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Edited by Kaiser Wolfheart: 12/29/2016 2:16:20 AM

An AFK player made me win a match!!

So, I was playing in the Doubles playlist. Nothing out of the ordinary, just trying to get wins for the Grimoire score. This was my last game before heading to the theater, so I was excited. Everything is going normal, actually happy seeing that the other fireteam is using fusions! Anyways, this is becoming an even match, both teams with close scores. Then, I noticed my teammate stopped moving. He went -blam!-ing AFK!! I was like "Damn, and everything was going great..." But I didn't give up, this was doubles so I thought "I can manage two guardians, and if they kill my teammate, I can revive him and get 50 extra points!" They gain the lead by some points, kill my mate like twice before he respawns in the perfect place. I went hosty-totsy, I tell you. For some reason, the other team seemed more focused on killing my AFK partner, so I could always flank them or just heads-on engage them and get both kills. They would get the other kill, but I just revived him over and over. I even got the "Angel of Mercy" medal, I think... I've never gotten it before so I was excited. I also went on a 10 kill streak, pretty exciting for me in a 1v2 confrontation. [spoiler]After some time wrecking the other team, I noticed I needed less than 50 points to win, then I start seeing someone shooting my teammate. I waited and then revived him. Congratulations guardian, you played yourself.[/spoiler] Apparently my memory didn't remember correctly this part, but it was pretty close. Thank you for your time reading this! In the future I may post the match! tl;dr: Teammate in doubles went afk and because of him, "distracting" the other team, and me, reviving him over and over, we won. edit: Thanks for all the comments! The match is now on YouTube. You can watch it if you want.

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  • I have to say that's funny. Maybe I should do some AFK action in 3v3, I might help my teammates win. As opposed to what I usually do. If I had any brains at all, I'd play the one I need to get the 15 marks, then exit the Crucible and let the sweaty CBMM slaughterfests proceed without me.

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