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3/25/2017 12:22:49 AM

Crossing the Rubicon Ch. 23: Not Forgotten

[b]I do not own any rights to this song or video. All rights belong to their rightful owners.[/b] The following week, Laurel and Matson returned to the Valley of Kings. Sand had blown through the canyon, covering most of the various bodies. Most of them. Matson spotted a head just above the sand. The two ran over. The two Guardians began digging away, revealing the petrified statue of the titan they trained under. Still in the pose of which he died-- on one knee, and his weapon held high. His armor had a glassy shine from the extreme heat of the arc mortar that killed him. Laurel dropped to her knees and was crying again. Matson crouched down and brushed her violet hair. The Awoken quickly hugged him for comfort, causing the two to fall in the sand. "I miss him too," Matson said. Crimson and Panoptes scanned the statue. They did not want to say it in front of the Guardians, but they knew what the other was thinking. There was no more Light left in Victor. He was dead. "You should've seen him when he first came to Mars, so many years ago..." said an unfamiliar voice. The two Guardians looked up to see a hunter trekking in the sand towards them. "Man, he was a great soul to be around. Energetic, brave, and always ready for a fight... But, this place changed him. As more Guardians died, and fewer revived... he learned that we were not immortal." The hunter took in a sigh of sorrow. "You may wish he were still here, but somewhere out there, this is exactly what he wanted. I remember him talking to Ajax once, and he told Ajax that 'there was nothing in h*** that could compare to this'." Laurel wiped the tears from her eyes. "You knew him?" She asked. "Yeah, I worked with him. I was a Desert Fox..." The hunter fell onto his knees as if to pray to have his sins washed away. "There are some people who die, but should be alive; and then, there are some who are alive, but should be dead... I, should be dead! When the Valus attacked, Ajax, Rory, Khanan, and everyone else were down here in the fight while I was on the ridge, sniping. I watched my brothers die! Good men, dead! AND HERE I AM, STILL ALIVE!!" He screamed to the sky. "I don't deserve to be a Desert Fox... I don't deserve to live..." "What's your name?" Laurel asked as she leaned over to the hunter. "Gideon. Gideon Fidel..." the hunter replied. "Some die, because they have fulfilled their duty in the grand scheme of this world," Matson said. "Others live, because they are still meant for something greater, even if we cannot see it yet. Maybe you're alive, because you're meant for a greater purpose... maybe like how we are still alive." The hunter continued. Gideon stared at the sand he scooped up in his hands. He let that sink in, and wanted to believe it. He shook his head in agreement. "We should take him to the Tower," Laurel said as she looked back at the still titan. "No!" Gideon interjected. "Captain Riekel practically lived on Mars. And this statue will be a memorial to his actions. I believe he should stay." "I agree with Gideon," Matson said. ///////////////////////// September 20; one month later Laurel and Matson walked to the Hall of Guardians. They were no longer the trainees they once were, they were mature and battle-hardened Guardians. Ever since they lost Victor, the two continued to train, and fought the Cabal and many fronts. Now, they were called in by the Vanguard for a debriefing. The two Guardians stood at the end of the table. Cayde, Ikora, and Zavala were waiting for them. "Good evening, Guardians," Zavala said. "As you are aware, after the Bond Brothers left Mars, we were unable to locate them. We had no idea where they were hiding. Now, we have reason to believe they are on the Dreadnought, and they plan to blow its core..." "We already have Guardians on the Dreadnought, but we believed that you two should be apart of the strike team that we're sending in," Cayde said, interupting Commander Zavala. Laurel and Matson shared looks of excitement. Was this why they lived, to finish what Victor started? "We'll leave immediately," Matson said. Matson stepped into his boots, then adjusted his gauntlets. He clipped his cloak on, then lifted the hood over his helmet. The hunter inserted a magazine into his No Land Beyond and locked it into place. Laurel slid her bond onto her arm and pulled her overcoat on. The warlock spun the cylinder of her Last Word, checking that all eight bullets were loaded. The two Guardians and two ghosts strolled across the Tower to the hanger. In the hanger, they met a hunter wearing iron armor with burning furnaces on his chestplate, gauntlets, and boots. "You two were right," he said. "I guess I [i]was[/i] meant to be alive for a greater purpose..." "Gideon?" Matson asked, almost surprised. "Yeah, it's me. Lord Saladin has inducted me as an Iron Lord... I'm not sure why, he didn't say." "You're an Iron Lord?!" Laurel exclaimed. "Um, Laurel... We gotta--" Matson said, trying to urge her along. "I'm sorry, Gideon, we are in a hurry at the moment. Congratulations on becoming an Iron Lord. I'm sure we'll see you again, but we really must go!" "Yes, of course," Gideon said. "I'm quite busy myself, actually." So, the three Guardians went their own way. Laurel and Matson jumped into their ships and prepared for take-off. "I wonder who the third strike member will be..." Laurel said. "I heard a titan-- 'Blake', I think-- requesting to track down the Bond Brothers..." Matson replied. "Ooh, a titan. Cool," Laurel said as she willed her helmet on. The two ships powered up their engines and shot out of the hanger. They waited in orbit above Earth for a moment, then jumped into a warp, straight for Saturn.

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