So, what are people playing now until $RL comes?
Edit 1: I forgot the rules on updating your topic as it gets more comments.
Edit 2: We are trending!!!!!! OMG!
Edit 3: 50 Replies?!?!?!?! WOW, Keep it up guys!!!!
Edit 4: 75 Reples !?!?!?! Yay! I will get an extra cookie with my milk tonight.
Edit 5: 100 Replies? OMFG, You guys are so great. Thanks for your replies!!!
Edit 6: Can we get 150 replies???? Come on guys!!!
Edit 7: YAY, 200 Replies!!!!! Notice me Senpai!!!!
Edit 8: GoFund is here!!!!!!!!
Edit 9: I'm going to play The Division while you guys waste your time commenting.
[spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Gaming forum where you can discuss games unrelated to Destiny or Bungie's games. See [url=]Cozmo's thread[/url] for more information about the #Gaming tag and its uses.
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]
for the past week i've been running around fall out 4 with a minigun and fatman launcher.
Edited by zwei: 11/28/2016 9:25:20 PMFFXV starting tonight. Probably won't touch destiny for a long while. Also rocket league and Fifa 17
Witcher 3
Edited by Touch: 11/28/2016 8:59:05 PMI'm working on my K/D on my new Titan. Not sure why I care but that's what I'm doing. I also ran the Challenge of Elders yesterday solo and after what, 7 months, I FINALLY got an Aegis of the Reef to drop in a rank up. I had put that on my "aint getting it" list a while back. That really put a smile on my face. I did download Dark Souls 3 this weekend. Have yet to try it. Lol.
I just bought destiny for Playstation 4. On PlayStation its very much a solo game now. I think its good to rotate games at lest once per week as every game gets very samey. We play games to do what we can't do in real life, never forget this!
Titanfall 2 and Fallout 4.
I play Destiny every Friday to do the raid and that's about it. I help people if they need it, but if it's not Destiny, all about that Rocket League! Anyway, Destiny is just boring right now. Probably gonna tell my team they'll need a new 6th since it's really boring to do WOTM.
Finished FO4 then started Titan Fall and BL Prequel, I can play all of them with a team of 6 or by myself and still do all the content!!!
36% voted for Overwatch. #TitanMasterRace
Edited by OG-K94: 11/28/2016 9:12:11 PMFFXV until SRL.
Got Skyrim coming today after black Friday$25 sale and have been playing fallout 4 again.
So what happened to that 10 year plan huh? 3 years and the game is already crusty because it's been dried up for so long. Let's see how the fanboys defend this one.
Edited by Dooodley: 11/28/2016 9:07:31 PMI upgraded to a xbox one S gears edition today so about to install GoW4 on PC and console. On a related note, it feels like my xbox one elite processed stuff faster than the S.
Playing Paragon and Tera Online. Gonna be playing FF15 Tomorrow. Seeing as how $RL will be more money than FOTCost. Good ol Cashtivison
I had been playing BF1, but then I went and bought Fallout 4 in the psn store black Friday sale, have been playing that ever since, I know I am alittle late on getting this game, but i am glad I did pick it up, so far its -blam!-ing amazing.
I've been playing a lot of Skyrim. Great game, I still play destiny though. Pubbing is lit
For me I'm taking a week or two break from Destiny. I still love this game, Gears and Titanfall 2 are my go to's at the moment. Stepping away for a couple of weeks, got a bit of Destiny burnout.
Destiny isn't's in hibernation mode. SWTOR is the game for the best story-driven MMO EVER.
Still playing Destiny. Got GoW4 50% off on Amazon though so I'll probably take a break from Destiny to play that for a couple days once it comes in