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Edited by MldSqrrl: 5/21/2017 1:08:50 PM

CRIME CORNER #3 John Wayne Gacy Jr AKA "The Killer Clown"

[b]EDIT: Poll is up in my group for what the next post will be on[/b] Before this starts just want to say that I know I missed a post, I will be making it later today. I want to give this post some time to breathe, I will also be skipping most if not all of the murders as some contain sick things done to children and don't contribute to this behavior as he didn't escalate too much. [i]The dead won't bother you, it's the living you have to worry about. -John Wayne Gacy [/i] [u][b]SUMMARY[/b][/u] Born: March 1942 Died: May 1994 by lethal Injection Murdered 33-34 young men [u][b]EARLY LIFE[/b][/u] Gacy was born with 2 other brothers, him being in the middle and his father was a WW1 veteran, I can't find much about his mother but it seems she was the cliche 40's women who was unemployed and looked after the home. His father 'John Gacy Sr' was an alcoholic and was known to abuse his wife and children physically and verbally. Gacy's mother was very protective of him shielding and often taking the brunt of the abuse for him. At school he was often teased for this being called things like 'mumma boy' or received homophobic slurs/death threats. At a young age Gacy was sexually assaulted by one of his fathers friends, he wouldn't tell his dad about this as he feared he would be blamed. He would then go on to attempt to molest other people (still in his teens) his father then whipped him with a belt with razors tied to it. Gacy had a heart condition that meant he had to avoid most physical activities, this only made him more introverted and anti social. He would get 'blackouts' regularly resulting in lots of time spent at the hospital At 18 Gacy joined the local democratic party leading to more ridicule from his father [u] [b]M.O:[/b][/u] Gacy would lure young men into his home using various tricks or promises, sometimes dressed as a clown saying he would show them clown tricks. When in the home Gacy would put handcuffs on himself and show that they were locked, unknowingly to the victim he had a key and would unlock them. He would get the victim drunk and get them to put on the handcuff he took off, saying that they should try taking them off. It is reported that he would wave the key around their face before throwing it away and attacking them while they were restrained. He would then hide the bodies in his crawl space, his backyard or in a river. [u][b]ARREST[/b][/u] Gacy was seen talking to a boy before his disappearance, this led police to investigate Gacy. A background check showed that he had previous sexual assault charges. Police in an unmarked police car would follow him around and keep him under 24/7 surveillance. Gacy quickly caught on to this and would start conversations with the officers, even giving them food, repairing their car and telling them where he would be if they lost him. After deciding this wasn't working out Gacy was brought into the police station for questioning, he denied involvement. What he didn't know was that police were searching his house, eventually finding human remains. These remains matched young men who went missing around the area. More and more human remains were being found, Gacy who was now under arrest first denied involvement. A more detailed background check also showed he had outstanding charges of assault in Chicago. Gacy was charged with 21 life sentences and 11 death sentences, he was killed by lethal injection claiming he had no memories of the murders.

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  • The crimes of John Wayne are unspeakable.

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  • Good stuff. Learning what made these people tick always makes for an interesting read and provides an insight to the inner workings of the mind you can't replicate with a normal person. Have you done the Zodiac Killer yet?

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  • That's horrifying.

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  • Keep putting this stuff up, please. Great little read when I've got a break during class or something.

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  • Make a discord for the group please? Or tell me anything else you have that we could you to suggest more people.

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  • One of my mom's friends met him and very nearly became one of his victims as a kid. Shit's spooky yo.

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    • Edited by Succ0sRawAlt: 5/22/2017 12:58:50 PM
      Do one about the guy who shot JFK, Lee Harvey Oswald

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        I always found Gacy to be one of the most interesting serial killers. The whole situation plays out almost like a carefully scripted Hollywood movie. He discovers his love for killing after he wakes up to find a runaway he let sleep at his house for the night standing in his doorway holding a kitchen knife. Gacy thinks the boy is about to hurt him, so they struggle and the boy dies. The boy was actually making breakfast for him and was trying to wake Gacy to eat. Gacy says this moment is when he discovers "the thrill of murder". Then he goes on for years killing over 30 people, all the while running a successful business, having friends and family, and being in the public eye. He was married, divorced, got engaged with another woman, separated with her, and then started dating his ex again... all while murdering young boys regularly. Unlike a lot of serial killers, this guy lived an incredibly normal life on the outside. Then we get in to the gross incompetence of the local police department at the time. Keep in mind.. before any of this, Gacy was already a convicted sexual predator and served time for assaulting a 15 year old boy... Two boys directly related to Gacy's business go missing. Another goes missing with Gacy being one of the last to see him. Gacy has his damn car.. and the cops see nothing fishy happening. Another boy goes to the police after being released by Gacy, tells the cops about being sodomized and tortured... and Gacy somehow convinces them that it was all consensual "slave play"..... I mean, holy shit these cops were bad... And then we have Gacy's odd fixation with the number of murders he wanted to be responsible for. He admitted on several occasions that he lost track of the actual number, but for some reason he wanted the total to be somewhere around 30-33 people. Read a few first-hand accounts of the situation and a number of the people involved talked about how cooperative he was with the police in finding the bodies until they reached 32. Then he began to insist that they had found them all and that there was no reason to keep searching. Even becoming upset and angered that they continued the search (they found 3 addition bodies after that, I believe). So now we have the mystery of what was the number he wanted to reach and what was the significance of it? He never mentioned it otherwise. Finally, we have his last words just before execution... "Kiss my ass". I mean.. can you even write a better script than that?

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        7 Replies
        • You left out the part about him being an accomplished painter.

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        • Next, you should do The Green River Killer (AKA, Gary Leon Ridgway)

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          2 Replies
          • I would kill to have everyone use my middle name in reference to my identity [spoiler]maybe even multiple kills[/spoiler]

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          • 21 life sentences VS 11 death sentences 21>11 Therfore; life > death He wouldn't have been executed if people payed attention to my nonsensical bullshit logic.

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            3 Replies
            • Also, I don't know if you're sticking strictly with serial killers for this, but if not, prominent cult leaders like Jim Jones, Credonia Mwerinde, or Charles Manson could make for good threads too.

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              • Make one about the D.C. snipers, John Allen Mohammed and Lee Boyd Malvo.

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                • Interesting.

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                  I saw the name and immediately knew it would be good

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                • Dylan and Eric next.

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                • The most criminal thing about him is the colour of his teeth.

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                • Do Ted Bundy next

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                  • These are awesome. This guy needs some help.

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                  • Do one about a famous guy

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                  • That's not funny

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