So...I just put in for days off from work on the 6th, 7th, and 8th. Overboard? I took a half day on the 6th because I assume the game won't be playable until 1pm-ish eastern U.S time.
Anyone else taking off from work or school for the release or am I just too amped for the release??
Yes sir going to the midnight release and everything. Nothing like sitting on my ass playing video games and getting payed for it 👍🏻
Im really lucky...i booked the week from 4th sept off....last year...not for destiny...just to use my days got 11 days off with how my shifts fall....well happy.....the ball and chain isnt too chuffed...well she can always to her bloody mothers for a week.
Not taking any days off but....I am sending my wife to a spa for the weekend. My kids are super stoked about that
I retired in 2011 so I'd be sure to have the day off for the D2 release. [spoiler]I like to plan ahead.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Seriously though, have fun. Work isn't everything.[/spoiler]
Edited by Swat The Bot: 7/29/2017 12:48:15 PMNah, taking days off work/whatever just to play a [i]video game[/i] (which you can do when you get home and during weekends) is sad in my book.
Lol overboard, I'm just about to hit you up with overboard, I have taken the 6th-25th off.
[quote]So...I just put in for days off from work on the 6th, 7th, and 8th. Overboard? I took a half day on the 6th because I assume the game won't be playable until 1pm-ish eastern U.S time. Anyone else taking off from work or school for the release or am I just too amped for the release??[/quote] It's no wonder America has Trump for a President. People of America would rather skip Education or their source of income to play some rehashed content from Year 1.
I work from home so I don't ever need to take off
I plan to. I thought it came out the 8th though.
I finish on the 5th and return on the 24th. So I have a little time to get acquainted with my new guardian :)
Can't take the day off of work if you don't have a job. [i]*cries.*[/i]
Yeah usually play all day release day. Gonna be fun