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11/28/2016 12:27:09 AM

Exotic Secondary Ideas

A semi-continuation of a previous post (found in the tag 'Exoticidea'). Feel free to post any ideas below (or criticisms; those are good too) [b]Fire and Ice[/b] Exotic Sidearms [i]Some say the world will end in fire; some, say in ice[/i] Archetype: High ROF, reload and stability, low impact and range; 12 bullet magazine each Intrinsic Perk/Exotic Perk 1: [b]Opposites[/b] Fire does solar damage, while Ice does void; the two are dual-wielded, removing the ability to aim down sights (right trigger is Fire, left is Ice); increased accuracy Exotic Perk 2: [b]Hatred and Indifference[/b] Kills with Fire five bonus grenade energy; kills with ice give bonus melee energy; kills with both give bonus super The name is a reference to a poem by Robert Frost, I believe. Also, while reloading, neither gun can be fired without cancelling the reload animation; if both magazines are empty, priority will go to Fire [b]Pyrrhic Victory[/b] Exotic Shotgun [i]Won the battle, lost the war[/i] Archetype: High ROF and reload, low impact and range, medium stability; 5 shell magazine Intrinsic Perk: This shotgun is magazine loaded; this gun does solar damage Exotic Perk 1: [b]Burn the Ashes[/b] Getting successive kills increases the damage of each bullet; missing, failing to kill, or reloading cancel the damage boost Exotic Perk 2: [b]From Dust[/b] Increased sprint speed and overshield for 5 seconds after revival by teammate I'm still on the fence about this; is the revival thing too much? Regardless, I think it's about time we got a magazine loaded shotgun [b]Semiconductor AS-IV[/b] Exotic Fusion Rifle [i]Vwoop-vwoop shashoom[/i] Archetype: High range, medium impact, low charge rate, low stability; battery size of 7 Intrinsic Perk: Arc damage Exotic Perk: [b]Amplifier[/b] When using an arc subclass, this gun regenerates ammo at a constant rate of 4 charges every 45 seconds; increased charge rate when using a solar subclass; increased range with void subclass I figured this was a good compromise between making an Invective Perk clone or making it terrible but original. Truthfully, I would always use the arc function; ammo for DAYS [b]Blade of Soul[/b] Exotic Sniper Rifle [i]Our sorrows will shape our Blade of Soul, and thus, cut away our weakness[/i] Archetype: High ROF, range; super low impact, medium stability and reload; magazine of 6 Intrinsic Perk: Void damage Exotic Perk(s) 1: [b]Hammer of Mind[/b] or [b]Arbiter of Body[/b] With Hammer of Mind, headshots on an enemy (either normal or major) have a chance of making them turn on their allies. Arbiter of Body grants instant regeneration of some health on headshot kills Exotic Perk 2: [b]Blade of Soul[/b] Using a charged super with Blade of Soul out will reload the magazine and switch into a lower zoom scope; from there, each shot can be locked onto an enemy, or multiple shots onto one enemy. Blade of Soul will automatically aim at the heads of every enemy targeted, with extra damage applied. Enemies can only be locked onto if they are in line of sight, and all bullets will be fired rapidly This sniper is meant to be useful in both PvE and PvP. In PvP, it can essentially turn your super into McCree's ultimate; it can one-shot headshot, but cannot revive snipe or super-snipe. In PvE, it will act as an add clearer, and should- ideally- have a particularly high inventory stat. [b]From Darkness[/b] Exotic Sword [i]We aren't warriors; we were never meant to be...[/i] Archetype: High swing rate, low damage; scabbard of 72 with all upgrades Intrinsic Perk: Arc damage Exotic Perk: [b]The City's Assassins[/b] Pull the left trigger to activate cloaking; uses 5 ammunition, lasts 7 seconds, doesn't end with attacking Ideally, this weapon would only be able to kill a guardian in 3-4 hits. It's a scaled down sword with much less range. Also, it's camouflage would be a bit more obvious than invisibility

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  • Don't worry about your fusion rifle regining ammo. Nice break and a couple other guns do the same thing

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  • Really cool ideas. I like the names and descriptions. Nice to know you put time into this

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    • The side arms sound the coolest

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    • Edited by TheFaxMan: 11/29/2016 8:31:52 PM
      [insert name here] Arc fusion rifle [i]-matter can't be created not destroyed,but it can be changed[/i] High impact low RoF medium range+stability and low reload Intrinsic perk kinetic energy: kills with the weapon grant bonus agility, stacks 3 times Final perk [insert name here]: solo kills with the weapon grant 1 fusion rifle ammo [spoiler]help me fill in the blanks[/spoiler]

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      2 Replies
      • Ooooooooooh, I have an exotic secondary idea "The Empty Slot" Bravo. Main perk: Trollolol When switching from a primary to this weapon, a duplicate of your primary weapon is generated in its place.

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      • Bunp please

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        # bring back blunt execution rounds - old

        Couple ideas. One, the exotic shotgun should be a low ROF high impact. Almost all of the exotic shotguns( not sure about lord of wolves) are high ROF low impact. It would be nice to have a good impact shotgun. 2nd, did u mean the fusion should have decreased ammo regen for solar subclasses?. 3rd, the sniper is not that great idea. The supercharged shot doing extra damage but not kill supers is almost useless. It should be able to one shot body shot supers and normal guardians. The tracking isbt a good idea-just a glorified dregs promise with more range and impact.

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        • [quote][i]vwoop-vwoop shashoom[/i][/quote]

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        • I would def use from darkness in a max invis loadout. It's surprisingly balanced since it's an exotic heavy and heavy ammo doesn't spawn as often. Kudos to you.

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        • I really love the [b]FIRE AND ICE[/b] idea, I would like to see something like this added in Destiny or Destiny 2

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        • All of these are low impact why?

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          • Edited by RPColten: 11/28/2016 3:24:58 AM
            Some real strength with these. The shotgun is very interesting and the clip-fed nature of it, instead of the typically hand loading gives it real strength in sustained damage outut, which it seems to be designed for. The sniper rifle sounds very interesting in how it would play, but the low magazine and low-reserve ammo for high fire rate sniper rifles will push many people away no matter what it does. The lock-on feature would need to be fairly slow in Crucible use and there would need to be a time-limit on the bonus feature upon getting it. The fusion rifle just sounds like a dream to use. Not too sure about the sidearms though. I feel like it's just a personal distaste towards dual-wielding weapons in general. Interesting functions though. I would love for a high swing-rate sword/melee weapon. Give the swords some different archetypes.

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            • Cool ideas!

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