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originally posted in: best thing ever said
Edited by bFLY: 3/24/2017 10:29:55 PM
A guy named Dragoon4290 said this in another post like yours that was quoting that Boobel guy. He gets all credit for this and I agree with almost all of it. Been here since beta and day one. I remember year 1 very well. [quote][quote]"There wasn't a singular thing that ruined the original Destiny experience. It was a culmination of multiple errors.[/quote] Correct. But people forget that many of those errors were at the community's behest. [quote]You had a nightfall that when you were launching in, you were a tad nervous. Because you knew you could spend an hour or so trying, just to lose it all very fast, and be booted to orbit. The sense of achievement when you completed it was excellent. The rewards were good too.[/quote] The post game rewards weren't any better than now. How many times did people get Sharded? How many times did people get a few motes? Your chance at an exotic wasn't any better than now. Granted, the extrinsic rewards were worth it - the blue flame and the XP bonus. But don't forget - you [i][b]needed[/b][/i] the XP to help level up, and if you didn't do NF as early as possible, you missed out on all that bonus XP. Don't forget how bad it sucked spending all that time leveling up gear only to find out it sucked. RTO and 3X damage did make it more intense, can't deny that. [quote]You would run the raid, and be ecstatic to receive the VOC. Then, you do Atheon over, and over, and eventually, the Vex Mythoclast dropped. And the grind just is SO worth it. You'd relive the moment with destiny pals when they saw you had it.[/quote] Raids were the focus and pretty much the only place to get good weapons. Vendors were useless once you hit Max light. Lost count of how many times someone did an entire raid and got nothing but mats, not even a Chatterwhite. It rains loot now. Which, IMO, is a bit much. Somewhere in the middle is the sweet spot. KF probably had the best drop rates. The only problem with that was getting something with higher light. That part sucked. [quote]Year 1 felt relevant. There was an end game gun we chased. We felt rewarded.[/quote] Many people felt shit on for reasons above. Don't forget those times when you [i]finally[/i] got a Legendary engram to drop you were so excited, only to have Rahool -blam!- you in the ass with 2 blues or some shards. It was so rewarding having 10 bounties to choose from, yet only being able to carry 5 and having to run to the Tower to turn them in. [quote]We saw parts of the cosmodrome that were locked away. DLC. But already on the disc.[/quote] This tripe has been debunked countless times. I wish you people would do your own research on how games are developed these days [i]and [/i]how TDB was created [i]alongside[/i] Frankenstein Vanilla. You also seem to forget the massive downloads prior to each expansion. What do you think was in each D/L? [quote]Then year 2 arrived. And it started to feel like the best parts of the game were slowly being removed. We were told by Bungie that we were playing the game wrong. They had perks on guns, and when we used them effectively, all within the realms of the game, we were told we were using them wrong.[/quote] Blame the community. People bitched and moaned about perks like Final Round and Kneepads. Reforge only exacerbated the problem. [quote]Then we started to feel the affects of nerfing. Guns which we had worked so hard to get, became useless. The variety of weapons available was still big, but nerfs forced players to use very few. auto rifles started to fade, our game was being directed by the requests of the supplementary PvP aspect of the game.[/quote] Nerfs would've happened regardless. Sure, many of them were head scratchers, but keeping the Y1 format wouldn't have kept nerfs from happening. [quote]Updates came that meant previous content we paid for, was made useless. Game modes that are supposed to encourage team work in pve were forgotten. You aren't allowed raid matchmaking but, we shall matchmake you a pvp session with 11 people from all over the world resulting in a terrible experience.[/quote] How much of a difference would it have to Y1 players if VoG and Crota were brought forward in Y2? When PoE came around, people were already tired of doing them. They'd been done 100x over. By October you'd stopped doing them completely if you had everything. "Oh but I would have for the chance of exotics!" Really? 3oC would've changed your mind on that. Much more efficient farming routes. [quote]We won't matchmake nightfall, because you might get someone who is bad. That's better than no matchmaking right.[/quote] Why this isn't a thing I can't tell you. Yes, the content has been dumbed down, so there's no reason to hold back OMM. [quote]Then, we got told previous gen was holding back vault space.[/quote] I Google'd this and had a satisfactory answer in about 5 min. Do some research and you'll have insight as to why RoI couldn't bring more. [spoiler]just because hardware has 8gbs of RAM, doesn't mean software can use it all...[/spoiler] [quote]Trials further toxicated the game. Bungie based game updates on trials. YouTube streamers. The community was ignored. The game grew towards trials, bungie pandered to this, pve got a few more stabs in the back. Lag switching. Bungie didn't seem fussed.[/quote] Agree here. I get that Trials was introduced as an outlet for Top PvP players. But when interest in the mode grew, Bungie should've altered the format to accommodate the new interest. Now, new people play it for a week and GTFO. [quote]We became iron Lords, and we were happy for a bit. That mountaintop. That raid. But it fizzled. More nerfs. Friends list didn't show Destiny as much.[/quote] Don't forget the part where RoI outsold Vanilla in digital sales for launch month and grossed $60 million dollars. [quote]The last gen vault space limitations seemed a lie. It didn't increase when last gen wasn't included.[/quote] Again, a 5 min search... [quote]Then Age of Triumph. Bungie thank us for participating in a 3 year beta, and begrudgingly make year 1 relevant again with some new year 2, but on their terms.[/quote] What did you expect? Bungie created a looter/shooter. People wanted more MMO aspects, more RPG aspects, more this, less that. One of the vid docs from before launch had a dev stating "one of the challenges of making this game was having enough content to people engaged for 50-100 hrs, or 30 min to an hour a day..." So they create a game tuned to 50-100 hrs, and people want more. Rome wasn't built in a day. [quote]Oh you want elemental fatebringer? Thats fine, but it'll take an exotic slot instead.[/quote] That's Bungie listening to the community. Go back and read any thread about elemental primaries and you'll see all the people that suggested and claimed would be happy if exotics were elemental. [quote]If Destiny 2 can avoid the blindingly obvious mistakes that happened over the last 3 years, they could have a fantastic game in the making."[/quote] Sometimes there's only so much you can do with old/reused/recycled material. D1 is that result. Ever watch that show with Jesse James where he and his team are challenged to turn a car into something else with budget of $2000 and a week to do it? It's challenging, and results often varied. Imagine if he had 3 months to do it $100,000. How much better would the results be? I agree with some of your statements, disagree with many. Some of your points are nostalgia, rose colored glasses, or just flat out wrong information. Yeah, Y1 had some pros, but it also had cons. Y2+ has had cons, but also alot of pros. Many of the changes were for the better, and many were sparked by the community that Bungie doesn't listen to. If you don't the direction this game has taken, well, this is what happens a dev lets the community drive major changes instead of standing firm in their vision. But they'd caved because this community doesn't understand that sometimes it's ok for a business to tell it's customers "No. We're not doing that." Because this community gets off on forever putting Bungie in no-win situations. And this community doesn't understand that this game has attracted the attention of multiple genres of players - RPGers, MMOs, Shooters, PvPers, Casuals, etc - and no change is going to be universally liked. Deal with it.[/quote]

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  • yup yup.

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  • I agree with this post. Y1 had great things and a lot of BS Same with Y2-3. A lot of these players do have a serious case of Nostalgia that makes everything in year 1 seem like perfection. Far from it. Almost every change to the game PvE, PvP and etc.. we have now is heavily based on all the complaints regarding Y1 problems. I wouldn't even be surprised if most of these "Y1 players" weren't even around for Y1 and just copy what other people say to prop themselves up. In my own experience the only reason I feel Y1 was better in some cases was because I bought Destiny to play with my friends. We ran the weekly rituals every single week, played PvP almost everyday. Played the raid and lost many hours of sleep trying to power through Atheon, Crota and Skolas.. Problem is, out of the 20+ friends I had, only 2-3 of them still play. Others left due to work, family, or other games. I had the most fun in Y1 because I had friends on and could get a group together in a matter of seconds. Now we make a schedule and end up cancelling last minute because someone can't play or other reasons. I love Destiny and will play it until Bungie stops supporting it, but my love for Y1 Destiny is completely Nostalgic. That I loved hearing my friend Matt have a literal Orgasm when he got Gally to drop from Crota on our 20th attempt.. that was the best. lol

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  • Edited by bFLY: 3/25/2017 12:48:18 AM
    Yea year one was nowhere near as great as people want to believe. The roots of all the serious nerfs can be traced back to year 1.

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