Don't get me wrong, I'm really liking it but the story telling is lazy as -blam!- still. You're gonna tell me, someone made out to be a badass, such as Ghaul, we kill him already in the campaign? Then you try to make the laziness seem all okay by showing a quick glimpse of something we've been waiting for since before D1 released. But you won't actually elaborate on that thing till D3 and still claim you don't know what "it" is. If you think putting enemies in random caves and throwing worthless loot at enemies is content, y'all need a lesson. THEN!! The flashpoints aren't even anything special, it's just do more of what you're already doing to maybe get good gear. You guys seriously -blam!-ing suck at making video games. Word of advice, get rid of Luke Smith and everyone else who uses this job as a way to have a cool title, because a title is all you have. Talent, definitely not.
That's ridiculous throwing that spoiler in there. I love people!
Pacific Rimjawb - old
spoiler alert[spoiler]you are a douche[/spoiler] -
If you're talking about Ghaul, did you really think anything was going to happen OTHER than kill him at the end? It's not hard to realize that a.) he's not fit to be a raid boss and b.) we can't just finish the campaign and be friends, obviously we're going to kill him
Pacific Rimjawb - old
imo Ghaul was never a "badass" he's just a thug who the military conspiracy used to overthrow Calus, thugs and bullies always go down easy once somebody pops them in the face.
There is a thing called a spoiler dude. It's common courtesy to warn people of spoilers
People actually pay attention to the story? Didn't know that. I skip all cut scenes and just go in and shoot stuff.
And then complain about lack of content and a shit story.
then please just stop playing the game.. simple.. you don't like it so find something else to do..
Ghauls not strong no one said he was he is just the general of the strongest cabal legion
If you don't like it don't play it, and there's no need to spoil stuff for everyone else cause you have a stick up your ass about you not liking the story, it's less then a day in and you just spiked the end for 100s of ppl that didn't want to be spoiled cause of ur useless rant about your own opinion.
The anger and salt level, off the charts. Then again, this anger is coming from a pre-teen who doesn't even know how to make video games. Oh well -_-
We killed oryx in the campaign too. Just saying.
Edited by sephirothsrevng0: 9/7/2017 4:26:30 AMSo if Ghaul is the raid boss like Oryx was, WOW, such great storytelling, let's recycle the same idea again. The writers have a limited imagination and suckers like you eat it up. Btw, the "darkness" is shown but we won't know anything about it till D3, but we'll kill that legendary foe in 15 missions cause Bungie can't see past their own forehead.
[quote]So if Ghaul is the raid boss like Oryx was, WOW, such great storytelling, let's recycle the same idea again. The writers have a limited imagination and suckers like you eat it up. Btw, the "darkness" is shown but we won't know anything about it till D3, but we'll kill that legendary foe in 15 missions cause Bungie can't see past their own forehead.[/quote] Wait... u don't want him killed in the campaign, but also don't want him as a raid boss(like skolas)? Just what is it u consider original? Something like near the end; our character gets killed and it turns out we are each actually members of the cabal just spying on the guardian's adventure, thus the end game spins to us now playing with our cabal-ized characters who have now been embodied with light? (This sounds like a great idea btw)
The raid starts in the Dark Forest. Perhaps Ghaul is still alive there. But enhanced by light.
[quote]The raid starts in the Dark Forest. Perhaps Ghaul is still alive there. But enhanced by light.[/quote] Ghaul has a weapon that can "blow up a star and it is aimed at our sun" my best guess I that Leviathan is that same weapon, it's our job to destroy said weapon.
[quote][quote]The raid starts in the Dark Forest. Perhaps Ghaul is still alive there. But enhanced by light.[/quote] Ghaul has a weapon that can "blow up a star and it is aimed at our sun" my best guess I that Leviathan is that same weapon, it's our job to destroy said weapon.[/quote] [spoiler]That was [b]The Almighty[/b], we already destroyed that[/spoiler]
[quote][quote][quote]The raid starts in the Dark Forest. Perhaps Ghaul is still alive there. But enhanced by light.[/quote] Ghaul has a weapon that can "blow up a star and it is aimed at our sun" my best guess I that Leviathan is that same weapon, it's our job to destroy said weapon.[/quote] [spoiler]That was [b]The Almighty[/b], we already destroyed that[/spoiler][/quote] Well that ruined that theory then.... lol
The leviathan looks like a catfish
The Leviathan and The Almighty are two totally different things
Still lazy, he should have never been the campaign boss, Bungie refuses to think outside the box.
Why not we are now going to attack what looks like a main cabal fleet
Not everyone plays the raids. Why build up a character just to have him killed "off screen"? Killing him concluded that story arc.
Guided games, no excuses anymore. Why buy a game if you're not gonna play out the story?