But hey, at least he's selling real engrams this week
They still drop from nightfall.
I know a lot of people hate three of coins because it makes exotics too easy to get, but I don't really care about that. I just wanna use the gear. If it's a quest, that's one thing, but if it's RNG I'd rather just get it asap
[quote]But hey, at least he's selling real engrams this week [/quote] What happened to the 3 of coins
Not even going to give my rip. They can rot in hell for all I care lol. I hate three of coins and have always said they ruined the game.
I still have my reserves.
Edited by Irish Banana: 1/1/2017 1:58:34 PMLooking forward to 3oc coming back.
I have no problem with the removal but then again I have every exotic :/
Uuugh guess we've Horta he by on our own for now, but I really don't get all the elitist d***s hating people that do use them
Yeah, and next week crap no one will buy.
Good riddance. Seriously, screw em. I'd rather him sell normal Engrams again and drop them entirely.
You don't need three of coins, just PLAY THE GAME
Ruined the game anyway.
I wonder if Bungie is messing with us and they just removed three of coins because there broken and it's giving to much to causal players.
Good. I hope they go away and the entitled brats bitch until their eyes are pickled.
It's a bug... https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/219463451
I said screw it and got tons of heavy ammo to faction grind with. I now have full chroma armor sets for all 3 of my guardians and strange coins left over. I do see how him not selling 3oc upsets newer players but I would think most players by now have all of the grindable exotics available.
Thank god
Could be a bug they will not address untill they get back They would have announced someting like that if its intentional
This sucks no three of coins and he did have them last week because I bought 70 from xur anyone know if this is permanent or a error that needs to be fix ?
They're not gone. That's about all I got from the nightfall. All 3 times. Yay.
[b] [/b]
Thanks for the heads up let me know when you finished writing a book on how my trolling powers are week lol
I wish it was boots or chest engrams instead. No strike exclusives for those.
Yeah too bad it's only a helmet. I wish it was a primary weapon engram.