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2/5/2017 9:41:32 PM
So I got Ruby's speech, and it sure was hell a pain in the ass. Every time I went back to the website to copy the next segment, it would freeze and I'd have to close and open the entire browser app again. Oh well, here it is.[spoiler] Every step we made took us further and further from the things we knew. And every morning we woke up wondering, if just over the next hill would be something good - or something terrible. It’s scary not knowing what’s going to happen next. And the things we do know now - just how bad it can get - it almost makes it all worse. You told me once that bad things just happen. You were angry when you said it, and I didn’t want to listen. But you were right, bad things do happen, all the time, every day. Which is why I’m out here, to do whatever I can, wherever I can, and hopefully do some good. We’ve all lost something, and I’ve seen what loss can do to people. But if we gave up every time we lost, then we’d never be able to move forward. We’d never have a chance to see what beautiful things the future might have waiting for us. We’d never have the strength to change; whether it’s ourselves, or the world around us. And we’d never be there for other people who might one day be lost without us. This is what we were training for, Yang - to become Huntresses, to be the ones to stand up and do something about all the bad in the world. Because there are plenty of people out there who are still lost and even more who will try to gain everything they can from their sorrow. Believe me when I say, I know it can feel impossible, like every single day is a struggle against some unstoppable monster we can never hope to beat. But we have to try, if not for us, then for the people we’ve already- Then for the people we haven’t lost yet.[/spoiler]

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