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Edited by Charlemagne: 3/30/2017 5:59:55 PM

Destiny 2 Full Reveal!

Enjoy! Teaser Reveal: Done Full Reveal: Done Gameplay Reveal: 18 May 2017 BETA Release: Summer Game Release: 8 September 2017

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  • Anyone else kind of disappointed that so many people of the forums many many months ago said something around the lines "I hope the beginning of Destiny 2 the last city get destroyed by the Cabal", and lo and behold this seems what exactly is going to happen? Look I am all for Bungie use ideas from their players, but not word for word. They should of put their own spin on it.

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    19 Replies
    • Great bit of animation, very entertaining. So next the trailer, that will be more of the same, and then E3 :) cant wait and will be following it very closely, realy hope they've done it right this time, but then this is bungie and activision, and a little piece of me is still not convinsed they cant do it without kicking me in the nuts again. Still not going to pre order, ill wait for reveiws and make a call, if its not seperated pvp and pve i will give it a pass.

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      5 Replies
      • Looks like they've just used the Destiny 1 cabal dlc and repackaged it for maximum profit.

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        • 6

          Monster Hunter - old

          So ah...Did they loot our vaults cause I've got like...[i]A lot[/i] of things in there

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          • I love that sweeperbot got himself a cameo. About time he gets the respect he deserves.

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            11 Replies
            • Love Nathan Fillion, but here's the thing: I have no plans to purchase Destiny 2. I loved Destiny. I loved my Hunter. I loved going out into the wilds with him and causing all manner of havoc for the Fallen, Vex, Cabal, and all other embodiments of the Darkness. I happily paid for the expansions to continue those adventures. So, why did I stop? Not the PvP. Buff/nerf whatever you want, I will still suck at it. I stopped over the fact that Bungie forced me to pay for the same content twice. This is a rip off. Out of all the intelligent people working there, they could not find a way to only charge for the new content? I can spend my money on better things with people who do not see me as a cash cow to be milked. The developers have a lot of work to do with Destiny 2 to earn my trust back.

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              8 Replies
              • Sweeper bot is gonna have a lot of stuff to sweep

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                • Edited by Thaddeus Hamlet: 3/29/2017 4:50:01 PM
                  Teaser has me continuing my love for Fillion, but it does nothing else.

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                • "Cayde is destiny deadpool" clearly you plebs have never seen deadpool or read the comics.

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                  6 Replies
                  • lets hope this time we get a complete game... but with bungie i kinda doubt it.

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                    3 Replies
                    • Edited by joey big guns: 3/29/2017 2:14:02 PM
                      Not excited for this one. I was excited for the release of Destiny in 2014. So much that I preordered everything well in advance with the exception of RoI. I will no longer join they hypetrain for any game. I truly hope that Bungie has learned from their numerous mistakes with this very long three year beta.

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                      • Edited by Dirty Synth 001: 3/29/2017 4:03:20 PM
                        If the gaming community can learn from it's mistakes then this game should only sell maybe 5,000 copies. Oh wait, you kids aren't that smart....

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                        12 Replies
                        • The explanation for why all our stuff will be gone is that the vaults were raided and destroyed

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                          • That handcannon tho[spoiler]cayde is deej confirmed[/spoiler]

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                            3 Replies
                            • Did Nathan Fillion come back? That sounded like Nathan Fillion. I was scared with discount Cayde-6, I'm sorry Shiro-4, that Nathan was out.

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                              2 Replies
                              • I love this teaser actually, it always reminds me that our own character will never be apart of the story. Sad really, I'm sure after all the cool CG cutscenes Bungo makes because they have a hard on for Hollywood, we'll be sent out to clean up the mess. Never to actually be involved in all the cool shit the real main characters are getting into. DESTINY 1 RE-SKIN LOOKS SICK AS TITS BRO HYPETRAIN2017

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                                4 Replies
                                • So Exos can eat and drink???

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                                  3 Replies
                                  • Why, did I spend another DLC for 30$ bucks so not getting Dshity2 RDR2 all the way with true open world.

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                                    • Edited by A KOOL POP TART: 3/29/2017 3:59:32 PM
                                      Looking forward to all that non-in game footage and cgi cinematics

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                                    • It is incredible how much bitching there is on the forums

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                                    • I hope there's a special edition.

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                                      3 Replies
                                      • I think that cabal got a hold of Siva virus in Destiny 2

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                                        • Does anyone know if the reveal tomorrow is on twitch like normal?... or will it just be an advert/trailer or something along those lines...

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                                          4 Replies
                                          • Love how he's talking to... [spoiler]the mop bot [/spoiler]

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                                            • Not going to lie, this almost hurts to see. Just like the current destiny, the best screens always seem to be the ones that we're not involved in. Kind of makes me think of destiny as an rpg with the roles reversed: despite everything we've done, they're the main characters, and we're the solder npc's. We're basicly the city guards that you see in most rpg type games, or more accurately those mid to late game brotherhood guys that you see being dropped off to shoot bad guys from time to time while the real characters continue their adventure. We even operate in teams made up of the same three basic combat roles: a big, bulky tank man, a moderately armored scout, and a scribe sent out to collect knowledge. Despite this display of combat and npc character involvement in the trailer, destiny's character interaction up this point hasn't given a reason to hope you'll fight along side them or even see them in combat during a mission. We'll more than likely have them talk to us on radio until the battle/mission is over or have another cutsceen of a main character jumping in to save us from two or three enemies. That's if it doesn't skip over us entirely for a cutsceen of the npc's planning the next move. That's not what I want to happen, but what will likely happen based on what we've seen over the past few years. But if an npc like Hoffman can unexpectedly join you in the fight to protect humanity's only unsinkable and last fortified large-scale city for a comfortably decent portion of a level in Gears 2, I see no reason why you can't have at least one of the three vanguard npc's join you while you're supposed to be fighting in the last city on Earth.

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