Big news! I hit one of my goals and got above a one KD on my Titan! :D
I mean, I have a 1.01, but feels good.
I've been trying to get good at crucible once again, to get ready for the eventual flawless.
Any tips for sniping or anything else titan/defender? Thanks! :D
[spoiler]I am the REEEEEE. Worship REEEEEE.[/spoiler]
Most of the time I'm just trying to shoot the person killing me once or twice before I die. Tried Supremacy once, then I was just trying to SEE who was killing me before I die
K/D is flawed because of SBMM. If you want a skill indicator, use Combat Rating. If you're above 100 you're above average, above 120 is pretty good.
Congrats man, keep putting 100% effort and one day you'll be above a 2.0 :)
Well done mate keep up the good work! Some tips for sniping: Low sensitivity is best for sniping but leaves you vulnerable to being flanked. Experiment with different settings and go for the highest you can get away with. Learn all the ins and outs of the different perks. Like QuickDraw let's you swap weapons faster and decreases ADS time compared to snapshot which only decreases ADS time. Learn the strengths and weaknesses of the weapons like the Winged Word has the fastest ADS of the game making it good for quickscopes but it's reticle moves independently from the scope when getting flinched making it harder to land a shot. The Defiance of Yasmin has good aim assist making it good for drag scopes. Quickscopes: put a circle round your reticle so you know exactly where you zoom into and try to keep your reticle always at head height. Depending on the size of your TV you can buy stickers on amazon, I just used a Magic marker on a bit of plastic and used static to stick it on. Noscopes: these are a bit of a desperate move when you don't have time to switch weapons. Use it like a shotgun slide in fire punch. Dragscope: you basically just drag your reticle over the other player and fire when on their head. Practice makes perfect. Have a look on amazon for some control Freaks.
Try to master reaction sniping.
Edited by Reckless Grizzly: 6/5/2017 3:23:41 PMGood work, keep it up! If you want tips & tricks for the defender Titan, watch JMP on YouTube, he's pretty good using the subclass.
Woohoo me too
I consider .8 good enough for me. Average ish
Edited by DeepFreeze47: 6/5/2017 12:08:50 AMI'm trying to make mine as low as possible. *cues up Sabotage by the Beastie Boys.* Besides stats don't carry over to the sequel.
Grats! I've been stuck at 1.02 on my Warlock forever. It gets tougher from here on out. Good luck
Why do people even care? I play for fun.
I need over 9000 kills and no deaths to get to 1.0 kd, on my warlock. [spoiler]I gave up long ago.[/spoiler]
Grats :)
I'm at 0.6 and trying to get worse!
Nice job, dude! It's always a nice feeling to know you're now worth more to your own team than the other team as you're killing more than you're dieing :) that's my measure of a good game, regardless of if I win or not.
[quote]Big news! I hit one of my goals and got above a one KD on my Titan! :D I mean, I have a 1.01, but feels good. I've been trying to get good at crucible once again, to get ready for the eventual flawless. Any tips for sniping or anything else titan/defender? Thanks! :D [spoiler]I am the REEEEEE. Worship REEEEEE.[/spoiler][/quote] Join the squad;)
Congrats OP!
Good for you, nobody cares.
Edited by theARC: 6/4/2017 1:07:55 AMK/D Isn't accurate. Everyone has good games and bad games. Not to crush your dreams. I go by the objective play.
Edited by Ung Jaym: 6/4/2017 7:42:29 AMCongrats! What guns do you normally use? I normally use: No Land Beyond/Sidearm or Palindrome/Ice Breaker I dont have any tips other than practice a lot and learn where to aim for the head before the enemy even turns the corner Also, quickly scope out then back in to check your radar and see if any enemies are close
Not to be an ass but my lowest k.d of 3 characters is 1.34.
Something I noticed when you play defender. Use armor as the perk for your bubble, use helm of Saint 14. Now you'll notice idiots that try to run into your bubble and melee you. Easy pickings.
I have a 4.20 XD
I am a 0.01.
I'm 0.8, I used to be 1.3, but then I played trials.
I have 2 Kids