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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Edgin Mor: 5/15/2017 9:17:53 PM


So may 18th is just around the corner and i realised that bungie currently has no way of seeing what questions this community wants to ask. Therefore, i am making this post for bungie to easily find our questions How it works is simple, post your question below and i will add it to the list, i will make the list a maximum of 30 questions. To enter, just post your question below and i will add it, and bump this post so bungie find it. Until next time, Donald J Trump. Edit 1: so its seems everyone is a bit shy, so i will put a few qustions to start you off 1. When will the beta start and finish for all platforms 2. Will there be new weapon types? Like SMGs or grenade launchers? 3. Will the raid be like TTK where you take out the main boss or will it be like vanilla where its a side boss 4. What is the full content schedule 5. Will bungie start being honest with the community? (Sandwich) 6. Pets? 7. Will there be any significant changes to how quests work ( Julkku) 8. Will there be dedicated servers for pvp and pve? ( hyperjaz) 9. Will you seperate pvp and pve balances? (Xpendable_hero ) 10. How many ways will there be to reach max light? (xĎARKxTHUNDERx) 11. Will grimore carry over? (GlowingGremlin) 12. Are any D1 weapons returning in D2 (Skred) 13. Will trials return? (Skred) 14. Will bungie change the way they nerf and buff weapons with the clean slate D2 provides (skred) 15. How big are the first 2 dlcs and when exactly are they being released? (Skred) 16. New races and explorable planet? 17. Open world? 18. Will there be raid and nightfall matchmaking? (Chronodragon) 19. Will we be limited to 3 characters? 20. Will there be elemental primaries? Beards? (Octo) 21. Will spacecraft serve a more meaningful role? Will tgere be space battles? (NDFLYER) 22. Darkness subclass? (StormTheWarlock) 23. Will there be activities that can hold/require fireteams over the size of 6 guardians? (OLDBOY) 24. When does the first raid come out? (Yung) 25. Will the stranger be involved in the main story or in a dlc? (Joey big guns) 26. Will exotics feel exotic? (Afro) 27. Will we be able to go other places on earth like old Chicago? (Boatman) 28. Theatre mode? (Jdniscool) 29. Will there be hidden exotics, bosses and quests like in TTK (kenzie) 30. Will there be a vault space increase? (anberlin) Edit 2: so people are confused about number 2, basically, bungie said destiny is going to be a ten year program, however, they pushed back d2 by a year and gave us ROI instead, meaning they lost a year and, if they dont not count it as one of the ten years, they will forever be one year back and wont release the last year. Edit 3: 3 days to go! Im so hyped, anyway, please bump this so cozmo and deej see this BEFORE the livestream because they wont find it in the livestream. Thanks a bunch, oh and i think im forced to say im trending but its too cringy so im ok. Edit 4: Can you all tweet bungie about this post so they find it please, i dont have twitter so i cant do it. Thanks

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  • [quote]i will make the list a maximum of 20 questions[/quote]

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    • Will there be any D1 weapons transferring to D2? (I.e. Ghorn)

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      2 Replies
      • Will the game be more like Y1 or Y2? I.E., will it be hard to get the best items in the game, but those best items will be WELL worth the grind? Or will the grind be significantly reduced, but the quality of the weapons also reduced so that you don't feel like the grind is worth it.

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        4 Replies
        • Will Guardians we created from D1 on either PS4 or Xbone carry over to the PC version of D2? Also, will there be support for cross server compatibility (e.g., can I play on PC and raid/PvP with friends on PS4)?

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          • Edited by Boatman6: 5/15/2017 2:03:52 PM
            Will we get to go to places on Earth other than Old Russia? (European Dead Zone, Old Chicago, etc.)

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            2 Replies
            • Who's going to pay for the wall? I don't think Zavala and the Vanguard have the funds.... Sure as hell the Cabal isn't either.

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              • Will I have to reset my console, my router and power down my entire house at the mains every 47 mins to get the optimum Destiny networking experience?

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                • [quote]Edit 2: so people are confused about number 2, basically, bungie said destiny is going to be a ten year program, however, they pushed back d2 by a year and gave us ROI instead, meaning they lost a year and, if they dont not count it as one of the ten years, they will forever be one year back and wont release the last year.[/quote] That's not exactly how development works. They will still make that final year, whenever it is. Just cause they said it's a 10 year plan doesn't mean it HAS go be only 10 years and if they cross that line they scrap everything else they want to do. ROI was year 3, Destiny 2 starts with year 4. Who knows how many years we will actually get, but D2 is Y4

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                  • Does the faction rep gained in Destiny 1 matter at all in Destiny 2? I've wanted to delete my Hunter and make a different one for the longest, but haven't cuz rep is so high with everybody. If it doesn't I'll delete and remake my Hunter for Destiny 2 about a week before release.

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                    7 Replies
                    • Forge mode like halo

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                      • Edited by Seldser: 5/15/2017 12:53:26 AM
                        What kind of hardships did you experience during Destiny 1's development and how did the lessons learned through them effect the development of Destiny 2?

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                        • Here's all 10 of your questions 1. Will the console games have FULLY customizable controls? 2. How are you streamlining the gear/vault/app/ item management in game over the original Destiny? 3. How will PvP affect PVE if at all in Destiny 2? 4. Dedicated Servers? 5. Will Trials of Osiris in it's current state return to D2? How will this affect the game as a whole and the community's perceptions? 6. How will the "Destiny Hamster wheel" become less REPETITIVE in D2? 7. Are any Destiny 1 weapons​/gear returning to D2? 8. What is the EXACT release schedule of the first two expansions, and how big are they? 9. Have you fired Derek Carrol yet? 10. How has Bungie changed it's outlook for weapon tuning going forward with the "clean slate" D2 will provide.

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                          3 Replies
                          • 1. When will the first raid come out? 2. Will there be any changes to pve matchmaking (raid, nf) 3. How long will the demo be in the 18th

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                            • Edited by joey big guns: 5/15/2017 12:19:44 AM
                              Will there be a separation as far as weapon balance is concerned between the PvP and PvE playlists? Optional Matchmaking for things like PoE/CoE, Nightfall. Voice changers for ghosts..can that be a thing? I'd actually spend real money on that. Vault space increase over y3 levels with a sort option😍🙏🏼 What happened to The Stranger? Will/can there ever be a speeder/ship/shader customization system? Materials broken down from said items could go towards a creation. Regarding the ships could they be used as actual storage/on board physical interaction(similar to Warframe)? Could theypotentially be used as "homes" for our guardians? TBH for the last three years I've been hoping for something similar to "Hearthfire" in Skyrim. Not as grand a scale but something similar in concept.

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                              • Will the game Lore also be accessable in game? Will gear actually rotate through the vendors and will gear available at launch remain accessable? (can be accquired after new content added). Will shaders and emblems be unlocked and accesable rather than those 9-27 you choose to carry Are Class items going to be cosmetic again (perks not withstanding) or are they going to contibute to the armour/light value.

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                                • Will there be restrooms in the new social space or shall I just continue to go in my trousers whilst out and about

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                                • will there be dedicated servers and not the red bar wasteland we have in pvp?

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                                • Pvp pve separation is the only thing that matters tbh. That's a must for me

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                                  • Will I continue to get out gunned by side arms at scout rifle range

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                                  • if this game is anything like you... it'll be fat orange fake and -blam!-ed up stupid too very stupid

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                                    2 Replies
                                    • For those of us who use vibration - will Bungie reimburse for broken controllers due to the volume of rockets shot by the Cabal?

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                                      • Will the drop rate of exotics be reduced to make them feel truly 'exotic'?

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                                        • 60 fps???

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                                        • Can we dismantle straight from the postmaster? Will we have a multiple item dismantle function?

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                                        • Will we have adequate vault space to collect all the gear sets for all three classes?

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                                          • Will nut punching cabal centurions be a thing

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