Better yet. Wow so many people worried about what others use or how they play. Never before have I seen this many snowflakes who whole heartedly think it's the gun and not the player skill that matters.
Sounds great on paper, and hell, you probably have a shit load of people who agree with you but this line of thinking is -blam!-ing infantile... if you care to be successful in any multiplayer game, period, you need to be very concerned with what your weapons your enemy is using. I didn't propose a nerf, and besides, Bungie isn't going to change anything, so don't worry... your blessed weapons and stickies are safe.
The thing is throughout every meta since vanilla, I've had no issues with anything anyone ever used. The moment more folks start realizing that it never matter and it was always a factor of who saw who first, then maybe they enjoy it more for what it was. Latency is and will always be the single most deciding factor in any online multiplayer game. One side ALWAYS sees the other side first.