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Edited by LeVante: 2/22/2017 5:42:12 PM

Frustrated. Not improving. Need advice

Hi, I'm a year 1 player and in pve I've done almost everything. I was very occasionally playing pvp however since December I decided that I really wanted to get better in pvp. I am a very committed person and I take quite seriously the goal of improving. I'm playing only pvp now, every day, at least 2 hours. I watch lots of videos about strategies and tips and I know that I have to have realistic expectations. Despite my best efforts I feel very frustrated and disappointed. In almost 3 months my kd has improved only from 0.72 to 0.73. I feel like I am constantly massacred in the crucible by players a lot more experienced than me and that makes me sad because the match-making should be skill based and I don't understand why I end up with people so above my level. Trials of osiris is literally out of discussion. It is over crowded by professionals (which literally do that for money) and I feel like I'm just feeding easy kills for them without learning anything at all. As many pro player suggest in their videos I'm trying to play a lot of Rumble to improve my gun skills and be able to compete in 1v1 engagements. Well every time I play I normally lose very bad the first 3-4 matches and only after the match making breaks those teams 4 times I can finally find more "affordable" players at a level I can compete and learn. The problem is that it happens over & over every day. So before I can enjoy a pvp match it takes roughly 1 hour of hard defeats every day which is tedious, annoying and it really challenges my patience. I don't understand, I can do all the hard raids easily so I'm not a newbie in this game but in pvp either I am so so unbelievably terrible... or the level of pvp players out there is tremendously high ....or the skill-based match making literally fails all the time to put me with the right players and it take time to re-understand it every day. Am I doing something wrong? Is there anything else I'm missing and that I should do to improve? Thanks

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    PVP has been ruined - old

    Watch Truevanguard videos on pvp.

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  • Find the right weapons for you. If you like getting close look for a good hand canon/shotgun/sidearm. If you're like me preferring ranged combat find yourself a good sniper/scout rifle. High Range and stability are what you should look for. Then with your weapon setup think about advantage vs disadvantage. On a map where would your weapons have the advantage and try to stick to those areas.

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  • The problem is this game wants to be competetive without having the mechanics to do so.

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  • What is your average kd per match now? If you have thousands of kills even if you go 2 kd a match it won't affect your overall kd much

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    • A lot of really good advice here. Your title says it all tho, your frustrated. No one will advance or do great if you lose concentration. Ive played online since counterstrike days and one thing i can tell you is its all in your mind. If you can do good with one weapon than grab another and do the same but then go back to the first and suck its all in your mind. For me i have to zen out if i go online. Someone on here sometime ago gave some good advice, go warm up on a strike or patrol before you jump in. I tried it and it helps loosen me up. Also do you even know what kind of player you are, find that weapon that clicks for you be it scouts or handcannons. But again the help posted should help you immensely.

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      • Wow, 0.72... That's so bad hahaha

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        • In this app under stats you can change the timeframe. You have improved over the last bit. Your overall kd is .74, but last 7 and 30 days it's .9

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            Witness a piece of trash! - old

            Check destiny tracker to see if ur improving. If ur basing improvement solely on K.D. ur taking the wrong approach. If u have 1000's of more deaths then kills it will take u an eternity to improve that # even if ur going 15 and 10 most games. If playing 6vs6 or 3vs3 stick with ur teammates. Going lone wolf will only get u team shot around every corner. Most people use grenades to weaken before going in for the kill. Easier to win gunfights if opponents shields are down. Element of suprise with ur super is key. Dont let the other team see u pop ur super and run straight at em. U will get destroyed. Flank them while they are focused in gunfight with ur teammates. Enjoy the game!

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            • Edited by GamerCone: 2/24/2017 4:08:55 PM
              The key to getting better at pvp is understanding your load out's strength and weaknesses so you can position yourself properly and get the jump on your enemy. Different weapon choices will give you advantages and disadvantages in different types of engagements, and you need to know how to play to the advantages. Another important aspect of PvP is understanding your radar and using it effectively to prejudge your enemies position before you engage them. Don't force engagements that put you at a distinct disadvantage. Disengage and reposition, bait out your enemy, use your grenades to cover your flank when you're being double teamed, or to force a predictable movement from your enemy and put you at a distinct advantage. I'm not the best PvP player, but I have been playing a lot more PvP over the past 3 months or so, and have been steadily improving. Like everything in life it takes practice, but it's important to remember it's not about who has the best aim, just like it's not about who's the strongest in a wrestling match. It's about tactics and judging the risk of your positioning and movement in every engagement and making smart plays. Hope this helps a little and good luck!👍🏻

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            • First, switch to control jump and use fire keeper. They nerfed health regeneration. Keep your thermal vent and when you melee someone stand inside of the sun spot to get an oversheild while shooting them as they go flying. Is pretty hilarious actually. - ALWAYS WATCH YOUR RADAR. Watch it more than the screen. You should see your radar when you go to sleep at night. - If you see red on your radar DO NOT GO THAT WAY! This is a noob mistake and I have seen people get really frustrated when addicted to this bad habit. You should back up and anticipate an enemy movement from that direction. If they don't push you and you constantly see red...they are watching you on their radar. Disengage and wait for your idiot teammate to do what I just told you not to and team shot them for the kill while your teammate dies. - Time your abilities and your super. Lots of people using Sunbreaker will run and jump right at 4 enemies AND THEN pop their super only to get team shot. Pop your super around a corner while your team is engaged in gun fire and THEN run at them, sun charging your way to 3+ kills. - Try not to push without a nade or melee to back you up. Doesn't always work, but if you run into 2 players: with a nade you can stick one and primary the other who is most likely hurt from the first one blowing up...without a nade get team shot and maybe take one out on your way out. - If you see red coming in on your radar while picking up heavy...RUN AWAY. Most likely this is a super and your team is going to die. - Last point: You don't always have to win the gun fight. This is a big deal because if you're engaged with an enemy and another one shows up you can spare your life by simply running away. Don't try to force a kill. Just run away and fight some one else. There are 6+ guardians. I'm sure you'll find another one. This is extremely useful in Trials where there is a lot of push/fall back/push based on health and other factors. - Very last point: Bungie even said it's themselves so I'll give them some credit. Primary weapons are rewarding in that if you land your'll win the fight. If you get nervous you won't and you'll lose. Stay calm and just land shots. Understand that you can only focus on one player at a time unless your kjhovey... Make sure that player dies. - OK OK VERY SERIOUSLY THE LAST POINT: ALWAYS COMMIT! Countless times we are all guilty of this. Make a decision and stick too it. If you see red and you made the decision to run in and shoot whatever is over there....better just do it. If that was a mistake and you died from 6 dudes with doctrine...don't do that again. If you make a decision to run away and live to fight again...just do that. Don't run, then turn and see then jump...doesn't work. COMMIT. Ok I'm done ;)

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              6 Replies
              • If you want to see if you've improved use destiny tracker. You can see your weekly/monthly kds. You won't see much difference in your overall if you've got a lot of kills.

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              • Just watch this, study it long and hard lol

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                • Slow down and go out of your way to look at the radar man. I will usually improve for the day when I realize I'm not watching the radar enough. I feel the same as you with my progression but luckier than you mines like 1.3-1.4 kdr.

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                • My two cents. If you get team shot concentrate at only one player. Better a trade than nothing. And record your games and watch them later to see for yourself what u could've dobe better.

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                • You're psyching yourself out, homie. Don't wonder so much about numbers, K/D's, or what other people think. Just learn from your mistakes. Ask yourself... "What do I need to do to not die?" And then when you do die, ask yourself... "What could I have done to prevent that?" When you adjust your playstyle accordingly and start to apply more and more logic to your actions, your skills will begin to show.

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                  • If you're learning pvp, I think Rumble is the worse game mode you can play to improve as you have to be aware of every player on the map. Play Control as there are plenty of opportunities to hit static players capturing zones and also you have team mates around you to distract your opponents, they won't be concentrating on just you at every corner. Find and practice with weapons that are strong and you're comfortable using. If you're on PS4 we can 1v1 sometime.

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                    • Play a lot. Start with 6s and get comfortable with that. Once you average over a 1kd in 6s move to 3s.

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                    • The number 1 tip I have is don't care about you're stats. If you have played enough games, eventually you're kd will move extremely slowly. So even if you do improve, you can't really tell. Play 10 games, record your kd every game, and average that at the end. It'll show you how much you improve every ten or so games. Also play smart. Only enter gunfights you have a high chance of winning. Utilize surroundings and focus on staying alive. Good players can get out of trouble easily, so bones of eao and twilight garrison really do help. Good luck!

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                    • Bump

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                    • Private matches with good people. Also you'll never get better if you don't play trials just because you know there are better people than you.

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                      • 1.. Try changing your load out. Hand cannons and scouts require more skill than auto's and pulses. 2. Take the pro advice with a grain of salt. What works for them may not work for you. 3. .72 isn't bad. That's an average K/D. The thing to remember is it's an average number. If you want to see improvement check you recent matches trend. Good luck and be brave

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                        • How's the refresh rate on your TV? If it's not the greatest that may be putting you at a disadvantage because you're seeing things happen later than everyone else.

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                          3 Replies
                          • With SBMM it is very hard to up your KD. The better you get, the better your opponents will get. SBMM also gives you the feeling of not improving when actually you are.

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                            • Put on a no land and a sidearm and triple lane everything with your team in spawn while camping skorris and become trials gods

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                              • Checked your stats and i see overall 0.7 recent 2.1 so now you are doing well, your overall will improve very slowly because you have a lot of deaths to counter when you started to play. Don't forget casuals (like me) usually only play weeklys, dailys and iron banner so in the rest of modes rivals will be harder.

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                                • Add me and I'll play with you. This is my first pvp shooter and I've improved a lot since y1.

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