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3/14/2017 4:57:00 PM

Your daily reminder about Vault Space

Try deleting some of that shit that you are hoarding. That's all.

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  • What's it to you what other guardians want? What they want doesn't affect the way you play the game, so here is your reminder to stop being a Bungie brown nosing fanboy. Defending a developer you worship is not your job. Bungie now advertises heavily armor sets to market its product. Bungie promotes collecting as an activity in it's loot based game. If you don't see that you're either not paying attention or have an agenda to defend Bungie at the expense of other guardians. It's really nonsensical for players who don't care to engage in collecting armor sets to tell other players how to enjoy the game. It's a little righteous from my perspective. Let me remind you: while Bungie was promoting ROI, they said we would have more vault space. "not on Day 1, but after" is the exact quote. Not only did they not give use more vault space, they allocated development resources for creating a kiosk to facilitate silver dust and ornaments microtransactions as well as a holiday kiosk for the same reason. Since you want to talk about vault slots, let's look at all the armor sets Bungie is promoting for us to go out and get: Days of Iron set Archon's Forge set Wrath of Machine set King's Fall set The Dawning microtransactions set (2) TTK microtransactions set (2) The Dawning set from new weekly bounties Iron Banner set from TTK Iron Banner set from ROI Trials set from TTK Trials set from ROI Queens armor set House of Judgement set (COE/POE) Sublime set (ps4 (2)) SRL set New Monarchy set Dead Orbit set FWC set chroma set crucible set Vanguard set Strike specific loot armor Dusty Engrams (2 versions of Y1 IB sets per character) So if you want to talk about numbers, let's do that. That's 27 sets Bungie advertised as an activity while they asked us to spend money on their product. 27 sets X 3 Characters X 4 armor slots = 324 and that's just legendary armor. Doesn't even include exotics, weapons, all the new class items they added in ROI, ghosts, or artifacts. That doesn't even include situations most people use for guantlets for autos, pulses, snipers, handcannons, etc. Meanwhile, we get all these consumables through microtransactions and Bungie PURPOSELY gives us no quick way to discard them to conserve vault space. You know why? Because they want us to use them so that people will see us in the tower to help promote microtransactions for them. It's time to wake up and see what's happening. If you're not going to support other guardians don't come in here defending corporate greed.

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    23 Replies
    • Thank u

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    • I agree with you. Unless they make ALL the old gear relevant, there is no point to keep it. I used to be such a hoarder in year 1 until I realized that the loot was going to irrelevant in year 2.

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    • Loot based games generally inspires collecting. Game is built around grinding for different gear/weapons with varying rolls. There are more weapons and armour than we have space for. Unless we literally collect one of each item. Even then we'd be strapped for space. Yeah, I have 3-4 of the same gun with varying rolls I like to mess around with. Game is about experimenting and using different stuff. I don't want to run the same 3 things like you then complain the game is stale. Let a collector collect. 😭

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      8 Replies
      • If you go through your closet and see a shirt you haven't worn in two years, you get rid of it.

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      • Translation: "Stop collecting loot in a loot collecting game."

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        15 Replies
        • Too bad your mom didn't delete you.

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          2 Replies
          • People argue about something like vault space.. ..and then wonder why crucible can't get balanced..

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          • No[spoiler]that is all[/spoiler]

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          • Only the Destiny community could find a way to complain about getting more loot...

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            2 Replies
            • It's not that simple. A lot of my stuff has sentimental value, so I can't just scrap it.

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              8 Replies
              • Lol, just because you keep 1 Meta weapon doesn't make you cool

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              • Yeah. Deleted about 15 weapons the other day. Felt good to get rid of stuff I haven't touched in months. But yeah. They're not going to increase space. Pretty sad that there is a limit to loot in a loot based game, it's like you can collect stuff, but you can't collect everything. Of course, a raid kiosk would be pretty dope.

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                2 Replies
                • if theres is no buff for the red death archetype on March 28. I have like 20 Weapons to delete.........

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                  1 Reply
                  • Allow me to gain it again and I would

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                  • Edited by xSinicle: 3/15/2017 2:10:45 PM

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                    5 Replies
                    • I already have a solution for myself. I'm not sharing my secret. ~[i]TheGreatNike[/i]

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                      2 Replies
                      • Actually probably what I was going to do today, since I doubt I need 5 different garbage hopscotch pilgrims, 4 the waltzs, 4 treads upon stars, and the 8 khvostovs I have for no reason

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                      • Delete all your specials they are useless anyways (keep wormwood doe lol)

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                        3 Replies
                        • [spoiler]Made You Look[/spoiler]

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                          3 Replies
                          • I'll delete shit when the 28th comes out

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                          • No thank you. I'll keep my stuff and feel good about it. Glhf with life, bud.

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                          • Let's see if you feel the same way in a few weeks when you have tonnes more loot.

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                          • Daily reminder that your stats are trash

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                            15 Replies
                            • 1
                              Your daily reminder about how your addiction to hoarding is tearing your family apart.

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                            • Preach. Seriously, its cathartic.

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