As in the description.
[spoiler]Just for those fellows who cant spot it. This is obviously a satirical post about the endless petitions for special ammo back by those that either dont know what a primary is or cant use one or just those who have spent 3 years(nearly) building a high kd because they have been hiding behind their shotgun(would include snipers but Icebreaker :/ )[/spoiler]
Petition to ban OP.
Ok we will stop if the stickies nerfers stop crying for nerf....
Petition to Buff Special Anmo Signed
Its a worthy complaint though. While I hate seeing thae same annoying posts on the front page of the fourms everyday ( not likes its diffrent from any other time in destiny ) the special ammo changes are pretty much universally hated. It sucks too because if it wasn't for those ammo changes the patch would of been almost perfect. The change didn't even work, in fact it completely backfired. They wanted more diversity but instead everyone just uses sidearms. I REALLY just wanted to go back to vanilla Destiny PVP where everything was super fun to use. It wasn't super balanced but It was the most fun, and that's what matters in Destiny's PVP.
Petition to stop petitions trying to stop petitions about special ammo
Hell no. This is from someone with over 51% kills with primaries (18% with specials). This change was a lazy way out. Instead of restoring primary weapons they just took away our special ammo. They're forcing us to play with their shitty nerfed primaries.
Edited by Va JJ K47: 5/1/2017 4:56:40 PMDon't try to push your way of playing on other people. Bungie is doing that job admirably already. You don't like shotguns or snipers? Cool, then don't use one. If primaries were designed for every situation then the other weapon categories/slots wouldn't exist. Besides, if everyone who says "use your primary" was so good, special weapons shouldn't have posed any threat to you in the first place. Fact is, the ammo change was lazy, slowed gameplay, and made the meta even smaller diversity wise.
So, nerf fusions?
Edited by Samantha: 5/1/2017 2:56:47 AMWrong post.
Hasty generalization. At the risk of being hypocritical, it seems like these posts always contain one.
Petition to stop petitions. [spoiler]the word petition and petty both begin with P, coincidence?[/spoiler]
I down vote only because I dislike Josh Hamrick. Reason left me February 14th.
I agree. If people wouldn't be douches with shotguns and camping with sniper rifles this wouldn't have happened. Instead of admitting it's their fault they whine even more. I do just fine with my special when I need to use it, the fact you complain about not enough ammo proves you're abusing it.
Bump. I like the meta just how it is and am tired of people still whining about the special nerf
Petition for a free bucket of chicken drumsticks on each flawless run.
I. Whining minecraft no-lifers
Hold should consider my petition to stop petitions about stopping petitions about special ammo first!!!
Signed. Fine as it is.