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originally posted in: best thing ever said
3/24/2017 4:51:34 PM
They changed the game because of idiots like Luke Smith being mad we were playing the game the way we wanted to play it instead of how he wanted us to play it; also, because they started listening to streamers they mistakenly believed represented the player base of this game because they had followers. They listened to the vocal minority and ignored the fact that the majority of the player base, the casuals, do not watch streamers or even visit the forums. And I assure you, the majority of the player base is casual because you don't sell 30+ million copies of a game without a majority of them being purchased by casuals. As to the Division, Ubisoft has become notorious in recent years for launching games that were flawed from the onset. I speak from experience and as an owner of over 15 Ubisoft titles. The Division lost players because you could beat the whole PvE side of the game in a few days with absolutely no replayability value at all. The Dark Zone was an utter joke with higher level players using exploits to take advantage of lower level players; for example, entering zone 1 with crappy gear and then changing to their higher level gear so they were extremely op. The challenge modes were near impossible to complete, causing players to give up and abandon the game. The incursions were fun once or twice, but very quickly lost appeal. The list goes on and on. Destiny had a very strong player base at the release of TTK and they lost lots of players because they changed the game; completely the opposite of what Ubisoft was attempting to do when they made changes to the Division. Ubisoft was trying to keep players from ditching the game while Bungie was trying to force their vision of how they wanted the game played.

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  • That really doesn't make any sense. If a game is successful and popular, you don't completely revamp it. That speaks volumes of how the game was doing, regardless of the Y1 romanticism by the few on this board. It makes zero sense from a business standpoint.

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