Armsday Recommendations: 1/18/17 “An Armsday that was worth the wait.”
Ahh! It's Armsday!
No Foundry ads this time.
This Armsday is actually pretty damn good.
This week, Omolon seems to have a grenade fetish, Hakke’s brief showing isn’t disappointing, & Suros has come out of it’s slump to deliver some quality guns!
We got 1 God Roll this week, rejoice! Omolon delivers once again.
All recommendations no matter how good or bad are still pure opinion.
My recommendations are based/decided 100% on/for PVE & aim for Static Performance vs Situational Performance.
[b][i][u]God Rolls[/u][/i][/b]
There are 2 types of God Rolls.
Community = Popular Opinion/Recommendation of a roll.
Personal = A roll that perfectly fits/enhances YOUR individual playstyle.
I will [b][u]NOT[/u][/b] be making PVP recommendations.
Covering PVP will be the Communities’ own Haunter.
So please look for his PVP posting in this thread!
HC = Handcannon, SR = Scout Rifle, AR = Auto Rifle, PR = Pulse Rifle
SPR = Sniper Rifle, FR = Fusion Rifle, RL = Rocket Launcher
HCR = High Caliber Rounds, APR = Armor Piercing Rounds, EXR = Explosive Rounds
SPS = Single Point Sling, AoO = Army of One, EotS = Eye of the Storm
LitC = Luck in the Chamber, HLS = Hand-Laid Stock
[b][i][u]Uffern HC4[/u][/i][/b]
Roll 1:
Snapshot/Injection Mold
Rescue Mag/Danger Close
Roll 2:
Snapshot/Braced Frame
Triple Tap/Danger Close
Roll 3:
Lightweight/Injection Mold
Rescue Mag/Surrounded
Tired of Waiting: Roll 3 or 1
Redeem/Save/Reorder: Save (First Order of the day & I got to use my Stamp!)
None of these rolls have ranged perks, so I really can’t recommend any. You need Reinforced or Rifled to get the most out of your HC. But if you have given up waiting, let your personal preference decide between 1 & 3.
[b][i][u]Kumakatok HC4[/u][/i][/b]
Roll 1:
SPS/Reinforced Barrel
Triple Tap/Underdog
Roll 2:
Quickdraw/Injection Mold
Rescue Mag/Danger Close
Roll 3:
Quickdraw/Reinforced Barrel
Triple Tap/Danger Close
Recommendation: Roll 1 or 3
Tired of Waiting:
Redeem/Save/Reorder: Redeem (Save if you are hunting a God Roll)
I personally feel you are better served with Army of One & Crowd Control, over Grenadier.
Both of these rolls are solid. Personal preference between Danger Close & Underdog.
[b][i][u]Cocytus SR4[/u][/i][/b]
Roll 1:
Snapshot/Casket Mag
Roll 2: Deja Vu?
Life Support
Roll 3:
Rescue Mag
Extended Mag/Casket Mag
Tired of Waiting: Roll 3
Redeem/Save/Reorder: Save (Redeem if you are impatient)
This SR can be a true monster. Worth waiting for better rolls.
Roll 3 is hard to pass up. Rescue + Extended Mag = a SR you won’t be reloading very often.
Grenadier is icing on the cake. Grenades refilling often + a bottomless (hyperbole) magazine? Not bad.
[b][i][u]Thesan FR4[/u][/i][/b]
Roll 1:
Roll 2:
Skip Rounds/HLS
Roll 3:
Hot Swap
Enhanced Battery/Braced Frame
Recommendation: Roll 3
Tired of Waiting:
Redeem/Save/Reorder: Reorder
Hot Swap is very useful on FRs, Enhanced Battery is very helpful too, with an option of maxed Stability with Brace Frame. Underdog & Surrounded don’t help FRs as much as they help other guns.
But even with that take away, Roll 3 is very strong, & since you can reorder this week. Worth picking up if you are lacking a Solar FR.
[b][i][u]Uzume RR4[/u][/i][/b]
Roll 1:
Triple Tap
Quickdraw/Casket Mag
Clown Cartridge/Last Resort
Roll 2:
Triple Tap
Roll 3:
Snapshot/Injection Mold
Clown Cartridge/Mulligan
Recommendation: Roll 1
Tired of Waiting:
Redeem/Save/Reorder: Redeem
God Roll Alert!
Roll 1 is the God Roll.
Triple Tap + Casket Mag + Clown Cartridge = SPR with about 8 or possibly 10 in the f’ing magazine!
The Uzume has a default mag of 5, Casket tends to add 2 or 3 rounds, Clown Cartridge can boost that even further!
The Low Impact SPR isn’t as bad as many player make it out to be. This SPR shoots like a LASER beam.
It’s VERY stable, it’s a joy to wield. I personally have begun to prefer my Uzumes over my Eirene collection. This SPR is a diamond in the rough.
This is a gun to own! Stop reading, redeem this NOW!
Roll 1:
Danger Close
Hand Loaded/HCR/Smallbore
Roll 2:
Crowd Control
Hand Loaded/HCR/Reinforced Barrel
Roll 3:
Last Resort
Snapshot/HCR/Reinforced Barrel
Recommendation: Roll 2
Tired of Waiting:
Redeem/Save/Reorder: Save
Roll 2 is a Ranged Monster of a Judith. Don’t let Reinforced Barrel scare you. The Judith is deadly accurate & it hits like a Cruise Missile.
The lack of a reload perk means you will HAVE to use Hand Cannon Loader gloves for your CQC engagements.
However the ridiculous range should also give you breathing room to Reload.
Crowd Control is icing on the cake, you will 1 shot many a (PVE) enemy with this gun.
I personally require a range & reload perk for HCs however. But if you are out of patience, Roll 2 is not to be ignored.
Roll 1:
Soft Ballistics/Linear Compensator
Crowd Control
Spray & Play
Lightweight/Perfect Balance/HLS
Roll 2:
Smart Drift Control/Field Choke
Last Resort
Hot Swap
Lightweight/Hand Loaded/Oiled Frame
Roll 3:
Soft Ballistics/Field Choke
Close &/or Personal
Hot Swap
Lightweight/Fitted Stock/Oiled Frame
Recommendation: Roll 1
Tired of Waiting:
Redeem/Save/Reorder: Redeem
Remember how I recommend this as a starter Shotgun for newbies? Well this gun tends to have nice rolls like roll 1.
Crowd Control on a shotgun is a ticket to a Good Time, this gun only has 3 in the mag so Feeding Frenzy or Spray & Play is required. As you will be reloading often.
However this gun hits so hard that 3 rounds is more than enough to kill anything stubborn enough to survive 1 round, let alone 2.
Spray & Play is a godsend. You can just unload & let the perk reload for you.
Lightweight will probably serve you better than Perfect Balance in the long run. No Full Auto = no real need for maxed Stability. Even so, this Shotgun is VERY stable.
You may find this hard to replace honestly.
Roll 1:
Perfect Balance/Oiled Frame
Lightweight/Rifled Barrel
Roll 2:
HCR/Casket Mag
Focused Fire
Roll 3:
Fitted Stock/Oiled Frame
Speed Reload/Rifled Barrel
Feeding Frenzy
Recommendation: Roll 3
Tired of Waiting:
Redeem/Save/Reorder: Reorder
Roll 1 & 3 are both VERY stable ARs. Remember, the base stability stat isn’t as drastic as Suros has a passive stability to their High RoF guns. They shoot smooth, and their kick isn’t bad.
Roll 1 is more stable & laser like in precision than Roll 3 due to Perfect Balance & Rodeo. Rifled Barrel gives it some range too.
If you want a Laser for an AR. Roll 1 is your champion.
Roll 3 however is where it is at.
Fitted Stock + Rifled Barrel makes a long range & stable weapon, Feeding Frenzy however completely negates the reload penalty from Rifled & due to the frequency you’ll be killing things. You will reload at breakneck speeds. It easily outshines the minor stability increase Rodeo offers.
It’s not the Laser Roll 1 is, but it easily makes up for it.
Pick 1, then Reorder!
Roll 1:
Perfect Balance/Feather Mag
Roll 2:
Hammer Forged/Appended Magazine
Take a Knee
Roll 3:
Hammer Forged/Oiled Frame
Speed Reload/Injection Mold
Recommendation: Roll 1 or Roll 3
Tired of Waiting:
Redeem/Save/Reorder: Redeem
This was a hard call.
Roll 1 is a Laser Rifle. It has maxed Stability, & even with the range penalty from HLS it’s got awesome range. If you like SRs that do not move. Pick up roll 1.
Roll 3 is for Full Auto SR lovers.
Hammer Forged cancels out the Stability penalty of Injection Mold while offering you a moderate buff to range. This is a very stable, near max range Full Auto SR. If you prefer Full Auto, this is your gun.
[b][i][u]Next Week’s Orders[/u][/i][/b]
[u]Ari-41[/u]: Order
This AR is very stable, easy to use, and reliable. Good for all Skillranges.
This can rival & surpass New Monarchy’s Righteous VII.
[u]Thesan FR4[/u]: Order
The only Armsday FR. One of the best FRs in the game. Easy to use, powerful, reliable, stable.
[u]PDX-41[/u]: Pass
A decent PR. While this may have more impact, this gun is outclassed by it’s sister, the PDX-45. If anything it is a good placeholder for a Herja-D, PDX-45, or Lyudmila-D. You have better orders to make this Armsday.
[u]JLB-47[/u]: Order
This is Suros’ cream of the crop RL. Possible to nearly max Velocity & Blast Radius at the same time.
This is a rare order.
[u]Tamar-D[/u]: Pass
Hakke’s SPRs leave much to be desired. They might be better suited to PVP, but right now Omolon SPRs outclass there as well.
That’s it for this week! It’s been awhile since we had an Armsday to get excited about!
Please keep your eyes peeled for Haunter’s PVP Recommendations in the comments below.
Due to the post limit I couldn’t do this week’s post in “Question” format.
Enjoy your new weapons, & stay safe!
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