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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Edgin Mor: 5/15/2017 9:17:53 PM


So may 18th is just around the corner and i realised that bungie currently has no way of seeing what questions this community wants to ask. Therefore, i am making this post for bungie to easily find our questions How it works is simple, post your question below and i will add it to the list, i will make the list a maximum of 30 questions. To enter, just post your question below and i will add it, and bump this post so bungie find it. Until next time, Donald J Trump. Edit 1: so its seems everyone is a bit shy, so i will put a few qustions to start you off 1. When will the beta start and finish for all platforms 2. Will there be new weapon types? Like SMGs or grenade launchers? 3. Will the raid be like TTK where you take out the main boss or will it be like vanilla where its a side boss 4. What is the full content schedule 5. Will bungie start being honest with the community? (Sandwich) 6. Pets? 7. Will there be any significant changes to how quests work ( Julkku) 8. Will there be dedicated servers for pvp and pve? ( hyperjaz) 9. Will you seperate pvp and pve balances? (Xpendable_hero ) 10. How many ways will there be to reach max light? (xĎARKxTHUNDERx) 11. Will grimore carry over? (GlowingGremlin) 12. Are any D1 weapons returning in D2 (Skred) 13. Will trials return? (Skred) 14. Will bungie change the way they nerf and buff weapons with the clean slate D2 provides (skred) 15. How big are the first 2 dlcs and when exactly are they being released? (Skred) 16. New races and explorable planet? 17. Open world? 18. Will there be raid and nightfall matchmaking? (Chronodragon) 19. Will we be limited to 3 characters? 20. Will there be elemental primaries? Beards? (Octo) 21. Will spacecraft serve a more meaningful role? Will tgere be space battles? (NDFLYER) 22. Darkness subclass? (StormTheWarlock) 23. Will there be activities that can hold/require fireteams over the size of 6 guardians? (OLDBOY) 24. When does the first raid come out? (Yung) 25. Will the stranger be involved in the main story or in a dlc? (Joey big guns) 26. Will exotics feel exotic? (Afro) 27. Will we be able to go other places on earth like old Chicago? (Boatman) 28. Theatre mode? (Jdniscool) 29. Will there be hidden exotics, bosses and quests like in TTK (kenzie) 30. Will there be a vault space increase? (anberlin) Edit 2: so people are confused about number 2, basically, bungie said destiny is going to be a ten year program, however, they pushed back d2 by a year and gave us ROI instead, meaning they lost a year and, if they dont not count it as one of the ten years, they will forever be one year back and wont release the last year. Edit 3: 3 days to go! Im so hyped, anyway, please bump this so cozmo and deej see this BEFORE the livestream because they wont find it in the livestream. Thanks a bunch, oh and i think im forced to say im trending but its too cringy so im ok. Edit 4: Can you all tweet bungie about this post so they find it please, i dont have twitter so i cant do it. Thanks

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  • Will there be a theater mode?

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    2 Replies
    • Mactchmaking for every activity ... and make it Optional. If I want to do the Weekly Strikes solo, I should be able to or have the option to matchmake. Same with Nightfalls and everything else.

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      5 Replies
      • Fish fingers or fish cakes?

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        • Will rahool die?

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          3 Replies
          • Will I, Eris Morn, be a main character in Destiny 2?

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            • I'm sure most of these questions will be answered with a, "You'll just have to buy the game and play it to find out."

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            • Can someone tweet deej and cozmo tellung them about this post so it gets seen? I dont have twitter you see.

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            • Will there be a story, or at least some time to explain why they don't have time to explain? Will we be forced to use sidearms and ammo regenerating weapons to have a viable loadout? Will there be any ammo at all, or is that too OP, so they'll just let us play with sticks, stones, and marshmallow shooters for the entirety of the game?

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              • Will there be 6 man patrols?

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              • Will we be able to edit characters?

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                • Dedicated Servers and 60 FPS? Get out of the dark ages of 30 FPS and Peer-To-Peer matchmaking.

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                • Will D2 get a stable 60fps on console?

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                • Will the engrams be the same as destiny one? (Common<uncommon<rare<legendary<exotic)

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                • Will the story actually make sense or will it be another pile of shredded cheese by time it's released....

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                • Destiny 2 is going to be in 4K?

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                • I hope this isn't the order of priority. 8 and 9 should be 1 and 2

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                • Why would you care about pets destiny is not a MMO I don't care what you think you know you are wrong!!! Destiny is FPS with multiplayer that's it I can 100% guarantee there will be no pets even datto has said this a few hats were released earlier all the emblems on them you can find in this game

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                • That's all fine and well but will there be a wall?

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                • Will more endgame be accessible.."matchmaking "

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                  27 Replies
                  • In game LFG

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                    • In game LFG?

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                    • New weapon types?

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                    • Will titans still be able to outrun a blade dancing super?!?!?!?

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                    • Edited by Sideswipe: 5/15/2017 11:49:15 AM
                      [quote]15. How big are the first 2 dlcs and when exactly are they being released? (Skred)[/quote] First DLC is scheduled for Winter 2017, most likely December. They seem to favor that month for content drops. The second will release Spring 2018. April is again favored by them for content drops (April Update and AoT). Exact dates most likely won't be announced until probably 2 months prior. [quote]Edit 2: so people are confused about number 2, basically, bungie said destiny is going to be a ten year program, however, they pushed back d2 by a year and gave us ROI instead, meaning they lost a year and, if they dont not count it as one of the ten years, they will forever be one year back and wont release the last year.[/quote] 1. Yes, RoI does [i]not[/i] count as "Y3", it's still technically Y2. 2. For the record: the contract states that Bungie will release 4 titles with 4 Major expansion and DLC (and support them) over the course of 10 years. It has nothing to do with time, as in Bungie is free to move after a certain amount of time. Their product fulfillment commitment takes precedence over any time constraints.

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                    • Will ammo synthesis return?

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                      • Edited by monkeydancer: 5/15/2017 8:32:22 AM
                        --------Will we be able to fulfil our full potential- as in not limited to one exotic equipped for "balance" --------Will we see our artifacts on our character - wearing that gauntlet from IB on one hand or carrying skorris shield etc -------Will lore be in the game rather than having to go to and I don't mean add the lore to i game menu I actually mean as in more in depth stories -------Will guns just be more reskins -------While in orbit are we able to go inside our ships (mass effect) and see our gear, our own mini vault, talk to characters over vid comm (would help with the lore) -----Please don't bring back real money transactions unless it's less rng involved in what you get or what you get is actually worth the money -------Is that tiger man coming to D2? If so can we kill it in first scene? ------Will weapons and armour be more individual and customisable as seeing a thousand titans all wearing the same gear as it's the best for that raid or event is boring. ----- when you say steady stream of content please don't make it stupid events like Valentine's Day or Halloween as I still have hundreds of those stupid things in my vault and can't delete them only use them which I'm not 10 so won't do! -----Are there going to be more character customisation options -------Will you be doing a diablo type levelling up where we can have more unique guardians ------Will we be able to choose a clan for each character rather than 1 in all in ------- can I finally get my vex to finish my collection 😁

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