Unfortunately I can't find the cartridge anymore but the memories of the games are still there. I used to have this small GBA cartridge with a Jedi on it. The label for it was "100 in 1 games". I don't remember most of the games other than a few really memorable ones (circus Charlie and elevator action come to mind)
There were three or four that really perplexed me though as a kid. Mainly because I think they weren't translated well or were just confusing as -blam!-.
Game 1
Title: ???
Title by my description: Side scrolling cop chase
Premise: you play as a minivan escaping cop cars and there's three "tracks"/roads you drive on while avoiding and jumping over cop cars and pedestrians. It's a really weird arcade like GBA game but I don't know it's title. If requested I can probably attempt to draw how I remember it best since it was something I played often.
Game 2
Title by my desc: Qbert but with some Einstein looking guy
Premise: I don't know what the living hell this game was. All I know is there was some old looking guy jumping on blocks to make them light up. No instructions. Just "jump". I'm not sure if there's any more too it really. I think each block made a sound too. But past that I got nothing.
Game 3
Title: Game genie
Premise: there's a keyboard and some letters that you can punch in. But hitting enter does nothing. Literally nothing works. Apparently it's part of a larger system of some sort but then why is it packed with the cartridge?
Game 4 is the most obscure but simple.
Premise: you play as a hen pushing her eggs...out of a nest and down a wall of brick platforms avoiding wolves and dropping the egg so far that it goes off screen or breaks into small bird yolk bits.
I literally have no idea if that was a real game or just something from a fever dream but it was a bit of a weird one to 6yr old me...
Anyone know what the heck I'm talking about?
Edit: I'm off to Reddit. Thanks for the suggestion m8s
Found game 4, is was something called "Ducks". Was not very far off from my description. You pushed eggs to a new nest, dodged doggos and trying not to break an egg.
Edited by xRADIOACT1V3x: 4/7/2017 2:59:48 PMI found footage of the cartridge. But unfortunately it's being filmed off a webcam by someone who needs the steady aim perk badly.
You'd probably get a faster and more accurate response on Reddit.
I don't, but take this bump. I know this would drive me crazy if I were in your shoes.