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Edited by Ebty: 12/25/2016 3:26:52 PM

Some Quality of Life Changes I'd like to see

Just a list of things I think could improve the Destiny experience that aren't related to balance. 1). Change the colors of friendly abilities in PvP - So by this point we've all stood next to a tripmine and stared at it thinking "is this going to kill me?". This is doubly true for Gunslingers who accidentally kill themselves with their own grenade (even with max armor?), but also applies to allied lightning grenades, tethers, bubbles, etc. I feel like this is a relatively simple change that has been around since beta and I feel has been around for too long. 2). Change the glimmer drop items (wax idol, ether seeds, etc.) to increase engram drop chances for that enemy type - Once upon a time, in a land called year 1, Iron banner weapons cost glimmer and so did rerolling them but that time is long since past. At this point in the game glimmer has almost no point for those of us that play a lot and as a result the glimmer increasing items are just piling up (I personally have over 100 of each). Once a player hits the endgame the only thing that matters is how much gear they are discovering and I think this change would embrace this fact and bring use to a consumable that has no purpose anymore. 3). On the subject of Glimmer increase the cap and give us better things to buy with it like (for example) a legendary engram for 100,000 glimmer or something like that because, again, at the highest level it really lacks a purpose. 4). Allow Armsday packages to be transferred between characters or stored in the vault (after a week) - I like armsday but the packages tend to stick around for way too long in my inventory and it gets tiring after a while especially given that the button prompt while in the vault screen already exists but simply does nothing. 5). Add more armsday options to keep it relevant - There seems to be a single school of thought on this subject: add more weapons. While I am not opposed to this I have a more interesting idea: charge the player X glimmer, X weapon parts, and X legendary marks and allow them to choose a legendary weapon from either the crucible or vanguard vendor (found in their inventory NOT playlist drops like Eyasluna) and wait a week to get that guaranteed but with a random roll. One of the biggest complaints I've seen in the community is that certain players simply can't get a particular weapon (or even weapon type) to drop (looking at you Holtzman) let alone with a good roll. This would allow players to grind for many materials in order to get a certain weapon rather than spend a few materials to get a random weapon, eliminating some frustration as well as giving them a good place to spend materials once they clear the end game. 6). Allow players to sacrifice three of a particular weapon to get a new roll on said weapon - Borderlands the Pre-Sequel had a similar system with the grinder and I think it has a great place in Destiny because it allows players who have bad rolls on the same gun to have one more chance to get a good roll on it without the problems that rerolling introduced into the game. 7). Weapon Specific Crucible/Strike Bounties - If you played during the Dark Below you may remember loading into the crucible, getting killed by a fusion rifle, and thinking "Oh Electrocutioner must be a bounty today". If this doesn't prove that bounties can influence player loadouts and increase weapon diversity (even for a short while) then I don't know what will. Although I saw the flaws with the Arcite 99-40 weapon bounties they had the ability to make me play with auto rifles and fusion rifles which at the time was rare. 8). Add a notification when your post master is full/Prioritize legendary gear over newer gear in the post Box - Another relatable situation: You've been farming Archon's Forge for a good 20 minutes and haven't really seen many legendary weapon drops. You return to the Tower and check the post master to behold 5-8 legendary weapons/armor/engrams in a sea of blue engrams and scream internally as you wonder how many Saladin's Vigils and But Not Forgottens may have been lost because you picked up blue engram with a full post master (similar situation applies to longer raid runs). This is another very simple fix to a big problem in the community and would be greatly appreciated by many. EDIT 9). Recustomization kiosk - I've had my hunter for over two years now (since month 1) and I couldn't stand to look at his ugly face after the first few weeks and I know I can't be the only one. I understand the idea that "this is your legend" and it should remain the same but I'd be much happier if I could look at my legend's face without cringing a bit. Please keep in mind that these are simply my opinion and I am aware that some (5&6 in particular) are very much long shots but I think that every one of them would help eliminate some of the game's problems and improve the experience overall. Feel free to post your own ideas and feedback below!

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  • Edited by Ronin7577: 12/24/2016 8:24:52 AM
    I think I would add: Strike modifiers rotating daily rather than weekly. I love the modifiers BUT after a week of void burn it can be frustrating to see it come up again the next week. Having them rotate daily gives back that weapon and ability variety to the strikes. Edit: CHARACTER SLOTS. Even one more would add a ton of replay time for me

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