[i]This post isn't an attempt to promote or bag on the event, I'm just posting info as I find it. [/i]
The Dawning releases Dec 13th, ends Jan 3rd.
Full patch-notes will be up on Tuesday the 13th.
* In Private Matches.
[b][u]COSMETICS & GEAR[/u][/b]
Players will receive daily "Gifts".
Green engrams auto-dismantle into materials.
- [url=http://imgur.com/tYg0DX8]Abbadon[/url] & [url=http://imgur.com/UJhJ37s]Nova Mortis[/url]: Acquired via questing. Apparently both quests will be initiated through the book.
- Y3 Icebreaker: Bounty acquired through new Zavala strike bounties. Quest will culminate in mission similar to those in Gjallarhorn quest (According to VG247).
- [url=http://imgur.com/u8NWcHe]EV-31 Nightbird[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/WHPgxFD]E-41 Poison apple[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/1wev7UL]E-44 Firefly[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/iDv1Qm2]E-45 Bitfire[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/T21YFkI]E-46 Bitstorm[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/I42eDEE]E-47 Prismatica[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/6Qhyme5]E-48 Kings touch[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/lnRH7EA]E-49 Phantasm[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/SUAPJ6t]E-50 Mirage [/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/vg89DU3]E-51 Sunstroke[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/YTENrTo]E-52 Lavabird[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/KVCs66B]E-53 Glimmerg[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/wMI5RFc]New Titan set[/url] (Vanir remaster?)
- [url=http://imgur.com/eQMMl7S]Warlock "Rimed" set[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/OkrtKch]New Warlock set[/url] (Tengu Remaster?)
- [url=https://imgur.com/gallery/K1UZ1]New Hunter set[/url] (Wolf Pelt Weave set) - Screencap courtesy of Salamanderis
There is almost definitely two more hunter sets and another titan set that haven't been shown.
[b][u]TREASURE OF THE DAWNING [/u][/b] (No word on Acquisition)
- [url=http://imgur.com/Xkg9bSc]Dawning Warlock set[/url] / [url=http://imgur.com/MvQepJf]Another picture[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/x1AQHdc]Dawning Titan set[/url] / [url=http://imgur.com/ydc880S]Another picture[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/gKKscRm]Dawning Hunter set[/url] / [url=http://imgur.com/IfeAbEy]Another picture[/url]
[b][u]SRL ARMOR[/u][/b]
- All SRL gear can be ornamented, except for class items, which take chroma.
- All SRL gear will be infusable, not just Helm/Class item.
- SRL armor can be reacquired at the holiday kiosk.
- [url=https://twitter.com/DestinyNews_net/status/805182789846966276][i]SRL armor perks[/i][/url]
The Last Word
- [url=http://imgur.com/SfG7XAD]Sequel[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/SxEOdOR]Addendum[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/fr2gRbr]Rose of Corruption[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/Xnntpjt]Rose of Acid [/url]
Read Death (EDIT: RIP spelling)
- [url=http://imgur.com/2IQMYeU]The Steel Witch[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/VzV8fmT]The White Witch[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/xpfigvy]Nanohance[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/aGK8c4p]Dunemaker[/url]
Black Spindle
- [url=http://imgur.com/BRfYuxj]Cold Between Stars[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/Kv1xDdg]Ragabone[/url]
Ornaments will the attainable individually from new Eververse kiosk.
- [url=http://imgur.com/6Qbfq0v]Siva Snowman[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/5OT9PEy]Engram Snowglobe[/url]
- Dawn's Return
- Hoarfrost
- Magma
- Star of Dawn
- Signet of Speed
[url=http://imgur.com/mjXZiTo]5 other SRL emblems[/url]
- Good Game
- Acquired from Zavala.
- Resemble PoE/CotE bounties.
- Nightfall bounty.
[b][u]STRIKE SCORING[/u][/b]
Scoring will contribute to new strike score faction led by Zavala.
Strike score record book will track strike info/challenges and grant specific rewards.
Bronze / Silver / Gold tier ratings on strikes.
There will be armor sets unique to the strike scoring activities.
- New dialogue with Cayde and Ikora.
Siva Shadow Thief
- Taniks Perfected/ Uses Arc-cannon
- Perfected Walker
- Hive traps
- In boss room Taniks will become empowered by Siva, you have to kill all the Siva nodes to break this.
Siva/Taken Nexus Mind
- Sekrion, Subverted Mind.
- Will include Aegis relic from VoG, used in the same way as in the templar fight.
- Blinding/Cleanse mechanic in boss fight.
- Destroy Servitors objective can be replaced by kill Taken Captains.
- Implements Sync plate and Arc source.
Siva Will of Crota
- Hive in Fallen portions
- Orges and Shriekers throughout strike
- Hive slowing clouds.
- Once you enter the omnigul boss room the hallway doors will lock.
[b][u]NEW STRIKE LOOT[/u][/b]
- Skeleton Key drop rate increased.
- Mark of the Nexus Undone.
[url=https://www.youtube.com/feed/subscriptions]Strike Gameplay[/url]
[b][i][u]SPARROW RACING LEAGUE[/u][/i][/b]
- Campus Martius (Mars)
- Infinite Descent (Venus)
- Haakon's Precipice (Plaguelands)
- Shining Sands (Mercury)
[b][u]NEW SRL MUSIC[/u][/b]
[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cOgFWCaeEI]Bassjackers feat. Mat B. - Destiny[/url]
[url=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cy1IDDsWgAACkpl.jpg:large][b][u]SRL/STRIKE BOOK[/u][/b][/url] "Competitive Spirit"
- 100% FREE
- Rank 2: Signet of Speed (Emblem)
- Rank 3: SRL Champion's Ornaments X3
- Rank 4: Hoarfrost (Shader)
- Rank 5: Amanda's Tag (Consumable)
- Rank 6: Good Game (Emote)
- Rank 7: Xûr's Tag (Consumable)
- Rank 8: EV-31 Nightbird
- Rank 9: Saladin's Tag (Consumable)
- Rank 10: Dawn's Return (Shader)
- Rank 11: Star of Dawn (Emblem)
[b][u]BOOK OBJECTIVES[/u][/b]
- Races Complete 0/25
- Gates Hit 0/1000
- Land Tricks 0/100
- Defeat enemies in sparrow races 0/50
- Beat Campus Martius Par time 5:30
- Beat Infinite Descent Par time 5:30
- Beat Shining Sands Par time 5:30
- Beat Haakon's Precipice Par time 5:30
- Beat par score in the Heroic SIVA Crisis strike playlist 0/40,000
- Beat par score in Nightfall Strikes 0/55,000
- Earn Cumulative score in Rise of Iron strike playlists 0/500,000
- Complete Vanguard Elite bounties 0/20
- Earn Rainbow medals in Rise of Iron strike playlists 0/5*
- Earn Spree medals in Rise of Iron strike playlists 0/250
- Earn Super medals in Rise of Iron strike playlists 0/50
- Earn Completion medals in Rise of Iron strike playlists 0/20
*Rainbow medals are earned by rapidly getting primary, secondary, and heavy streaks.
[b][u]RELATED POSTS[/u][/b]
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/178403737?page=0&sort=0&showBanned=0&path=0]SRL 2015 MEGATHREAD[/url]
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/218985457?page=0&sort=0&showBanned=0&path=1]Dawning INFO from DEC 2015[/url]
Game Informer
MesaSean (He's been pumping out a lot of great info)
Thank you to everyone who upvotes and/or comments, it helps keep the post visible so people can be kept up to date.
IM TRYING TO REPLY AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE, [url=http://imgur.com/V0uyGnT]BUT....[/url]
Edited by Wii: 12/5/2016 12:26:22 AMJust my opinion. I feel they could have done better by adding solar and void to thunderlord. Just like the fusion rifle from Crota Woman.