I just don't know if I actually like it. Everything looks cool of course.
When we all played Sepiks Prime for the first time it was pretty epic. This one is....not epic really.
I enjoyed the story mission better.
Not complaining.
It was ok but: 1) Weapons are too weak 2) Not enough ammo drops (particularly heavy) 3) Super charge is was too slow. 4) Boss is a bullet sponge (remember the initial Rockets McDickface?)
The strike was fun but it lacks depth. I completed it around 12 times trying to farm my Hunters "The Offense" set. Essentially its a trip though a Black Garden with a less compelling Atheon. The Digsite part was a fun mechanic but after a couple of runs you learn the drill paths so its more of a nuisance than a challenge. Protheon himself is really lacking of any mechanics other than his slam on wave 2 and the fnatics on wave 3.
The strike would be better if we had useful power weapons, ammo for the power weapons and supers that you can actually get. And on a strike where you have so many levels having a 30 second wait to respawn is crazy when half the time players can not come back for you. Getting to the bottom of the boss fight only to have everyone die and having to start at the top is a bit much. It should not take an hour to do a strike just because you have a shit subclass and shit weapons... hopefully they make good changes because it's supposed to be fun. It is not supposed to be boring after only a few days.
This is like a mini raid, for a strike it's massive and fun as hell
I haven't played enough of it to form an opinion. I've only run the Strike 3 times. The first time I was playing as a Voidwalker Warlock and I got dropped straight into the second stage of the Boss battle. I died a lot. My second attempt was also with a Voidwalker and I was dropped in right before the bit where you have to avoid the drill bits. I died a lot. My most recent run was with a Gunslinger Hunter and it is my only full run of the whole entire Strike so far. The run went well. The guys I was matched up with were dicking around so I did most of it solo, at least until I got to the bit where Ghost whines about the Drills having armed guards. Fortunately the other 2 finally showed and started pulling their weight. I like the visuals. Love the size. The pacing of the enemy encounters is good. I'm not keen on the boss, especially when it gets very low on health and it starts moving very fast and it consistently follows me ( and only me ) around the small platform. It feels to much like a bullet sponge boss.
Garbage- because the guns are so weak. It was ridiculous shooting the boss with marshmallows
Eh... strike itself was fine I guess, not a fan of the bullet sponge boss
PVP has been ruined - old
Too short and bullet spongy -
Everything up until the boss is fun. The boss is a huge bullet sponge with hardly any noticeable mechanics. It is just a chore chipping away at its health pool with absurdly low damage for max level and max light. That fight ruined the strike.
I would love to see some raid style mechanics added into strikes, instead of the usual bullet sponge boss.
I guess everyone forgot, but the spider tank & Sepiks were twice as spongy as the strike boss in D2, & they didn't have any interesting mechanics.
I mean, it's a strike. It's not epic, but it's a good strike. I think it's more the story behind the strike to blame. Sepiks- taking out the commander of the main enemy we have faced in a showdown in their laid. Protheon-killing a vex bad guy because he was... There? More or less? Love the strike, but after the amazing first mission I would've liked some more meaning behind it.
The general consensus seems to be that the strike was everything we wanted up until the boss, he's just a reskin of Atheon, his name is literally Protheon if that's not lazy work then I dunno what is but I liked the traversal parts and the giant drill those are fun and new.
Takes way to long with these sorry ass guns. People aren't complaining now because it's new. Just wait. When this game comes out nobody wants to spend more than 10 mins on a strike. I don't
I would say there's quite a lot of the same sort of thing in it considering how long it is. The 'unique mechanic' of it is pulling a lever...?? Where's the gameplay? Where's the variable routes/enemies/interactions/puzzles/?
That's, in my opinion, because you're not experiencing the "Ooh shiny" sensation you had in D1 because it was brand new. Much like the feeling you get when watching the 2nd season of your favorite show... It'll never compare to the first time you experienced it.
Edited by Swiftlock: 7/19/2017 1:16:15 AMThe shifting arena is cool and the floor-burn thing is okay, but it wasn't as memorable as Sepiks on the first runthrough. For most of the fight, I was just wishing that I had ammo for my sniper rifle since purple bricks are now much harder to get a hold of. The painfully slow super cooldowns also made things less interesting.
Better than any D1 strike for sure
It's more of a mini raid it's too long for a strike
What is it about it that wasn't so epic such as sepiks? Bungie can always use more feedback :)
inverted bullet sponge
It was cool tbh the first mission was awesome and the pvp was a Lil odd at first but it's OK
Edited by Titan main: 7/19/2017 3:56:06 PMThey showed us game play of it 3 months ago. That took away some of the excitement.
Is it safe to say that maybe the weapons feel weak because these guys might be gathering data from the beta?
I think the strike would be great, but everything is so weak in pve that it's just a slog to get through. Pretty good other than that.