[i]This post isn't an attempt to promote or bag on the event, I'm just posting info as I find it. [/i]
The Dawning releases Dec 13th, ends Jan 3rd.
Full patch-notes will be up on Tuesday the 13th.
* In Private Matches.
[b][u]COSMETICS & GEAR[/u][/b]
Players will receive daily "Gifts".
Green engrams auto-dismantle into materials.
- [url=http://imgur.com/tYg0DX8]Abbadon[/url] & [url=http://imgur.com/UJhJ37s]Nova Mortis[/url]: Acquired via questing. Apparently both quests will be initiated through the book.
- Y3 Icebreaker: Bounty acquired through new Zavala strike bounties. Quest will culminate in mission similar to those in Gjallarhorn quest (According to VG247).
- [url=http://imgur.com/u8NWcHe]EV-31 Nightbird[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/WHPgxFD]E-41 Poison apple[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/1wev7UL]E-44 Firefly[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/iDv1Qm2]E-45 Bitfire[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/T21YFkI]E-46 Bitstorm[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/I42eDEE]E-47 Prismatica[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/6Qhyme5]E-48 Kings touch[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/lnRH7EA]E-49 Phantasm[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/SUAPJ6t]E-50 Mirage [/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/vg89DU3]E-51 Sunstroke[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/YTENrTo]E-52 Lavabird[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/KVCs66B]E-53 Glimmerg[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/wMI5RFc]New Titan set[/url] (Vanir remaster?)
- [url=http://imgur.com/eQMMl7S]Warlock "Rimed" set[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/OkrtKch]New Warlock set[/url] (Tengu Remaster?)
- [url=https://imgur.com/gallery/K1UZ1]New Hunter set[/url] (Wolf Pelt Weave set) - Screencap courtesy of Salamanderis
There is almost definitely two more hunter sets and another titan set that haven't been shown.
[b][u]TREASURE OF THE DAWNING [/u][/b] (No word on Acquisition)
- [url=http://imgur.com/Xkg9bSc]Dawning Warlock set[/url] / [url=http://imgur.com/MvQepJf]Another picture[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/x1AQHdc]Dawning Titan set[/url] / [url=http://imgur.com/ydc880S]Another picture[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/gKKscRm]Dawning Hunter set[/url] / [url=http://imgur.com/IfeAbEy]Another picture[/url]
[b][u]SRL ARMOR[/u][/b]
- All SRL gear can be ornamented, except for class items, which take chroma.
- All SRL gear will be infusable, not just Helm/Class item.
- SRL armor can be reacquired at the holiday kiosk.
- [url=https://twitter.com/DestinyNews_net/status/805182789846966276][i]SRL armor perks[/i][/url]
The Last Word
- [url=http://imgur.com/SfG7XAD]Sequel[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/SxEOdOR]Addendum[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/fr2gRbr]Rose of Corruption[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/Xnntpjt]Rose of Acid [/url]
Read Death (EDIT: RIP spelling)
- [url=http://imgur.com/2IQMYeU]The Steel Witch[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/VzV8fmT]The White Witch[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/xpfigvy]Nanohance[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/aGK8c4p]Dunemaker[/url]
Black Spindle
- [url=http://imgur.com/BRfYuxj]Cold Between Stars[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/Kv1xDdg]Ragabone[/url]
Ornaments will the attainable individually from new Eververse kiosk.
- [url=http://imgur.com/6Qbfq0v]Siva Snowman[/url]
- [url=http://imgur.com/5OT9PEy]Engram Snowglobe[/url]
- Dawn's Return
- Hoarfrost
- Magma
- Star of Dawn
- Signet of Speed
[url=http://imgur.com/mjXZiTo]5 other SRL emblems[/url]
- Good Game
- Acquired from Zavala.
- Resemble PoE/CotE bounties.
- Nightfall bounty.
[b][u]STRIKE SCORING[/u][/b]
Scoring will contribute to new strike score faction led by Zavala.
Strike score record book will track strike info/challenges and grant specific rewards.
Bronze / Silver / Gold tier ratings on strikes.
There will be armor sets unique to the strike scoring activities.
- New dialogue with Cayde and Ikora.
Siva Shadow Thief
- Taniks Perfected/ Uses Arc-cannon
- Perfected Walker
- Hive traps
- In boss room Taniks will become empowered by Siva, you have to kill all the Siva nodes to break this.
Siva/Taken Nexus Mind
- Sekrion, Subverted Mind.
- Will include Aegis relic from VoG, used in the same way as in the templar fight.
- Blinding/Cleanse mechanic in boss fight.
- Destroy Servitors objective can be replaced by kill Taken Captains.
- Implements Sync plate and Arc source.
Siva Will of Crota
- Hive in Fallen portions
- Orges and Shriekers throughout strike
- Hive slowing clouds.
- Once you enter the omnigul boss room the hallway doors will lock.
[b][u]NEW STRIKE LOOT[/u][/b]
- Skeleton Key drop rate increased.
- Mark of the Nexus Undone.
[url=https://www.youtube.com/feed/subscriptions]Strike Gameplay[/url]
[b][i][u]SPARROW RACING LEAGUE[/u][/i][/b]
- Campus Martius (Mars)
- Infinite Descent (Venus)
- Haakon's Precipice (Plaguelands)
- Shining Sands (Mercury)
[b][u]NEW SRL MUSIC[/u][/b]
[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cOgFWCaeEI]Bassjackers feat. Mat B. - Destiny[/url]
[url=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cy1IDDsWgAACkpl.jpg:large][b][u]SRL/STRIKE BOOK[/u][/b][/url] "Competitive Spirit"
- 100% FREE
- Rank 2: Signet of Speed (Emblem)
- Rank 3: SRL Champion's Ornaments X3
- Rank 4: Hoarfrost (Shader)
- Rank 5: Amanda's Tag (Consumable)
- Rank 6: Good Game (Emote)
- Rank 7: Xûr's Tag (Consumable)
- Rank 8: EV-31 Nightbird
- Rank 9: Saladin's Tag (Consumable)
- Rank 10: Dawn's Return (Shader)
- Rank 11: Star of Dawn (Emblem)
[b][u]BOOK OBJECTIVES[/u][/b]
- Races Complete 0/25
- Gates Hit 0/1000
- Land Tricks 0/100
- Defeat enemies in sparrow races 0/50
- Beat Campus Martius Par time 5:30
- Beat Infinite Descent Par time 5:30
- Beat Shining Sands Par time 5:30
- Beat Haakon's Precipice Par time 5:30
- Beat par score in the Heroic SIVA Crisis strike playlist 0/40,000
- Beat par score in Nightfall Strikes 0/55,000
- Earn Cumulative score in Rise of Iron strike playlists 0/500,000
- Complete Vanguard Elite bounties 0/20
- Earn Rainbow medals in Rise of Iron strike playlists 0/5*
- Earn Spree medals in Rise of Iron strike playlists 0/250
- Earn Super medals in Rise of Iron strike playlists 0/50
- Earn Completion medals in Rise of Iron strike playlists 0/20
*Rainbow medals are earned by rapidly getting primary, secondary, and heavy streaks.
[b][u]RELATED POSTS[/u][/b]
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/178403737?page=0&sort=0&showBanned=0&path=0]SRL 2015 MEGATHREAD[/url]
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/218985457?page=0&sort=0&showBanned=0&path=1]Dawning INFO from DEC 2015[/url]
Game Informer
MesaSean (He's been pumping out a lot of great info)
Thank you to everyone who upvotes and/or comments, it helps keep the post visible so people can be kept up to date.
IM TRYING TO REPLY AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE, [url=http://imgur.com/V0uyGnT]BUT....[/url]
Edited by Powermix24: 12/4/2016 5:35:28 PMI want to play Destiny again . I really do , But the connection in PVP is broken and ruled by red bars . I like to play again , but doing the same strike that i have done 9000 times over 2 years doesn't have me convinced . PvP needs to be fixed , i would take overpowered snipers all day everyday over red bars .
So nothing new but buy silver hahahaa
Edited by Tony Mozzareli: 12/4/2016 10:52:51 PMDo you get Icebreaker from RNG? (Like the Thorn)
Rumors are flying around that dubious volley will secretly be added in a black spindle style quest. (Possibly in the iron tomb mission, they may have accidentally leaked it with the, "some missions have secret rewards" tip that appeared a month ago.
That Taken Spindle tho
I was really hoping SRL would actually stay in it's own matchmaking playlist and not this private match bullshit. Bungie knows how to play their consumers. They know how much backlash they got from Festival of the Cost but they don't give a shit as long as they get more money. Can't blame them for that though, but at least have some -blam!-ing respect for us. Instead they go and add an entire armor set behind a pay wall.
Edited by Meekahel: 12/4/2016 9:51:23 PMNice post OP. As for the content, it's not too bad... but too little too late. My ass it took all this time to "relaunch" Ice Breaker. Every single updates they just give a little... drop by drop. i understand creating content takes a while... but Bungie sucked 100% of the time the 3 years the game has been running. Still no old raid coming back (which shouldnt be useless to begin with. but waiting 2 years to play what i paid for? no thanks). And I thought I heard racing were staying forever... it is.. but only throught private matches.... how retarded is this. That one activity I was actually looking foward. Maybe bungie is scared of splitting the already thin multiplayer community. And strikes score? Not bad but a bit late isn't? And why are we still playing the same 3 or 4 strikes over and over again?!?!?!?!?! I am not convinced.. I like to pay microtransaction if I find myself something cool to buy... but I think I'll save my money and maybe some storage on my ps4 as I am soon to uninstall this game. It was ok at start... but so poorly delivered that I can't help it but to complain wgenever this game does something new. RIP Destiny
Thanks! Do you know: -Will the new ornaments be attainable after SRL? -If so, will they still be individually attainable from Eververse? -What are the [character]'s Tags?
Sorry m8, but FFXV caught me dead on the tracks and plus I'm a first timer to FF games.
clearly a warlock. https://www.scifinow.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Thor-The-Dark-World-Heimdall.png
Edited by Intoxicated ODST: 12/4/2016 9:41:29 PMThe thing i was most excited for... the New festive / krampus lookin armor is locked behind rng dawning packages... [spoiler]BUNNNNNGGGIIIEEEE NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PPPLLLLLEEEEAAAASSSSSEEEE[/spoiler]
Will the old shaders be coming back from last years srl?
I might get the book this time. I'm not too sure. Depends on the rewards. What was cool was that weird snowglobe engram looking helm
Edited by Nate: 12/4/2016 9:40:32 PM[url]http://au.ign.com/videos/2016/12/04/destiny-rise-of-iron-the-dawning-interview-psx-2016[/url] A Video interview about the Dawning with IGN
You sir are doing a great job. Thank you.
Pay to win yet again....i bought 10 of those Festival of the Cost tresure boxes to get doubles of the same shit....let us buy shit individually instead of relying on RNG...i feel like im playing poker machines here at bungie
I've got a feeling I'll spend around 10-15$ this time, didn't spend any on Halloween that was bs, I know it's all cosmetic but there's 5 really cool looking sparrows I'd be willing to pay for, and 5 out of like 12 is better than the Firy Wolfmask 1/100 odds pretty much
I'm quite excited for this. I love it when the tower decorates. SRL has been a thing I've been excited for ever since it was rumored it'll come back. I took a break from Destiny last year so I missed it, and have been wanting to race against my friends and strangers ever since I first heard about it. The only thing I'm not that excited about is Strike Scoring. The way it sounds is if you wanna do a SIVA crisis strike or Nightfalls, you have to participate in Strike Scoring. This rubs me the wrong way. I thought Strikes were suppose to be cooperative? My fear is that Strikes will devolve into people trying to rack up the highest score possible- to complete Zavala Bounties- instead of helping their downed teammates or focusing on the strike specific objectives just to farm adds. And it is a legitimate fear. If Variks and his bounties and sigil are anything to go by, Zavala will have similar score based bounties, and completing these bounties are the only way to obtain the quest to get Y3 Icebreaker. And that's not even mentioning Zavala's record book! Of course only time will tell what Strike Scoring will bring. I really hope I don't have to drag a 2nd friend into Destiny more or less against his will just so I can have a relatively friendly game. And here's to hoping Zavala and his book will have an entry for reviving allies or other cooperative moves. Because I don't want to have to wait 30 seconds to get back into the Strike because GitGud69 is busy farming adds to get gold tier and 200+ kills.
Are the quests and bounties permanent, or do we have to do them at the same time as SRL?
do we need rise of iron to access the dawning?
I really like the Bitfire and Firefly sparrows.
Does anyone know if we'll be able to complete the SRL book from last year??? Would be really awesome if we could
In the will of crota section you have info on taniks...
So just ice breaker to look forward to then.
Those strike revamps are going to be nightmares with matchmaking...