So a fellow Guardian named Boobel commented this on a post. I just wanted to post it.
"There wasn't a singular thing that ruined the original Destiny experience. It was a culmination of multiple errors.
Year 1 was good. Like if you played the alpha, and the beta, and year 1, you are aware of the reason for the anger that fills the forum now.
A lot of folk may dismiss this, but if you did it, you know.
You had a nightfall that when you were launching in, you were a tad nervous. Because you knew you could spend an hour or so trying, just to lose it all very fast, and be booted to orbit. The sense of achievement when you completed it was excellent. The rewards were good too.
You would run the raid, and be ecstatic to receive the VOC.
Then, you do Atheon over, and over, and eventually, the Vex Mythoclast dropped. And the grind just is SO worth it. You'd relive the moment with destiny pals when they saw you had it.
Year 1 felt relevant. There was an end game gun we chased. We felt rewarded.
We saw parts of the cosmodrome that were locked away. DLC. But already on the disc.
Then year 2 arrived. And it started to feel like the best parts of the game were slowly being removed. We were told by Bungie that we were playing the game wrong. They had perks on guns, and when we used them effectively, all within the realms of the game, we were told we were using them wrong.
Then we started to feel the affects of nerfing. Guns which we had worked so hard to get, became useless. The variety of weapons available was still big, but nerfs forced players to use very few. auto rifles started to fade, our game was being directed by the requests of the supplementary PvP aspect of the game.
Updates came that meant previous content we paid for, was made useless. Game modes that are supposed to encourage team work in pve were forgotten. You aren't allowed raid matchmaking but, we shall matchmake you a pvp session with 11 people from all over the world resulting in a terrible experience.
We won't matchmake nightfall, because you might get someone who is bad. That's better than no matchmaking right.
Then, we got told previous gen was holding back vault space.
Then, luke Smith tells us we are playing his game wrong, but we're going to throw money at the screen anyway. And there's way more to kingsfall.
0,4% auto rifle.
What's VOG again? Who is Crota?
Trials further toxicated the game. Bungie based game updates on trials. YouTube streamers. The community was ignored. The game grew towards trials, bungie pandered to this, pve got a few more stabs in the back.
Lag switching. Bungie didn't seem fussed.
We became iron Lords, and we were happy for a bit. That mountaintop. That raid. But it fizzled. More nerfs. Friends list didn't show Destiny as much.
The last gen vault space limitations seemed a lie. It didn't increase when last gen wasn't included.
Shotguns. Matador. Heavy ammo. Special ammo.
Then Age of Triumph.
Bungie thank us for participating in a 3 year beta, and begrudgingly make year 1 relevant again with some new year 2, but on their terms.
Oh you want elemental fatebringer? Thats fine, but it'll take an exotic slot instead.
Destiny was failed a lot on petty little stuff, stuff that folk meddled with, that was in reality, doing ok.
And there wasn't more to kingsfall.
If Destiny 2 can avoid the blindingly obvious mistakes that happened over the last 3 years, they could have a fantastic game in the making."
Edit: Thanks for all the replies guardians!
Edit 2: Whoa this is trending. Never been up here before, and it wasn't even my own words lol
Edit 3: Number 1 trending. Wow. Thanks for everyone who liked and commented!
Edit 4: Thank you all for the amazing posts! I'm glad people know how good this game could be. How good it should be.
"Thanks for highlighting my post.
The fact that so many other players are in agreement does give credit to what I said.
I expected people to say I was wrong etc, however we are entitled to our opinions.
Maybe these are the people who forget that the game was never sold as being a pvp game. They clearly told us it was a pve game, with optional pvp.
We also were told that a day one weapon would be relevant to whatever direction the game took. They aggravated people by completely doing a u turn on this, leaving many stuck at 170.
If people feel it necessary to repost what I said, this to me just gives further evidence we agree.
It's then funny to note that people said my
observations of Y1 is the result of rosetinting, and I was wrong. I'm that wrong, that they are making raids relevant again, bringing back older weapons. They also have made AR better again, after the pvp nerds rendered them useless.
It is also funny that people are assuming I'm wholly praising year 1, when I simply listed, in time order, things that I remembered from the top of my head. All of the points I made, weren't borne from negativity. They actually happened.
So if you choose to focus on one aspect of my comments, rather than the whole post, you'll fail to see I simply pointed out what was done incorrectly, or things that were done that resulted in a poor experience.
I am sure a lot of people are happy with the game how it is now, I merely gave my opinion on things that actually happened in the game, that left many of us disappointed."
Edit 5: OVER 500 UPVOTES! Dang, is this a record or something? Someone has to know.
Edit 6: Over 600 upvotes. Dang
Edit 7: 700 UPVOTES BABY!
The hardcore playerbase of Destiny is almost as bad as World of Warcraft's.
All this Vanilla/Year 1 praise.
I almost want to go dig deep & start to necro the Year 1 threads.
Year 1 was not this holy grail.
Year 1 was very flawed.
However Booble is correct in saying:
[i]"It was a culmination of many things."[/i]
As many things were flawed in Destiny on both the development side & community side.
As MANY posters have said, Destiny was very new in Yr1.
So Nightfalls (the first time) were scary/nerve racking.
Getting sent to orbit was cool for the first 4 or 8 NFs.
Then the community got sick of them.
They became a mandatory routine for xp & folks began to fervently seek out "cheese" spots just to get them done asap.
Teams of people sitting in corners, ledges, under ramps, bridges, etc sniping for 20-30+ minutes because bosses were bullet sponges.
But the blue flame was required for bonus xp & was part of the various flawed myths it would help your RNG.
[u]Flawed RNG[/u]
This was Destiny's biggest sin. And back in Yr1 people posted that the unforgiving RNG was how Bungie [i]"Removed the fun out of the game."[/i].
These forums were overflowing with complaints over just RNG alone.
Destiny was a laughing stock across multiple avenues of media because of it.
People would:
- Complete full raids & only have materials to show for it.
- Complete a Nightfall and get Motes of Light, or materials.
- Complete Prison of Elders & get materials.
- Decrypt Legendary Engrams & get Blues, Greens, & Whites. (Very few of us ever got an Exotic from Legendaries.)
When the community resorts to shooting into caves (1 cave in particular) for hours on end, day after day after day to try & get loot that was usable; something is very, very wrong.
When the community throws/purposely loses PVP matches to get good loot...something is wrong.
When you have myths/urban legends spreading to increase RNG, something is wrong...
- Crouching at Cryptarch will increase the chance he will not decrypt you engrams to lower tier.
- Speaker emblems increase: Exotic drop rates/Engrams Drops/Cryptarch Decryption to higher tier/Exp Gain/Harvest Returns/Glimmer Accrued
- Nightfall Buff increased Engram Drop Rates, Chance at Exotics, Cryptarch Decryption, Higher Light stat on gear
The above listed stuff is ludicris!!
People were praying to their pets for god sakes.
[u]The Euphoric Feelings of Exotics[/u]
This is bullcrap.
Yes, during the opening 3 months when no one knew what Exotics existed. The first to find them were "estatic".
However most folks were pulling out their teeth & hair to get exotics.
People cried tears of joy because they could finally progress.
Most folks reactions were that of relief, not joy.
Exotics were powerful, yes. But that was due to by Bungie's own admission, bad balance.
Exotics were meant to change how you played the game by offering unique modifiers/perks that made you alter your play style.
They were never meant to be the Nukes they were at the time.
Gjallarhorn being the biggest one.
Which brings me to the next point...
[u]Gameplay Balance[/u]
The game was challenging, yes.
But not in a good way.
We were weak as all hell:
- Supers did NOT kill most enemies.
- Yellow Bars were Sponges/Mini-Bosses
- Bosses took nearly 30 minutes to kill in Strikes (Unless you had Gjally or some Exotic users.)
- Leveling up was a chore & players could not customize their build.
The enemies were the literal definition of "Bullet Sponge". You can open a dictionary & see Val'us Ta'urc's profile listed under Bullet Sponge.
This created artifical difficulty.
You didn't die from challenge, you died because enemies had more chances to kill you due to their massive HP pools and/or you grew fatigued from fighting them for so long.
People [b][u]literally[/u][/b] fell asleep fighting Val'us.
Folks would abandon Winter's Run because the Archon Priest had the HP of Mount Everest.
Gjally became required for endgame content because it was the most effective weapon in the game for chewing through boss HP.
Which meant, your progression in Destiny was not tied to your skill or accomplishments.
It was tied to pure luck.
Progression was pure luck as everything (minus Vendors) was RNG dictated.
Your armor, your weapons, and the worst sin of em all...your very Level was at the whim of an unforgiving RNG system.
Those who could raid did so because they were some of the lucky few who got lucky with RNG. They had somehow gotten the drops nessicary to run raids.
I myself was lucky as I was one of the select few to get Icebreaker before Xur sold it. I was soloing NFs & "endgame" content before it was believed to be feasible.
But even back then, I never felt that I earned that. I got lucky & I knew it.
But that was it for me. I didn't get a Gjally until about 2 weeks before Xur resold it before TTK launched.
90% of the Destiny community didn't have Gjally. And back then due to this only 10% of the community even stepped foot in a Raid, less than 5% finished them.
Those that did finish did so due to RNG drops. Gear with enough light to boost em, Gjally & other lucky exotic drops.
Skill was secondary.
There were no Discipline, Strength, Intellect builds.
It was all about whatever had the most Light on it.
Don't care for strength? Tough. Those Strength gloves have 36 Light on them better wear em.
Eventually everyone looked the same.
Forever 26- 29s were often in all Dead Orbit gear (Supers were so weak folks tried to stack Disc & Str until they got higher lightbl gear that forced them out of it.)
Raiders all had the same gear & loadouts.
The Tower was full of clones.
You had the Haves & Have Nots.
No Gjally? No ___? Go farm the Loot Cave until you do.
THEN & only then could you progress into future content.
Yr1 eventually was out of hand in Elitism.
Raid Emblem, Gjally, Elemental Primaries, LL of __, Completion #, etc. Required by LFGs.
___ Raid Primary, Blackhammer (Icebreaker if you were super lucky & found a group that didn't require...), Gjallarhorn was the most request/required loadout.
These folks with "fond" memories of Yr1 seem to forget that by the end of Year 1 the game had bled dry its playerbase & finding people to run content with was becoming a full time job.
These same Elitists were complaining that they had no one to run content/play with.
Folks were furious at Bungie because folks weren't playing the game anymore & those that did were too stuck up to pkay with anyone.
The casuals/regular players were tired of the fruitless grind & were in a mass exodus.
Hell, folks revolted at the patching of the Loot Caves, cheese spots, & etc.
These "fond" memories only exist in the minds of those who "had".
They hit the jackpot & got to experience what the game had to offer.
A massive majority did not get this experience.
Not because they were lazy, scrubs, & etc.
RNG just did not favor them & there was nothing you could do about it.
This game improved from Year 1 to Year 3.
Where the game has indeed failed is in keeping content relevant (soon to be fixed in AoT), seperating PVE & PVP, keeping the experience rewarding.
People complain now that it is too easy to get 400 LL. But this is NOT bad.
You know what is not being complained about as a result?
- Not having people to raid with.
- Not having people to run content with.
- People being poorly equipped.
- People not having gear.
- Content not being Accessible
- Not being able to customize Guardian stats, appearance, loadout.
- Cryptarch Decryption
- Accruing Marks
- Forever __ level.
- Bullet Sponges
Right now the top complaints are drowned in nostalgia and/or are coding based.
Elemental Primaries being exotic...
Folks were posting saying that they want them back & would gladly accept them as exotics.
They got their wish...but now the true colors show.
Exotic limitation is a sin.
Folks wanted old content to stay relevant.
Wish granted.
Unacceptable, its recycled content.
PVP Lag, Vault Space, Optional MM
This is coding based & would require a massive rebuilding of a 3yr old game.
I hate it too but I have come to terms with it.
I play FF14. That game as well needs to be rebuilt in specific areas. Now due to the nature of that genre. It is very possible for FF14 to repair its issues.
Destiny...not so much.
I hate to say roll with the punches. this game has hit its limit.
I was honestly surprised by what TTK accomplished considering this game's design.
Which Bungie has admitted to:
Bad Netcode in some areas (PVP issues), Flawed Architecture (MM is on or off. There is no inbetween/optional), Old Coding/Engine (Vault Space, & fps)
The rose colored glasses need to come off.
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