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Edited by Aurora: 7/15/2017 4:26:18 PM

Do You Like The Weapon Changes Coming To Destiny 2?

Hey everyone! It's Reckless and I am back with another Poll of The Week question. This weeks question is, "Do you like the weapon changes coming to Destiny 2?" Now I make these polls to get the Destiny Communities input/opinion then I share them with everyone on my Destiny YouTube Channel Breaking The 4th Wall. I do these videos every Saturday 1 week after the question is asked to give the community a chance to respond. I post a lot of the comments in the video whether good or bad because all sides need to be heard. So please be very creative with your comments and your responses because your comment just might get featured! Vote in the STRAWPOLL!

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  • Everyone whining because "it's PVP focused" but for the past 3 years all everyone has done is complain that "there's no energy primaries". Now we have energy weapons with a ton of ammo to take shields down and still a kinetic primary to DPS. This works for both PVP and PVE frankly. Don't knock it til you try it (in approx 26.5 hours). Cheers!

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    • Cool Guy just did a vid on this. I like what he had to say. There needs to be LOTS of guns then. Also, the guns need to have a purpose and be good. No point in useless guns that can't be good due to fixed rolls. Plus, RNG for that God Roll created such a lame grind. Yes it was super satisfying to see that God Roll finally drop for you. But I'd rather have a great gun and a set path to get it. Like the Outbreak Prime. And some guns were just too hard to get for me which is fine, like Touch of Malice on PS4 account. No thanks. But I'd rather have a set path that takes too much time or is too hard for me than to have to rely completely on luck.

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      • I don't know. I haven't played yet.

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      • No. It will benefit PvP, but it's clearly at the expense of PvE. Basically, you have two primary weapons and either a sniper/rocket launcher. I don't like having to choose between those two, and fusion rifles/shotguns will become essentially useless for most people. Nobody is going to take shotgun shells over a friggin rocket, even if it's at a 5-10/1 ratio.

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      • Yes . I do like the changes. It's how destiny should have been.

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        • Two words : hell no.

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          • Edited by K1dP5ycho: 7/17/2017 12:13:19 PM
            The changes were needed. If not to achieve balance in PvP so no-one can rely on OHK weapons, then to provide real flexibility when it comes to weapon choice.

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            • In pvp yes I agree with them In pve it's a yes and no, people will have to become more skilled because they can't rely on a sniper /rocket combo to "zombie" their way through strikes, nightfall etc. For raids though it heavily depends on what bungie does, if there's bullet sponge bosses then it'll be a chore but if there's good mechanics /fast paced bosses then it will be fun. A lot depends on bungie though, they were fond of bullet sponges in d1, hopefully in d2 we get different types of boss battles. We'll have to wait and see.

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