[b]MOTW Submission for those who would like to vote: https://www.bungie.net/en/Community/Detail?itemId=224430890[/b]
[b]Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Nn7NP5guvM[/b]
Just a ..well long video of me Solo'ing the new 390 Templar as well as doing the No Teleports for "Challenge Mode". The strategy is pretty straight forward, it just involves you running behind cover between the two teleports, and using your relic block to stop the damage in the process of stopping the teleport. Every time you have your super up you hit the Templar in passing. Do this for ~26 minutes and you'll have a kill!
This is a strat I had ready to go last week when the old Vault of Glass was updated. Wanted to see if I could Solo the Challenge Mode this week and it was actually rather simple. It feels a little cheap doing it this way however, so I wanted to try solo'ing it a different way first (which actually turns out to be insanely hard). But figured should just clear it up on the challenge Mode, and then go for the other harder clear later on :)
This took me about an hour to do once I started using this strategy again this week (I think I spent about 2 hours last week practicing this). One of my first attempts I got it to about 5% this time around and failed a jump.. which was a little frustrating. But got it done about 40 minutes after :)
Unfortunately Atheon is no longer possible solo, but Confluxes/Oracles still seem to be doable solo. Will give those a go next :)
Any questions feel free to ask!
Good job, you played the whole fight well actually enjoyed watching it lol
PVP has been ruined - old
How do you solo the first part? -
Meanwhile, I'm still struggling to 6 man it
I can't even do it in a team of 6. We are having heaps of trouble at the Templer.
Awesome job!
Awesome video, I actually borrowed what you did here to carry people through using your tactics as inspiration!
I love your videos, but haven't you already won moment of the week? I'm just wondering because it seems a bit silly to keep submitting for it
Double movie of the week. Awesomeness
PVP has been ruined - old
You are Legend! -
You are a God.
Totally dig the solo vids.
Very nice, good job
Actually after watching this, should probably take it down. This is borderline so easy lookinf that bungie may add a mechanic to it lol
Out relic runner did this yesterday and we put a weapons bubble in the middle and shot him at much as we could. He had a sliver of health and the relic runner died but we still killed him and got killed by the oracles from dropping the relic we still beat it though. An even better strategy would be to have a weapons for dps and a blessing bubble gor the relic runner to run through. Great video though!
Wtf, how do people have this skill. Must be lots of practess gg
O my gosh. That's so freaking easy . I cant wait to do it with a team. Will have to show everyone I know this strat lol
Edited by Unforgiven: 4/6/2017 11:22:28 AMGood job. I did Templar challange today and honestly i don't want to do it again.. ever... Vault of glass was fun just sitting on top and sniping oracles. They kind of euined it imho
Edited by Gage: 4/6/2017 5:42:00 AMThanks for sharing! It's a shame people are still going to think you need a Defender Titan to complete the challenge when all you need is a really good Relic runner...
Edited by Heidegger: 4/6/2017 11:45:53 AMYou're a beast Edit: Thanks to your gally video, I burned Templar in less than 1:20.
Props to you. I flew in solo and tried this yesterday, mainly to practice stopping teleport on my own so my fireteam could DPS templar. My biggest issue was getting lucky enough for oracles not to spawn on opposite sides of the map. Once I got both, he would start the next round of them. Otherwise, it just took some runs to get the timing of the teleports down. I eventually did well enough to get my fireteam through the challenge. So thanks for the video!!!!
I thought we had to shoot the oracles as they keep spawning or do they stop spawning when his shield is down ?
👑 here is your crown. "All bow before the solo king" GG
This guy is really making a name for himself and leaving his mark, goodbye Slayerage! GG 👌
This was interesting but, was done a lot in year one with the relic. It just plain takes too long. Kudos to you for sticking with it though.