pursued him for the entirety of the campaign just to never kill him.
[quote]Oryx was killed in the "Regicide" campaign mission. Concluding that arc. I didn't have to play the raid to know I killed him. But let's say we didn't kill Ghaul in the story, then the next DLC comes out & I didn't play the raid to kill him, but he's not a threat anymore, no one seems to care about him even though he destroyed our city. Where did he go? Oh! He was killed in the raid I didn't do? Well, I'm glad I pursued him for the entirety of the campaign just to never kill him.[/quote] His physical form was killed in the story mission. The raid is actually integral to his arc because everytime his physical form dies he goes back to his throne which is an alternate dimension inside of the Dreadnaught. By killing him in the raid which is this alternate dimension he permanently dies because he cannot resurrect further. Same thing with Crotas end. I don't think it's safe to say that the raids aren't part of the main storyline
He's alive or is it Nokris...
The fact you have to explain this very simple concept, to such an individual, says all you need to know about him. Save your breath. Don't waste your time.