[b][i][u]Was the worst idea anyone has ever had. [/u][/i][/b]
And that includes when the movie RV was made.
This is worse than RV. I hate it and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to play this trash the way that it is.
Also, wtf is going on with the spawn camping tonight? Everyone's dying or something? I can't tell you how many times I've been spawn camped.
I can't imagine trying to play Trials like this. Naked with no special to compete?! Fuk that. [i]Hey man get my res so I can respawn with a primary and get fusioned or wormwooded![/i] Guess there's no point in playing Destiny until there's PVE content because as it stands it's just a Tuesday reset 4 hours a week of fun. And it used to be so great.
*After giving this some thought I think this mainly applies to playing solo.
**Also, I was playing primarily on this account which doesn't have all the goodies and guns that my main account does. That may have had something to do with it. I've got a Finellas Peril on my main that kinda dominates now...but my opinion on this patch doesn't change. Special needs to be in the damn game.
***Played solo for a few games tonight and lost my shit. I can't stand what they've done.
The best idea since the wheel.
A better solution would have been reducing all special ammo. Maybe you only get 4 rounds to start, and only 3 in each chest (previous 2 min. respawn rate).
Is nobody using the glitch that gives you unlimited special? A hint, it's to do with Party Crasher ;) If you haven't discovered it then it's on YouTube!
Pass the Salt
I have been summoned
I think they'll take it back next patch just like the last time. I thought this change was dumb too, it could have been good if sidearms also got the same treatment but now you can stockpile it with no penalty. But i don't mean loose all ammo, just spawn with 2 mags.
[quote]And that includes when the movie RV was made. This is worse than RV.[/quote] no, it's actually worse then that .. Bungie put nipples on Batman's suit.
People don't know how to play this game without crutch special weapons. Simple as that
Nah,this is good. I actually wish that you would lose all your picked up ammo with Sidearms upon death and only spawn with the Reserve Ammo.
I love it ^^
No special is aids.
I played rift, no one was around to pick up the spark
Its was a bad idea. I think the shotgun nerf/AR buff was enough.
Edited by ChaseyCakes: 2/16/2017 5:20:34 PMNo land sidearm or handcannon icebreaker my friend best combo right now or crazy as it seems learn how to a primary and stop relying on your secondary so much and adjust your load out to the map
I don't have a problem with the patch anymore but there isn't even a point in grabbing it anymore when you might die by a super or a heavy weapon. So up those movement skills. Get a primary and aim, then shoot. (or use icebreaker or invective but don't be a sidearm retard)
You don't lose sidearm ammo.
Don't be so dependent on your special. Use a primary, and by that I don't mean no land beyond.
Primaries are your second lowest with kills....maybe that is why you think it's bad because you never learned how to use primaries effectively... Sorry that you don't have a power weapon for the entire match any more?
Don't die & you won't have to worry about special ammo.
Edited by SilentWispa: 2/16/2017 12:53:33 PMDid someone recently watched RV ?!?!
Okay can we all learn how to spell? It's P-R-I-M-A-R-Y. PRIMARY. Not PRIMARIE. NOT PRIMRY. NOT PRIMARYS. Primary and Primaries. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
Hahahahaha! Look at this little scrub crying about not having Shotgun ammo. AIN'T IT A BITCH. Shush your noise.
I love it
the very worst!!.... it has noticeably changed the crucible for the worst...
I love it so far. Primary gunfights are back and if I do manage to get some special ammo it feels powerful