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Edited by Master Chief: 3/23/2017 2:19:24 AM


As we all know, today is the final livestream for Age of Triumph, and in it, Bungie will discuss their sandbox update. Now, we all know the Vex Mythoclast is in a terrible position right now. It's recoil is higher than Snoop Dogg on weed and it's ammo capacity is lower than my standards. All jokes aside, Bungie needs to majorly buff the Mythoclast if they want it to be viable. In order to make this known, I urge all of you fellow Guardians to put #BuffTheMythoclast on all your posts. Now, if the stream comes and they've already buffed it, then mission success. Edit: Changed "tomorrow" to "today" to make post more relevant. Edit: Stream's over; no Vex changes. RIP Edit: We're trending. Seems a lot of us don't like Bungie's decision to not buff the Mythoclast.

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  • Edited by TheTommieC: 3/23/2017 12:22:12 AM
    It does not need a buff. Making it the meta would cause all fusions to be in the spotlight. We don't want that. Seriously, we [i]don't want that.[/i] Choose a better (or worse) gun to buff. The Vex Mythoclast does not need changing. Especially how OP it was in year one. It's fine.

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    50 Replies
    • I think it needs a slight damage buff. Maybe increase the damage at close range, but reduce the dmg falloff distance. They mentioned in the stream that it's meant to "melt" enemies at close range. It doesn't. Not even (universal) remotely. [spoiler]Badum.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Tiss.[/spoiler]

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      • No it was nerfed for a reason. If they buff the vex, they better buff the last word so I can two tap people across map again.

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        7 Replies
        • Edited by Robin: 3/24/2017 7:45:15 AM
          Bump for buff #BuffTheMythoclast #MakeMythoclastGreatAgain #ItsAnExoticAfterAll #PlzBungie

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        • Buff stability, fix mag size and reserve ammo/bloom bug. Boom, the Vex is now viable.

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          • When people see Vex they assume it's original release. Everyone seems to forget it's original nerf state! It was a perfect balance and was viable and fun! Just undo what you did to it by bundling it with Fusions! Pisses me off extremely when people say "no it was OP", oh -blam!- off. There was a solid time where it was a viable option, and not overpowered at all.

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            • All it needs is +10 stability and more ammo

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            • Bump

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            • Bump!

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            • S M O K E W E E D E V E R Y D A Y

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            • Super Good Advice has better recoil than the mythoclast

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              • #-blam!-TheMythoclast

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              • #GiveTaniksAHome

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                • -blam!- it just revert it to 56 crit damage and whatever it was to the body, with the shit range and accuracy it'll be a sort of pseudo last word.

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                • It's not even hard to manage the recoil at all , I use it all the time in crucible, just be glad it's coming back

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                • "It'll be [i]real good[/i]" - Josh Hamrick

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                  4 Replies
                  • Yeah the -blam!-? You bring back a gun that was only good in year one and hype everyone up just to have it be just as bad as when it left

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                  • Not necessarily buff. It needs to be fixed. The hit detection is terrible.

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                  • Edited by chickengoujohn93: 3/22/2017 7:45:07 PM
                    I've been saying this for nearly two years and people bashed me for it, with comments such as "who cares it's irrelevant" or it was "nerfed for a reason". Ghost Bullets, little reserve ammo and huge recoil. People left it too late to notify Bungie of it's problems for them to care. Seems like people got excited when they heard it was coming back and took it out of their Vaults (after nearly two years) for a spin on Patrol or in the Crucible. Its a horrible weapon now and is easily in the Top 5 worst Exotics in the game at the moment. Anguish of Drystan but Exotic would be a fitting description for it.

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                    2 Replies
                    • I honestly believe they are scared to even touch it. The Vex was unlike anything when it was in its prime. I hate the phrase OP, but going up against a Vex in year 1 was like being hit by lava whilst naked. You didn't stand a chance.

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                      • Edited by Goldscheyer: 3/23/2017 3:10:40 AM
                        This is what I'm talking bout. I blew the dust off that bitch the other day, and put it back after 3 minutes in a game of clash. You'd have a better chance at accuracy using a phecking slingshot from 300AD

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                        • Edited by Syndicate Bias: 3/23/2017 5:48:31 PM
                          I decided to give the ol vex a try again yesterday to test what it needed. It doesn't need damage buff, it is half of it used to be but I killed guardians easily with it. What it needs is simply the cone fire rate taken out to an accurate one like it used to be. Just a slight range buff but not a lot. Just enough for it to be useful in medium far range but not long range. And that's all that it needs. If u want damage buff believe me people will cry for its Nerf. I'd rather keep the mythoclast on its current damage state than ask for a punishment. I used it since y1 and that's all I can tell its issue is. The magazine size is an annoyance which I agree should be at least 54 but that's all the fixing it really needs. Accuracy and range I grinded VoG in y1 wayyyy too much. Didn't get my mythoclast till I think December 16 of 2014. That shit took months. Still hurts to see how far its been nerfed

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                        • All they need to do to buff it is slightly increase the range and accuracy and maybe add a little more stability.

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                        • My favorite gun in the game. I grinded so much to earn it, but man, it was so worth it! And then they made its light level a joke. RIP

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                        • I don't care if they don't buff it, REMOVE THE -blam!-ING CONE SPREAD. FOR -blam!-S SAKE ITS BASICALLY AN AUTO RIFLE YOU CANT USE BLOOM ON AUTOS. [spoiler]and while we're at it let's increase the mag size to like 54[/spoiler]

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                        • Yup -blam!- u bungie!!-blam!- u!!!

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