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2/11/2017 10:35:32 PM

The Titan and the Monarchy

*Third Person, my friends, it goes down hard* Chase was walking around the Northern part of the Tower. Particularly, the Speaker's Chambers. The Titan had always been nervous around the Speaker. He could never figure out why. He skimmed the titles of the books on the bookshelf. None of them peaked his interest. Until he caught eye of a book: [i]Defending the City: The History of the Guardians[/i]. Chase grabbed the book from the shelf. He turned to the Speaker, "May I borrow this?" The Speaker nodded in approval. "Thanks," Chase replied. He slowly descened the steps, careful not to drop the book. As he headed toward the Plaza, the representative of the New Monarchy faction, Executor Hideo, beckoned to him, "Titan!" Chase flinched then turned around, looking towards the man, "Hm?" Hideo spoke up, "I couldn't help but notice the book you had in your possession." Chase looked at his Ghost, "Puma, should I?" "Just see what he wants," Puma replied. Slowly approaching Hideo, book clutched in his left hand, Chase wondered, [i]What does he see in me?[/i] "Why would the book matter to you?" He asked. "I'm not asking you for the book. I am asking you, Titan, why did you choose the book?" Hideo replied. Chase stuttered, "W-why I ch-chose the book?" He gave that some thought before he answered, "I chose the book because I want to know how the City was defended. Learn the strategies, and the mistakes, and how not to make the mistake again." "As you read it, you will learn that the City was once divided, making it hard to keep order," Hideo continued, "And how we came together to ensure peace, and harmony--" "-- and to better defend it," Chase added. "That is correct, young Titan. But even now, there is still a few inccidents from time to time." Hideo was silent for a few moments, choosing what to say next, "Do you know about the Golden Age?" "Humanity became more advanced. They reached out to the stars, and built cities on Venus and Mars. Mercury became a garden world. Many scientific breakthroughs took place," Chase replied. "There were still controversies, and distrust, even then. But, the New Monarchy seeks to unite humanity, Exos, and Awoken together to bring back the Golden Age, with law and order. And to help protect the City, and perhaps one day, build another city." "Sounds like something I would want to contribute to. With goals like that, you need support." "Then pledge allegiance, and you will contribute to the cause. And we will reward you for your contributions. After all, you can't protect the City without a good weapon, or with weak armor." Chase pondered on that. It is hard to turn down such an offer. "I want to support the faction," Chase replied. Hideo gave Chase a small badge, "Wear it with pride, Titan. Your support is appreciated." Chase nodded. He soon left to the Plaza, but nearby the crates, Puma stopped him. "Do you have any idea, what you have just done?" The Ghost asked rudely. "Puma, you know. I know," Chase said. "Clueless," Puma muttered, "Hide your badge under your mark. I can't stand to look at it." Chase clipped the badge to the belt under his mark. No would one knew he supported the New Monarchy for a long time.

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