Whenever I launch into SRL I've noticed there's all of these people that people get to see to pull out their sparrows and get ready for the race but for some reason I've never seen myself there once. And when I'm with my friend he's always in the cinematic.
I was wondering how it's calculated to determine who's featured in the lineup like the way team flag holders are determined by light level then grimoire score if light level is tied.
I don't think it's calculated the way flag holders are since my light is maxed while my friend would be at around 380 and my grimoire is higher than his. BUT he is a year one player and I've joined Destiny in year too so hopefully this helps everyone find the answer. Also I don't believe it's random since I've seen pretty common results.
I assume everyone has their own cutscene.
I've played in about 40 races this time around and I've only seen myself in it once
Its definitely not light based, in crucible im always the flag bearer but i havent shown up once in srl cutscene
It's completely random in all honesty
From what I can tell it might depend on what place you get from the last race
All the different angles the cinematic shows makes sure that everyone in the race can be seen. I don't know what determines who goes where, I think it's random. Even if you're not the racer in the foreground there might be a glimpse at the backend of your sparrow (or something like that), because the main racer makes up centre point of the screen you might not notice the little bits of other races in the background/corners of the screen.
Edited by ChaseyCakes: 12/18/2016 6:20:37 PMThe cinematic shows your competition and then you if the race is missing 1 or 2 racers At least that's been my experience
You're in there, but since everybody uses the same shaders, it's so hard to notice. My suggestion is put in the ugliest shaded YOU own, and that way you'll see yourself. Put in an oblivious helmet too, like the year one Titan helmet from prison of elders. Anybody remember what I'm talking about? [spoiler]my little airplane[/spoiler]
I see myself from time to time. But I've even noticed that while I may not be in the first cut scene, I might be in the second, or vice versa. Even noticed that my starting position isnt always correct either. Perhaps it's an rng loading screen? lol idk.
It only shows the people that are actually good at SRL.
It's probably light level based, because I use all of the 0 light level gear from last year (drops me to about 270ish) and I have never seen myself in the cinematic.
You see yourself only briefly, but you're there. At least based on my experience. Now here's a question - what guardians do other players see during that starting cinematic?
It likes to show more Titans and warlocks than hunters because they are lame
Ur in there but they never show you a full shot like the opponents, you can usually see your self in the side frame of the second to last player they show
I almost always see myself, but its also a true cinematic, if you have a special item on like a jackolyte or a dawning item, you wont see it in the scene
Put on a distinct shader nobody wears, one that's hideous. Then take note of your character, it's there every time, I assure you. It may not be the featured one (the ones focused on during the cutscene) but it's there.
I never see myself either. I think thats the point. They show you the competition
I'm usually one of the lowest levels there and I always see myself..... it's totally random!
I see myself nearly everytime and I play it a lot
You can see yourself. I did 2 or 3 times (mot much). What I like is the diversity among suits. Never imagined it would be that much!
My guess it's just random.
Bump for later, I would like to know also.