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3/4/2017 10:45:25 AM

Stop being sadface about stuff left behind.

This stuff was NEVER advertised to carry over. Neither was everything else you put so much "work" in. If you want your old gear to remain useful way later in the game, then go play World Of Warcraft where Transmogrification is a thing. Destiny Is a videogame. It is a luxury. You will survive without your silly emotes, fancy sparrows and the other crap you bought.
#Destiny #bapao

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  • 😥

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  • Edited by MithBesler: 3/7/2017 11:01:08 PM
    I keep seeing people scream about how bungie lied. I have yet to find a quote anywhere that says all our gear and equipment will carry over. The only thing I can find is back in 2014 when Deej gave an Interview to IGN. [quote]"The idea is that the Guardian you have created is something you can bring along with you on that adventure. If you take a look at the way people have played other games for a long period of time, they've had a relationship with the same character for a very long time."[/quote] And in updates there is the line. [quote]Dague explained that Bungie recognizes the fact that players have grown attached to their Guardians. As such, they “intend to allow” the transfer of character progress.[/quote] Now we can google what progress means in a video game, this is from Wiki [quote]A saved game (also sometimes called a game save, savegame, savefile, save point, or simply save) is a piece of digitally stored information about the progress of a player in a video game.[/quote] So in that regard you could say a character's progress includes everything they have done and have in their inventory. But i'm inclined to believe that for once Deej was being rather literal instead of his normal cryptic self when he used the word progress. [quote]the development of an individual or society in a direction considered more beneficial than and superior to the previous level[/quote]. Who freaking knows, however I would give good money to have someone get Deej drunk and have him for once give us a straight answer.

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  • Im to buissy thinking about the new stuff to even worry about my old messy horder vault. A fresh start will be a good intervention for me. Lol. [spoiler]i'll keep this piece as well, i might find use for it one day. Never use it. [/spoiler]

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  • The thing is not many games carry anything over cod never carries things over neither does battlefield so why should this

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  • Stop acting like you know everything newb. For those of us who were here in the beginning, bungie promised us that all of our progress and items would carry over to the future installments and then broke that promise. We spent hours leveling up, getting gear, and accomplishing amazing tasks expecting to carry these things with us only to get slapped in the face by the people who said we could do it.

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    29 Replies
    • Hey, as long as my Crest of Alpha Lupi and Patience and Time are in there [i]somewhere[/i], I'll be happy. While mm y ship amd Sparrow are wicked, I'm sure I'll find [i]something[/i] to replace them.

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      1 Reply
      • Leave the cancer emotes like Dab and Whip/NaeNae behind

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      • Me Titan😐 Me sad☹️ Titan can't be Spaceman no more🚀

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        2 Replies
        • Do players whine this much about CoD, GoW, Battlefield, GTA etc...? Progress doesn't carry over with those every time a new game comes out right?

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          8 Replies
          • So let me get this straight: You post that it was never said things would carry over, but when provided with proof, your response is something to the effect "it was 3 years ago, things change"? So, is your argument that Bungie never said it? Never meant it? Or is it that we should expect and accept the fluctuations of truth that Bungie shares because too much time went by?

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            26 Replies
            • I understand the fuss over it. Which isn't to say I agree. The sad thing is that they did it to themselves. They've taken a game should have been about the experience and playing with friends and made it all about the loot. It's your own selfishness and greed that makes you complain, not anything that bungie has done.

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              • Edited by Lull9: 3/7/2017 9:30:16 AM
                And they can survive without my money. Probably not without SOME people's money though... (They might want to stop pissing off their players at some point... Lol...) It's not just about this though. All the bullshit has accumulated into a pretty gross heap.

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              • Edited by FreakingElite09: 3/7/2017 4:03:33 AM
                Considering the amount of rime people spent for that stuff, I can understand. Then again, thats what we get for investing so much time in a fantasy world.

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              • The people I used to play with aren't coming back because of this. Now I don't know if I want to play Destiny 2. Really don't want to go into it as a solo player again. I want to share it with people. Tried making friends and joining clans but it just falls on deaf ears. I was afraid this would happen. :/

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              • Totally agree

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              • This. Not to mention if the money you spent on in-game crap was so important, why did you spend it on a video game in the first place.

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              • 1

                Code of Conduct - old

                How hard is a badge on their guardian when you inspect them be? [spoiler]THEM Being Veteran players[/spoiler] Or at least an exclusive emblem but one that isn't gay af

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                4 Replies
                • I think it was advertised to carry over, but I don't really care.

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                • Boo hoo my embwems....

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                • I don't see why this is such a big deal. This game has been here for nearly 3 years. 3 years of the same reskinned guns and armor. I get it, you spend hours upon hours trying to get the stuff you wanted but its time for something new now. This is not the end of the world. Move on.

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                • Not that I care if it does transfer , it just signifies bungie throwing the towel admitting they cannot deliver the fps-mmorpg they advertised. I have followed the game since it's inception I believe in 2007. It was made out to be a similar experience as world of warcarft, yet as a fps. They didn't take in account the 12 year Olds on sugar highs wanting everything without work

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                • They have left me absolutely no incentive to play since none of this will carry over. Even stuff I played money for. So if they bring back the old raids there is no reason to play them despite nostalgia. The carrot they used to dangle in front of me is rotten and moldy and I don't really care about playing Destiny going forward. If there is nothing going forward and nothing to show for your year one efforts? Why play?

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                  33 Replies
                  • Why is it that every time that someone criticises bungie all the idiots come out & when you try to hold them to a point about destiny they start comparing it to other games instead of sticking to the point of the matter in question. I think that everything should be transferred over to D2 instead of this pointless argument. as a year one player I still remember getting screwed over the first time around by bungie watching my favourite weapons & armour been turned into shit because of some dick weed behind the seen

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                  • Don't let this distract you from the fact that if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be entitled to a financial compensation

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                    2 Replies
                    • I guess people don't understand the difference between DLC and a brand new game.

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                      • ( ͡; ͜ʖ ͡;) <-- Sad face

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