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Edited by Ishigauche: 3/20/2017 4:03:26 AM

Nerfs and Buffs, and My Message

I think it's amusing that so many people are missing year 1, saying Bungie ruined their game, that Destiny is dead, etc... but most of the nerfs were done because of the community complaining too much about anything and everything that was remotely good in PvP. I could pick up a Sleeper Simulant and 1 shot body you in pvp, does that make it O.P.? 2 things: -Stop complaining so much, most nerfs were due to overuse and over-whining (R.I.P. Thorn) -Destiny is not dead, the game has millions of registered players playing daily. All you people saying you left the game, we all know you didn't. And if you did, no need to be on the forums either, if you hate the game. I'm not a Destiny fanboy, Bungie defender, etc... I still think some decisions were a little over/under the top (miniscule buff to Autos back in TTK, removal of special, killing Sunsingers pvp usage, Landfall nerfs, etc...) But it's still a unique game. And guns can be good without being O.P. I mean, a big part of the community is a joke. It's pretty sad when the once considered worst weapons in the game are now receiving nerfs because of...... the community's inability to use anything other than "meta". My message: Stop complaining so much. Guns can be good without being O.P. Play the game, and don't get mad when someone kills you in pvp with -this gun-. Stop complaining about vault space, none is being added. Pointless argument. The game isn't dead. Learn how to smash Crota. And git gud. Did I leave anything out?

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  • It isn't dead, but it certainly is losing fans

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  • I thought I hated Y1 but now that it's gone I miss it.

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  • U forgot nerf sidearms, NLB and striker Titan

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    1 Reply
    • Edited by vitisku1: 3/20/2017 5:03:17 AM
      One thing you said I don't agree with. For the sake of being fair to both sides of your argument, I don't think Bungie balances based on what the forums whine about. Not for any sense of not pandering to the masses, but they have weapon usage data in front of them at the click of a mouse. It would actually be harder to trawl the forums reading every toxic crybaby post regarding op guns/supers/abilities/subclasses/whatever the flavour of the week is. They can see what weapons are being overused or underused and use that data in the balancing. Now, the other reason I believe this is a bit more controversial. Bungie don't balance based on the forums crying, because whatever is overpowered, is overpowered on purpose. I mean let's be honest, if Bungie did any play testing of an upcoming update before release, and we must assume they do, then it would be blindingly obvious that something will stronger or weaker than others. I mean, that these changes were gonna make sidearms and primary or ammo regenerating snipers overused is even obvious, it's a no brainer. They even said before, and I apologise that I can't provide an actual link to the quote cos I don't remember where it's from, that they want every archetype to have its time in the sun. Basically saying that the crucible is perpetually, and purposefully unbalanced. To finish, for examples, look at things like auto rifles and fusion rifles. Fusion rifle nerfs have been a running joke on the forums for 2 years. But fusion rifles are incredible with the right roll. Same with autorifles. Im terrible at pvp, but if I decide to take an autorifle into a few games, after a few games getting used to it I get just as many kills as I do with any meta weapon. Same with fusions( although not as much with the ammo changes because, like I said, I'm not good so die/lose ammo a lot and refuse to spend a whole game looking for ammo). The reason they're not used is because they're not meta, they already have been, and so people won't use them because they'd have to play more intelligently, not because they're inherently underpowered.

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    • You are forgetting Hammond Robotics.

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    • 2
      The special amo change was horrible lol I hope we see it removed. The weapon tuning I agree with but I feel the shotgun like stolen will should not have been effected by the nerf. ( shotguns like mapador are still good) autos need a base stability buff.

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    • Edited by Swiftlock: 3/20/2017 4:50:07 AM
      Nah. The complaints are fair. Way too many unnecessary nerfs and bad design choices. Bungie nerfs many exotics and other primaries into the floor, they rob you of special ammo when you die with every archetype EXCEPT sidearms, and they punished PvE players with nerfs meant for PvP that ultimately don't make the game more fun or interesting. People didn't want that.

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      1 Reply
      • I think bungie should make it a fact that there will be no Nerfs or buffs in Destiny 2, don't bother complaining in forums etc because it will not exist, just put an end to it

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        3 Replies
        • [quote]...the game has millions of registered players playing daily.[/quote] Millions? [i]Plural[/i]? Try a little research next time. There's a few hundred thousand daily players, these days. It's a rare occasion that the player count exceeds [i]one[/i] million. The game is 2 1/2 years old, after all, and a sequel is coming in the near future. Face it, Destiny [i]is[/i] dying; nothing lasts forever.

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          27 Replies
          • I got killed by a Sleeper Simulant for the first time in PVP yesterday. I wasn't even mad lol

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          • [quote]Stop complaining about vault space, none is being added. Pointless argument.[/quote] THANK YOU!!!!

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          • That satire tag really makes this post confusing af.

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            3 Replies
            • Edited by sabarsaif79: 3/20/2017 4:39:25 AM
              I think it may have started with the complaining of the community,but i think bungie took notice that when they change the meta there's an influx of players grinding for the new meta. i think that's that has become the new reason for the nerfs.

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            • I'm just mad about special

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            • I send my messages through blood farts

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            • [quote]I mean, the a big part of the community is a joke. It's pretty sad when the once considered worst weapons in the game are now receiving nerfs because of...... the community's inability to use anything other than "meta". [/quote] This, every time is see an entire enemy team with the same loadout I just think to myself "That shit is getting nerfed", which is sad because their is some really great weapons in Destiny. Got a pretty mad Her Memory auto from COE the other day, tried it out in a Control match and was genuinely surprised by how good it was.

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            • And please, don't say I'm complaining about complaining. That really gets old

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            • I'm so salty, I'm gonna lie on a snail

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            • [i]Why.. why is there a satire tag on this post? (ó¿Ô)[/i]

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              6 Replies
              • Edited by Nyarancia: 3/19/2017 5:40:59 PM
                We need less guns to balance the game. We should remove hand cannons, shotguns, pulse rifles, machine guns, fusion rifles, snipers, rocket launchers... You know what just remove guns swords ftw

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                9 Replies
                • Technically, can't you get trending by replying to your own post? Huh

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