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1/10/2017 8:45:19 PM

What does your Faction mean to you?

Hello and welcome Guardians! for those who still recognize my name it's been a while, for everyone else, HELLO! i'm AnonPig, i do the lore things. But today I'm here to ask you that very simple question, there are three Factions in Destiny and they all have their own philosophical stance on how to do things in the Destiny Universe, i align with Dead Orbit myself because i feel it's the most logical answer. Holding on to our planets and our lost Golden Age is a mistake, we can find a better life out there among a different star. so what does your Faction mean to you? (answers may be read on the corresponding Faction episode of my podcast the Destiny Lore Cast, go check out our episode with Baxter from linked above!)

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  • Shaders

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    Means that i had to grind my A$$ to get ALL 9 Exotic class items. 3 on each. Took me months Dont care bout anythin else , what color, weapons armor, whether they have a couch or not. I jus wanted every item ship , shader, emblem ,weapon etc Got em all

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  • Revenant Shader

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  • I am not specific to any Faction, but I would like to say what I like and dislike about each I like how Dead Orbit is focused on what they believe will ensure the survival of their race, although I disagree with the plan to leave. They are just looking out for the human race and their fleet has provided us with vital intel many times. I like how Future War Cult works to keep Guardians properly armed for combat and prepared for the eternity that is war. But FWC keeps many secrets from everyone else and even from their own members. They also conduct excitements with a device that has made almost every test subject go insane, although all of the subjects volunteer to go in and are aware of the risks. FWC does this to try finding a future for us where we prevail, but until they refine this process it is just a one way street to losing your mind. I like how New Monarchy only wants the City to hav strong leadership and be strong, but I disagree with their idea of a single ruler. Having a government with people of multiple perspective vote may take longer to get certain tasks done, but it is far more likely to make decisions beneficial to all. And New Monarchy will make sure that the single ruler of the City will be someone that they control, which means they will create a corrupt government.

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  • Black... like the night

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  • So I guess this is just an advertisement for whatever crap you want people to watch? Considering you're not even in the conversation, at all.

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  • Why would something that doesn't do anything mean anything? Their current weapons and armor are just reskinned Vanguard legendary marks. All 3 could have been left out of ROI, their inventory moved to the quartermaster, and no one would have cared.

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    2 Replies
    • Nothing cause its all the same sh!t anyway

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    • It means... a supply of legendary marks, at best.

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    • Who has the god roll gun I'm going for. Right now it's the dead orbit shotty

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      3 Replies
      • I operate mostly with future war cult, both for idealogical and physical purposes. I like most of their weapons, firstly. I have a great waltz pulse rifle, the taken King vendor vanity was my first year 2 weapon, and I am hoping for the fatebringer rolled the wail. Meanwhile, I share their ideas. We are guardians. We were literally resurrected for the sole purpose of war. For destruction. For the killing of all enemies of the city. New monarchy would probably be the cause of civil war if they tried to overthrow the speaker, if it turned out the concordat was entirely eliminated and there are no more supporters of its ideas. Finally, dead orbit intends to run away. No matter how far we run, the darkness will find us eventually. Why risk that, when we can be more ready for battle as we are?

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      • It means i can get a black shader

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      • All my faction means is, "Will this robot lady who sounds like she has been smoking for 60 years give me a good weapon when I rank up?"

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      • I picked new monarchy, I can't remember why though. I barely cared about factions until almost the dark below. Even then I only started ranking it up for the loot. I never got into the backstory of any of them. It's hard to do that when the overall plot of the actual game has so many holes in it. Once we know more, I'm sure the factions will make more sense to me and might be something to care about.

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      • Too deep for me... My Guardians are fickle creatures. Each one has aligned to each faction at least once, and has spent enough time to obtain each faction's exotic class item. The Hunter got the exotic New Monarchy cape just last night which was the very last of the exotics needed to complete the collection. Now, I guess it'll be a fashion show to determine which faction's class item looks best on which Guardian to determine how they align next unless someone has some interesting and compelling lore around how they should be aligned...

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      • Day 1 after an inventory update: "What is interesting to buy?" Before 390 light: "Gotta rank up!" After 390 light: "Where can I dump all that useless spinmetal instead of deleting it?"

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      • "Is it a god roll?"

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      • I agreed with New Monarchy in y1 and aligned my hunter with them, but after playing the game through until now, I had aligned him with FWC mostly because they had other weapons and what not. But they made a good point, the only way to get through and break the darkness is to fight and fight and fight again

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      • I consider myself aligned with Future War Cult as I find them the most interesting of the factions. The FWC wasn't one of the city factions in the tower until the Concordat was kicked out yet they have supposedly been around longer than any of the other factions, having been started during the golden age, they have ties to the stranger and were founded based on the writings of Dr. Maya Sundaresh who many (myself included) believe to be the true identity of the stranger, they use time travel and they are extremely secretive, everything about them is intriguing. So far there is much more information tied to the FWC than either of the other factions and I think they are going to play a big part in the future, no pun intended. "Dead Orbit just misdiagnosed the problem. It's not a matter of distance, but of time." - Lakshmi-2

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        1 Reply
        • DO: Emos that don't need to sit FWC: needed to get the NTtE NM: For my Hunthird because red

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        • Fwc, because I like mystery and find out about it.

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        • Pretty much my hunter had first choice, and I went with New Monarchy because their helmet didn't look stupid. My warlock and titan picked up the other two just so I could get the shaders and ships.

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        • Edited by DirtiestKnave61: 1/11/2017 2:10:03 PM
          Dude, Anon! Where you been!? All my faction means is I get a high aim assist sniper or a decent scout rifle every once in a while. Lore wise FWC is my favorite. Because of the NTTE quest. And vision machines. Just have more lore behind them

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        • Fùck all its just another vendor

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        • Which faction has the shaders I want.

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        • I exchange information from scouting missions with Dead Orbit. Because of their goals, I find their tech is most suited for my needs, though we don't necessarily see eye to eye.

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