Anyone else kind of disappointed that so many people of the forums many many months ago said something around the lines "I hope the beginning of Destiny 2 the last city get destroyed by the Cabal", and lo and behold this seems what exactly is going to happen?
Look I am all for Bungie use ideas from their players, but not word for word. They should of put their own spin on it.
This game sucks now!! - old
Pretty sure we all got the idea from leaks. It's called mind control through suggestion, and now we think we came up with it. Brilliant Bungie! I'm excited though. -
This game sucks now!! - old
Do you spin? Like at the gym? Your name? -
Games take years to make . Destiny 2 has been in developement for 2.5 years+ . The players got the idea from things put in place in destiny 1 by bungie
But maybe that's the thing about Bungie. One of the things that made Halo campaign so good was that the humanity was losing, that feel increases in Halo 3 ODST since you are not an Spartan. In Destiny, you were never losing, you are just -blam!-ed up. I got SO excited to see the City being destroyed and the Cabal attacking, because those 2 things didn't had that highlight, the City was there and that's it, and the Cabal well, they were fun to fight but they don't even get a Raid
I'm going to go on a limb here and say that Destiny 2 hasn't only been in development for "many, many months." I'm guessing a few years. Also, most of the people were staying those things due to a leak. They were probably just trying to sound prophetic.
It was Bungies plan all along. They didn't take the idea from players lmao
We murdered multiple, high-ranking Cabal soldiers and Oryx took a Primarch, probably the highest-rank Cabal soldier we had seen. Yeah, this was an inevitable event.
Also the distress signal sent by the cabal
You gotta pay attention when listening to story content. Cuz they talk about the cabal empire possibly getting a signal in a mission, I mean come on, it was obvious really.
Lol you said story.
I did
It's not like that because of the fans. It's one of two natural progressions of the story. It was either going to be an attack on the last city or humanity goes on the offensive. Which I can see being the three will. This makes more sense
It's not that hard to predict when people have spent 3 years playing the game. The story couldn't have been too drastically different from where we were. It was also leaked as part of the cut story, so there's that too.
Outbound signal mission in year two I believe is where the theory came from.
Maybe it was Bungie themselves that posted those comments or some of them. Remember the 'Bring the old raids back' posts? 'please nerf...' posts and countless others? Are they all from non-Bungie employees/affiliates? Hmm..
Yes, because it only takes months to make a game.
Maybe, just maybe, Bungie thought of it first? Then they put the pieces in place to make the fans say "oh I hope the cabal invade!"
Kinda like mad libs. They set us up