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7/23/2017 1:31:14 PM

Strength of the Pack S3 Ch. 23: On the Offensive

"My ...ord," said a static-covered voice over the radio. "The Ar...chon's Keep ... a mess! Firs... the SIVA ne...ork has gone ...wire, and we have boots ...ding for ...tor Sixteen. But now, the tow... there been re...airing it..." Dakota held his hand to his helmet. "Gideon, repeat that!" The warlock demanded. "SIVA ...arms have been fly... around ... tower for abou... ... day now! ...eet me just sou... of ...chon's Keep, you'll see!..." The members of Wolf Pack shared looks of concern with each other; yes, the Technomancer had been attacking the City recently, and yes, the network was down... But why would the Technomancer be rebuilding her tower? "What's the call, my Lord?" Blake asked after cracking his knuckles. "We're going to the Plaguelands. If the Technomancer is planning something, we better figure out what it is," the warlock replied. "What about Alan?" Kourtney asked. "Alan can hold his own," Blake answered. Three ships flew overhead and transmatted Kourtney, Blake, and Dakota up. The ships zoomed away from the City and towards the blizzard stricken Cosmodrome. A couple of minutes later, the team transmatted back to the surface of Earth, where the Iron Lord, Gideon Fidel, was waiting for them. The several lit furnaces on the hunter's armor made him a beacon in the snow that pierced the veil of the frosty air. Sitting just behind the hunter was a massive, grounded ship rusting away. "What's going on?" Dakota asked. "Well, the tower took some damage from the inside, but I don't know why. Now, swarms have been repairing it, building it back up. Also, an army of SIVA robots are getting ready... It can't be the Fallen; they're still pretty screwed by the network malfunction," Gideon replied. "It's not the Fallen, it's a warlock. She has created her own sect of SIVA, and this is probably her preparation for her assault on the City. Which means, it's about time we stop her..." Dakota said as he pulled a small baton out of his pristine white coat. With a quick twirl, the baton grew into an Iron Battle-axe, roaring with an intense flame. "Ah, well... It's a good thing I called you here, then..." Gideon replied. He pulled out two steel hand cannons; 'Truth' was written on the barrel of one gun, and 'Seeker' was written on the other. Kourtney drew her Young Wolf's Howl from its sheath and gripped the elegant sword tightly. "So, what? We're going to war against SIVA, now?" She asked. "We've already been at war with SIVA. [i]This[/i] will be the Battle of the Citadel," Dakota replied. "Battle of the Towers?" Blake asked. "Battle of [i]Two[/i] Towers..." Gideon added. "Okay, this got out of hand..." Dakota stated as he dropped his head. "Where did you get 'Battle of Two Towers'..." Blake asked Gideon. "You know... [i]the[/i] Tower, and now this new tower..." the hunter replied. "Let's get moving, Guardians..." Dakota ordered. Soon, the four Guardians hopped onto sparrows and sped up a snowy ridge. The team of Iron Lords, and Lady, climbed to the peak and looked down into the Archon's Keep. SIVA was everywhere, forming an invasion force; some were even built with massive artillery cannons on their shoulders. There were hundreds upon hundreds of those red wired robots lining up in units. "Holy s***..." Gideon whispered. Blake and Dakota glanced at him, but looked back to the army below. "How are we going to do this?" He asked as he turned to the fireteam. Dakota took his sniper rifle, then scanned the environment. "We're looking for the warlock... If we take her out, this will all be over..." "I'm not seeing her," Blake said. "But I think I know how to get her attention..." "How?" Dakota asked as he turned to the titan. Doc transmatted the massive rocket launcher, Gjallarhorn, into Blake's hands; as if to answer the captain's question. Dakota smiled under his gold plated helmet and nodded. "Fire when ready..." Blake looked down the sights and aimed at the center of the crowd. "This is for James..." he pulled back the trigger and watched as the brilliant projectile flew towards the SIVA. "Three... two... one... Boom..." Blake made a hand explosion. A cloud of smoke and fire ate ten or so drones, then the wolf tracking rounds destroyed an additional six. There was a small crater where the rocket hit; and it was filled with nanite parts. Every other drone in the basin followed the smoke trail back up the ridge, directly to the Guardians. "Well, they know we're here!" Gideon yelled as he ducked under sniper rounds, as well as shielding his face from the heat of small explosions. Sniper and heavy artillery drones stayed behind, pinning the Guardians down, as infantry moved up. The four Guardians began firing down the slope, picking off several drones at a time. Dakota hovered in the air, then slammed his battle-axe into a group of SIVA. The explosion of fire destroyed several bots, then melted a couple more that had gotten too close. He swung the massive weapon around, slicing the wires of two or three drones at a time, causing the machines to fall to the ground and malfunction until the SIVA repaired itself. Kourtney sliced through five drones in just a few agile swings of her Iron Sword once meeting the enemy face-to-face. Kourtney's practice as a Bladedancer made her quite deadly with a sword. She shoved the massive blade through the face of a machine, then split it in half, down its body. Blake jumped into the air, firing two more rockets into the mob of SIVA below. The angry swarm of wolf pack rounds flew around and blew up several other drones. The massive titan found himself surrounded by drones, and unable to reload the beautiful weapon of destruction; he swung the massive launcher around, knocking the drones to the ground before crushing the core of one with his boot. Gideon, running with the team, shot down eight drones; popping shots from each hand cannon. He flipped 'Truth' around, now holding the barrel, and clubbed a drone's mind core with the grip several times until it fractured. Gideon even tackled one of the machines and held his gauntlet to it, melting it down from the wolf shaped furnaces built into his armor. A massive SIVA shell collided into Dakota's chest, sending him flying through the air. The Guardian tried to get to his feet after tumbling through the snow, but a drone punched him in the gut, then in the back of the warlock's head. Dakota dropped into the snow again, now seeing stars around him. Blake, now popping SIVA cores with his scout rifle, took a cannon shell straight to his knee. He fell to the ground, but Doc was quick to begin healing the bleeding, misshapened leg. Blake tried to get back on his feet, using his scout rifle as a crutch, but SIVA swarms attacked and pinned his arms to the ground. Kourtney held her pulse rifle under her arm and shot at the swarming SIVA. She placed the gun onto her back, then began swinging her sword around, causing trails of fire to ignite the swarms of nanotechnology. She was getting surrounded, so as a last resort, Kourtney slammed the sword onto the ground, causing a shockwave and fire to radiate outwards and knock back the SIVA. However, the nanites burrowed through the snow, then wrapped around the huntress' legs and forced her to the ground. "You thought you could, so easily, claim victory?" A loud voice asked. Every drone turned into a speaker, amplifying the voice. A warlock wearing a black lab coat, covered in SIVA mind cores, walked down the slope and into the battlefield. She was followed by a hunter, and two titans. She had commanded SIVA to lift up the four Guardians off the ground and subdued them entirely. "We weren't about to just let you attack the City..." Blake replied in a sarcastic tone. "Then you shall die, knowing that you have failed..." the Technomancer said in a menacing voice. She waved her hand, and the SIVA began pulling the four Guardians apart, limb by limb. Dakota and Blake beared their teeth and tried to pull their limbs back, but it was no use. Muscles were strained and nerves were shot.

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