Only 2% have earned the Flawless Raider Trophy.
Like and bump if you're a Flawless Raider!
Destiny sux nutsack
1-Manned Crota waaay back then.
Ah, Crota.
Bump! 1 Man Crota
I actually did crota, then annoyed a supplicant on Atheon.
3 manned crota back in the day
Right here boiii.
only on Crota, almost did on VoG but I tickled a supplicant during Atheon
I did but I cheated just solo killed crota
Lmao I soloed Crota before Age of Triumph 😂
My team and I have flawlessed all of them. Just relax and communicate.
Code of Conduct - old
Have it ☺ On my old account I got it when I did a solo run of crota -
2% of purchased games maybe. No way that's accurate. Everyone on my friends list has had FR forever.
👎 not a raider So happily not flawless 😃👍
There's players that carry other players through it...... there's you tube videos showing how to do as well. So Im curious as to why this is special now? You know, since you can wait out a carry from the forums and do absolutely nothing and get this trophy.....? I've had opportunities to get the trophy many times over but don't want to waste my time. Being part of this 2% group doesn't seem that important to me. I could get it as well as probably 90% of the community now but why bother. The way I actually see it is only 2% of the community cares about this trophy and the 98% doesn't. I'm sure the 2% see it differently. I'm sure in their world it represents a skill level trophy but in reality it's the opposite. Maybe in year one it was skill, not now......
Two and a half man crota Probably was the easiest way to get the trophy now I'm not so sure Btw I say half because one friend basically piggy backed while me and the other dude did the work X)
Nope. Someone always croaked.
It's the only trophy I need for platinum.
[quote]Only 2% have earned the Flawless Raider Trophy. Like and bump if you're a Flawless Raider![/quote] Lol, I did a flawless raid 3 times this week for people in my clan that needed it,I'm surprised that only 2% of people have done this. It's not difficult just focus on what your doing.
Still need this achievement :'(
Edited by pawno: 5/23/2017 1:38:43 AMCompleted mine in VoG 22/02/15. By far the greatest feeling of accomplishment I've ever had in a video game! I really hope Bungie put this trophy into D2.
Edited by Lugardis: 5/23/2017 1:24:57 AMGot in January of 2015 in VoG. Failed way too many times because of bugs or just bad luck.
Like!!! Got it in the vault of glass!
Still ain't done it :/ my last trophy I need as well
Ive done Crota hard mode solo flawless. Its a little tricky.
I should've waited until Crota to do this. Only 5/6 of the crew got that achievement on our initial run. I remember the pre-Atheon jumping puzzle was the bane of us. So, we had the party leader be ready with their finger on the trigger, ready to kick each person as they jumped across. Our 5th guy missed the ledge. I remember sitting at the door hearing his last words: "Noooooo, kick me, KICK ME!" We did manage to kick him before he actually hit the death barrier and managed to 5-man the rest.