I have almost completed this task. I acquired my first piece of LL 400 gear today from a strike bounty. I am almost there. I can do this. I went up 3 LL. The grind is almost complete.
And I have done this without doing a single trials of osiris or raid ever.
(also, I have a suspicion that the strike elite gear can get you tier 12 stats)
Just sharing how my day went.
EDIT: I'm required to say I'm trending. .-. Hey top of the list! ;)
EDIT AGAIN: Also making a community defender montage, see this:
Max light is way to easy now, day 1 player, never play any type of Crucible. All 3 characters Been 400 since October before the update, that update ruined the game - too easy, if you think you are grinding now - not ! I wouldn't even call myself good, just OK, but there are a lot of shity 400's out there since December & getting worse each week. IMO