I am here to talk with you all about the influence of proportions. One example will be why Bungie Forerunner is more spooky than 343i Forerunner.
It all begins with an artist named Alberto Giacometti. This artist was known for creating sculptures with surreal proportions. His sculptures were usually used to convey a scene of death and [url=http://hirshhorn.si.edu/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Alberto-Giacometti-Dog.jpg]famine[/url]. The sculptures would have long tall legs,small bodies, and small heads. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/61/af/f1/61aff14d06aa3d7a06015c974debd99e.jpg]Strange stuff[/url].
Well George Lucas was no fool and as others, he saw how he could utilize this concept. Lucas used this idea for the [url=http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090224021305/jedipedia/de/images/7/79/ATATimAngriff.jpg]AT-ATs[/url] and Empire vehicles.
Bungie also used this with their [url=http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6075/6117716822_7a8082542b.jpg]forerunner[/url]. They built huge Installations with small doors or large doors and [url=http://halo.bungie.org/images/uberfoop_cool_halo3_2/PMjjqHP.jpg]huge hallways[/url]. The empty space provided the feeling of isolation.
As for 343i, they used a different tactic. The idea behind their forerunner and prometheans is that their faces have teeth and angry eyes. The [url=http://www.allaboutgames.co.uk/images/halo4/halo43.jpg]prometheans[/url] have human arms hanging off of them. They really try to look scary rather than just convey the emotion. A great example of this is the Guardians. Bungie's [url=http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131126001054/halo/images/2/2f/Oxmguardian.gif]Guardians[/url] were just strange shapes with one eye. While [url=https://image.halocdn.com/?path=https:%2F%2Fcontent.halocdn.com%2Fmedia%2FDefault%2Fencyclopedia%2Ftechnology%2Fguardians%2Fguardian-hero-large-1920x675-6b963687369343898271639a345ca4af.jpg&leftCrop=400&rightCrop=400&hash=i9dw5tpyx6FgkPHpBQKyCJUvMbtdfmPOmcB%2BIOn5OzE%3D]343's[/url] had more teeth and angry eyes. Those structures resembled [url=http://sm.ign.com/ign_ap/cover/h/halo-5-guardians/halo-5-guardians_bw8w.jpg]birds[/url]. These structures are seen with a bright blue atmosphere.
Ensemble Studios was the first to introduce the Guardians and requiem planets in Halo Wars. Their [url=https://haruspis.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/bh1.png]"ships"[/url], as Prophet of Regret calls them, upheld the Giacometti method.
343i may create huge installations but their enemies always have [url=http://65.media.tumblr.com/06b710a72896dce3631362b444cb29f4/tumblr_nq0scsHmXo1sn7nn0o1_1280.jpg]faces[/url]. I think that plays a big factor. Its less mysterious when you see the face of the enemy. Leave the teeth and angry eyes to the Brutes. I don't think forerunner structures or promethians will be eating humans in any of the games. That's what Brutes do.
[u]Bungie Forerunner[/u]
[url=http://www.halopedia.org/images/8/87/HM-Forerunners.png]Next Disney Movie[/url]
Prophet of Regret mentions the guardians in Halo Wars here: https://youtu.be/AUFClMK3pu8
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